The Social Issue of the ISIS Sex-Slave Market

Topics: Isis

People are currently fighting against several social justice issues that are being brought up by social media and the news. One of these social issues is the ISIS sex-slave market. ISIS men have created a “black market” where they physically abuse women, even little girls, put them for sale, then sell them. To solve this matter, people are having to fight against this issue by buying the girls to help save and protect them. There have been several reports from eyewitnesses and fugitives that ISIS men have raped, tortured, and sold girls in their slave market.

Jinan, an 18 year old Yazidi who was captured in early 2014, said, “They tortured us, and even tried to forcefully convert us,”.

“If we refused, we were beaten, chained outdoors in the sun, and forced to drink water with dead mice in it. Sometimes they threatened to torture us with electricity”. These men are not human, they enjoy brutally hurting women and treating them like they are worthless.

Another example of violence towards women was in early June of 2016, extremist ISIS members executed 19 Yazidi girls by burning them to death. “The 19 girls were burned to death, while hundreds of people were watching. Nobody could do anything to save them from the brutal punishment,” an eyewitness told ARA News in Mosul. The victims, who had been taken by ISIS as sex slaves, were placed in iron cages in central Mosul and burned to death in front of hundreds of people. Families and caretakers are trying to solve this issue by buying the girls.

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An example of this is mother-of-three Rachel Miller selling her jewellery and taking out loans to end the horrors suffered by women and girls at the hands of ISIS. “Last summer, I paid £7,500 in cash for a 13-year-old girl… She had seen her mum raped and murdered and her dad beheaded by ISIS terrorists, who took her captive and repeatedly raped her for months on end,” Rachel Miller said. “When I went to the forbidden ground of ISIS, one girl squeezed my hand, not just a hello…but a squeeze that said a thousand things,” she continued. Rachel Miller and several other families are having to buy these girls from ISIS members to love and protect them from the horrors of rape, torture, and murder. In conclusion, female children and mothers are being abducted and abused by men from the terrorist group, ISIS.

These girls would rather succumb than being forced to do things these men are telling them to do. This unrecognized issue is temporarily being solved by incredible people purchasing these women on the sex-slave market. These people are risking their lives due to the fact they have to come in contact with one of the most dangerous terrorist groups in the world. If most people take notice of this horrifying social issue that is currently occurring in the Middle East, new ideas and actions can be taken to save suffering innocent females who are being held by ISIS men.

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The Social Issue of the ISIS Sex-Slave Market. (2022, Mar 04). Retrieved from

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