The Inherent Nature of Good and Evil in Humanity

For as long as I can remember I have always looked at people with the highest esteem, As an adolescent I would walk up to complete strangers and try to start conversation to become familiar with them This mindset as a child would often cause trouble because as I would soon find out, not everyone is compassionate and decent as I always thought. But this epiphany would not occur to me until way later at the start of freshmen year of college The setting, environment, the people~everything was a brand new experience, This submergence of an entire new people compared to my little town of Placitas was an absolute new experience for me I noticed the variations of people and cultures and it was a huge culture shock.

Personally, I have had multiple incidents that have made me question the true nature of people and whether or not they deserve to be called “inherently good” But overall, after meeting new people and penetrating deeper to understand where people come from as well as their past experiences I have come to realize that people are inherently good.

Even though I distinguish people as being inherently good, others would deny this and assert that people are inherently evil when, in fact, they have had an occurrence which causes these people to act the way they do This idea can be frustrating for our modern day world in which people can no longer trust one another because of this. Our society is constantly bombarded with news of people versus people and violence.

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As seen in the first satire of Juvenal, the concept of vice in the Roman world suggests that it had reached a high point and their society was in dire need for a re-establishment of morals just like our modernized Western world, If Juvenal lived in modern society there is an implication that he might possibly argue that our world is a world of poverty, hunger, climate change and much more.

People know this, acknowledge it, yet have not done anything to surpass this, So then, the world creates opportunities for people everyday to do something good and yet the world continues to see evils. Sadly, Juvenal suggests that he does not see people being inherently good whatsoever, He exclaims, “How can you sleep, when some brides are males, and others, for money, cheat on a groom with his father, and teen-agers lay married women? Talent perhaps I lack, but anger’s an inspiration”, Juvenal appears to only point out the ever-occurring flaws of human nature which have continued henceforth from his time and appear to not ever having a stopping point, Juvenal’s standpoint appears to be one that believes human society, Juvenal then continues his harangue of human flaws and fallibility by contesting.

“When was there ever a time more rich in abundance of vices? When did the jaws of greed ever open wider, or gambling have such consummate appeal?“  This passage continues his argument to slash society and any possibility of goodness within humankind. The way I see it, people have two voices within them and both present their views to us Our natural instincts have always been to make the better choice but it is under free will that allows people to consider both and decide who we truly are Therefore, humankind has always been just thatikind. It is our own decisions that determine if we are good or bad people.

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The Inherent Nature of Good and Evil in Humanity. (2022, Jul 26). Retrieved from

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