Golden Nugget Las Vegas Social Media Proposal

The Golden Nugget Las Vegas is the largest hotel in downtown Las Vegas. As stated on the company’s Facebook page, The Golden Nugget Las Vegas is the most luxurious resort on the Fremont Street Experience voted number one for gaming, entertainment, pool, dining and more. It was voted “Best Downtown Hotel” by the Las Vegas Review Journal, and consistently receives critical acclaim for exceeding customer expectations.

The Golden Nugget offers more than 1,900 deluxe guest rooms and suites; a high-energy casino featuring the most popular slot and video poker machines, table games, race and sports book and poker room; nightly entertainment; world-class restaurants; luxury spa and salon; and the centerpiece of the property, The Tank, a year-round outdoor swimming pool complete with a 200,000 gallon live shark aquarium.

Being a hotel, the Golden Nugget’s commercialized product would actually be considered services. Although the hotel itself has a variety of products that it houses and carries, the main star offering is the service.

This includes convenient booking by way of telephone or online, free breakfasts, free high-speed wireless Internet services, as well as amenities such as onsite day spas, pools, and gyms. The target market for this is directed at both business and leisure travelers. The cheaper rooms and sales entice low-income earners while the more pricey suites accommodate to middle to upper class earners all while fitting the shopper who is value conscious with luxurious taste.

The Golden Nugget Las Vegas has a wide online presence. Besides their own personal company website, they have several social media accounts to keep up on.

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The executive of social media marketing and public relations stated that the Golden Nugget has a Facebook page, an Instagram account, Twitter, and LinkedIn. For this project I have chosen to monitor their Facebook page as this is the main channel focused on. Thanksgiving is one of the busiest times of the year, if not the busiest. Apart from regular promotions, their Cyber Monday deals are substantially enticing shown by the surrounding marketing.

The main purpose of the Golden Nugget’s social media is to increase awareness as well as provide a platform for customer feedback. For example, social media is used to inform the market in a change of pool hours, an anniversary, a new show on the property, or promotions and coupons to restaurants. Besides increasing awareness of the multiple attractions at the property, the social media provides an excellent way for guests to provide feedback on their experience.

The feedback is a good thing for the hotel to ponder, but there will be a lot of bad experiences posted which in turn can be bad for the company. However, the good definitely outweigh the bad. For example, a guest will post about how the location was close to the business meeting they had and how they plan on returning in the future, while another guest will post how the view from the specific tower was great. These things mean a lot to people viewing the posts, as it is a way to have word of mouth easily accessible to masses.

There are exclusive segments to target in the market as far as the online presence. The online presence is there for everybody who stays in Las Vegas and more specifically the Golden Nugget. However, there is a little inconsistency in the business and leisure markets. For example, the marketing towards the business side is more towards wooing meeting planners to get them to stay at the hotel. The leisure side would be more of the market that the social media department dedicates resources towards.

The department responds to posts on the Facebook page by liking posts and answering questions. Every single compliment gets “liked” by the Golden Nugget Las Vegas almost immediately. From monitoring, there were no signs of any negative posts. This indicates that either this company is extremely successful or those who have had a bad experience voice their opinions elsewhere or simply do not follow the page.

I would change their social media presence by being more “real” and funny in their posts. Perhaps the Golden Nugget is very professional and by the book in their online presence, but I have seen so many other companies be funny in their posts and replies so I was disappointed. This could help them reach out to a younger market and maybe go viral to reach even more markets. Their presence is definitely there, but I feel like it is very small compared to other hotels in Las Vegas.

I would also suggest more videos and YouTube videos as well. From what I could tell, all of their posts were pictures. A mixture of both could help capture the brand better and communicate it to the market. Especially since after talking to the marketing executive, I found that they do a lot of onsite recording that could potentially be used as a form of marketing aside from the intended use of the video. Overall, I think that their social media presence is there, but they are lacking the attention grabbing approaches needed to attract a larger market and more guests.

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Golden Nugget Las Vegas Social Media Proposal. (2023, Mar 17). Retrieved from

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