We Publish Erik Erikson

Erik Erikson is one of the most well-known psychologist from his time, and although his theory was largely based off of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, instead of focusing on the psychosexual development, his focus was on the psychosocial development. Much like Erikson, the belief that personality and inner growth is due to social interactions and experiences from each stages in life. He believed that these experiences we all go through can either develop our psychological maturation or hinder our cognitive abilities and thus not have a strong sense of self.

I have interviewed 3 people, all differ in age, but nevertheless showcase Eriksons theory.

My first interviewee was my 3 year old cousin Isabela Reynoso. Erikson would call her stage of development (1-1/2 -3 yrs) Psychosocial Stage 2 of development also known as Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt. In this stage children are learning a sense of self and trying to become independent. When I asked her the question, “Do you go potty by yourself ?” she swiftly answered with, “ Yes! Because I’m a big girl now!” Her reaction showed me that she’s aware of her autonomy and feels a sense of control of her bodily functions in which then promotes indepedence.

However, when I asked her the question,”Do you get dressed by yourself?” She replied, “ Yeah but my mom helps match my clothes because I don’t always pick the right color”. And that got my attention because while responding she was more sullen than excited which gives me the notion that whenever the outfit doesn’t look a certain way she’s shamed for it or told that it’s not at a certain attainable standard.

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This goes hand in hand with Erikson’s theory because if she is being criticized for what she is picking out then she’s being left with a sense of self-doubt, and shame. Rather than put down Isabela’s pick of her own clothes, it’s important for her to explore and encourage her as it ensures that her abilities are supported and thus promotes even more independence and self-esteem. The goal in this developmental period Erikson would say is to encourage independence without loss ofself appreciation. My next interviewee was my cousin, Micaela Peavey, who is 17 years old and a senior in high school. Erikson would call this stage in development (12-18yrs) Psychopsocial stage 5 of development Identity vs. Role confusion. When I asked Micaela, “Would you say you have a true sense of who you are as an individual?” She replied with, “ I sorta have a sense of who I want to become or who I hope I am, but I’m still truly figuring it all out”.

Erikson would describe this as she is still learning roles of what is to be accomplished in adulthood and is trying to search for her true identity. When I asked her the question, “What do you see yourself doing in the future? Do you have certain aspirations in life?” She replied with, “ I have absolutely no idea what I want to do in the future, career wise. I know I don’t want to just have a simple income but a family too. But along the way I guess I just want to be happy and have fun making memories”. What Erikson would call her response would be defined as role confusion that her abilities and desires are directionless and unprepared meaning that her earlier conflicts in life weren’t dealt with and in turn is constructing an identity along the way which is crucial in the becoming of an adult. Lastly, when I asked her, “Do you find yourself rebeling more with your parents, why or why not?”, She gave me a response, what I found to be very expected in regards to Erikson’s theory, “ I think I do find myself rebelling more with my parents because.

I feel like I need to practice being an individual and making my own choices so that I can be comfortable with myself when I go off to college.” What Micaela is exhibiting is a “psychosocial crisis” in which she is rebelling in order to obtain a greater sense of self and create more of a staple of who she is, what she believes in, religious ideals and overall orientation. Especially due to the fact that when she is without her parents and in a social setting she wants to be prepared for life outside of her comfort zone. My last interviewee is my other cousin Michael Llamas, who is 31 years old, Erikson would call his stage of development psychosocial stage (18-40) Intimacy and Solidarity vs. Isolation.

During this point in life, Erikson has set the stage with the necessity to find a companion, to settle down and start a family. The whole point of this stage is to graduate from informal relationships and start expressing commitment and the virture of love. I asked Michael, “Are you looking to settle down down at this point in your life?” to which he responded with, “At this point in my life, I am looking for love and to ultimtately find someone who wants to start a family since I have finished my education and have an established career”. And when I asked him what his goals and asiprations were in life he responded with more or less the same as my other questions which was to settle down. However, his more intriguing answer when I asked, “Are you afraid of being alone?” and he answered with, “ yeah I am afraid to be alone I wish I would be content with being alone. I guess I’m also afraid of being in a relationship with someone for a long period of time who isn’t what I want but I wasted so much time already it would be ridiculous to start over.” What Michael is describing is a fear to not find love or struggle to attain his dream of creating a family even though he is well established.

What he hopes to obtain would be a compassionate love, closeness but not fall into the arms of the wrong person and finding it difficult to start anew. What I’ve found in all of my interviewees is that a lot of their development went hand in hand with psychoanalyst Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, and although there are 8, I focused primarily on 3, due to the selected age groups, in which is regarded one’s personality outcome either being positive or negative due to their individual experiences. Those experiences such as, one’s esteem during upbringing, social identity and successful intimate relationships. Overall I found there to be a multitude of aspects of changes throughout one’s life and if some are deprived of those it will leave a lasting impression on their growth.

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We Publish Erik Erikson. (2022, Feb 15). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/we-publish-erik-erikson/

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