Why Shouldn't Student Pay for Colleges

In society today, secondary education cannot make any difference in the poverty levels and well-being of people. The question that remains is why there are still many people out there who have not attained a college education. The answer to this question is that a college education is expensive. Education has many benefits to society. If left to the market forces of demand and supply, there may be the provision of education, and in the long run, the economy can suffer from a lack of enough skilled labor force.

Additionally, a free market is characterized by the unfair distribution of resources, and therefore, education would become a preserve for only the rich families who can pay college fees for their kids.

Free education is associated with positive externalities. Generally, university education can offer external benefits to an individual and the society at large. It leads to a labor force that is more productive and educated. Nations that charge a lot for college education enrollment are more productive and innovative.

Additionally, an improvement in the level of education is a justification for high income. People get paid according to the time and resources invested in education. Thus, by giving free education to citizens of a country, their income increases, and in the long run, their living standards improve (Freire, 1972).).

Free university education is a chance for the government to enhance equality of opportunities. If learners have to pay university fees, they may be discouraged to continue with their education. In some cases, it can be argued that learners can take loans or work as part-timers to pay for their school fees, but this may be discouraging enough for them to study.

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Instead, they may decide to enter the job market. Free education for university students will enhance equality in accessing research and study materials. Different alternatives can be used to achieve balance in education. The purchasing power of people varies depending on the level of income. Supporters of government financing believe that equal access to education is a social responsibility. Every individual and government should ensure that youths have access to education since it is their right. Also, no one should be denied education due to a lack of money to pay for books and stationery. Fees should be abolished, and colleges are the responsibility of the government.

Compulsory education for all was an idea that was introduced in England in the 19th century. It required every person in society to take advantage of the opportunity. The compulsory approach was able to eliminate the challenge of equalizing the purchasing power. No one was allowed to buy education since it was free. It is aimed at ensuring people can purchase goods and services. This is because individuals without purchasing power cannot fulfill their needs appropriately. They will only deal with urgent needs and forget about their tastes and preferences.

It can be argued that education is not free and people end up paying for it through increased taxation. However, analysis of the positive externalities of education such as increased innovation, productivity, and income justifies the need for it to be free. Through higher education, there is increased specialization in the labor market. The global economy and trade have forced nations to specialize in the production of goods and services for which they have abundant resources (Hall, 2006). For instance, in the United Kingdom, the export industry is made up of fertilizers, surgical instruments, and nuclear technology. Thus, there is a need for a high number of skilled graduates who have specialized in these industries. Average work is no longer acceptable. Quality is what determines the productivity of an organization. Therefore, through free education, the workforce acquires the necessary skills. Research has shown that nations that offer education have a higher rate of innovation and develop faster. Thus, when governments support college education financially, they will have an opportunity to reap back their money through economic development and improved living standards.

Grants and scholarships given to qualified students can help them in acquiring degrees although they do not have enough money for tuition. The government will have to give up the funding for some projects to take care of the needs of education. However, the government will not have incurred a loss in investing in the education of other people. It will have a positive impact and the economy in general (Freire, 1972).).

Students should not pay for a college education since it is a merit good. In this case, people do not value the significance of education to their lives and the community in general. If the government takes the opportunity to offer free education to its population, then they will be encouraged to study.

In conclusion, free education can be costly to a country’s population due to the taxes imposed. However, the economic and social benefits of education to the society and the economy encourage the government to offer it for free. Additionally, equality can only be achieved if access to basic needs such as education is made more accessible.


  1. Freire, P. (1972). Pedagogy of the oppressed Harmondsworth. UK: Penguin, 19721.

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Why Shouldn't Student Pay for Colleges. (2022, Apr 23). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/why-shouldn-t-student-pay-for-colleges/

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