The Important Features and Techniques in Teachers

Topics: Life Skills

Due to the improvement in education levels in the nations, there is a need for the teachers. The education imparts knowledge among the students. A teacher may provide literacy or vocational training or life skills among others. Formal teaching is comprehensive; however, some of the tasks include preparation of lessons in accordance to specific curricula and assessing the progress of the students. However, teaching duties may tend to move further to the outside of the classroom; for instance, the teachers may accompany students on field trips or helping in the organization of the school extra-curricular activities.

The teachers also have the responsibility of disciplining the students. Correction of behavior has been one of their professional functions. However, poor performance may be one of the problems that are experienced in the profession of instruction.

According to the design thinking process, empathy is the first stage, which involves an empathic understanding of the problems that one is trying to solve (Leavy & Brian 5).

Poor performance has been one of the common issues regarding education; as a result, this has raised more concern in the general public. In most cases, when a teacher is new to a place, the students may have a negative attitude towards the one. Since the master is not used to a place and norms, the first results among the students might be poor. The teacher is responsible for consulting the colleagues on the issue; however, one may ask and make accurate observations on how his or her colleagues are teaching.

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A teacher may also engage with people with the aim of understanding their experiences and motivations. As a result, the person tends to have a deeper personal understanding of the issue.

The teacher may also involve the students in collecting views concerning the poor performance; this may be a cornerstone towards developing a solution to the problem. However, empathy stage enables an individual to set aside his or her assumptions about the issues with the aim of gaining approach to users and their needs, and this involves concentration on the issue at hand. However, this is one of the most crucial stages in design thinking since a considerable amount of information regarding the poor performance among the students is gathered at this juncture. The collected information is used in the next stage as it develops a possible understanding of the users and the issues that underlie performance in learning institutions. Defining the problem is the second step in the design thinking process, this is an essential step as it enables the teacher to assemble the information that one has created and gathered during the stage. Some of the information to be collected includes the student’s attitude towards the teacher, availability of the learning materials; for instance, books and other learning facilities, teacher to student ratio. Student and a teacher association may be one of the issues to consider in the performance of a student.

Defining stage enables the designers in the team, for instance, a teacher and the colleagues, to gather adequate ideas with the aim of establishing functions that will tend to allow them to resolve the issue of poor performance in the school with ease. After the definition of the problem, a teacher moves on to the third stage of ideation. This time, the teacher can ask various questions that can give him or her an idea towards solving the issue. Poor performance among the students is a critical issue; however, the entire stakeholders in a school setup may be involved. The ideation stage enables the teachers to develop ideas such as increasing the number of textbooks, improving the teacher-student relationship, or consoling colleagues from neighboring school; this can be done through benchmarking. Comparison with other performing schools may generate a possible solution towards curbing the issue. A step in changing the teaching techniques might be one of the ideas that may arise; the aim of ideation is to ensure better performance among the students is achieved. Students may involve during the process addressing some of the issues they encounter in particular subjects; for instance, mathematics and sciences among other disciplines.

A collection of the student views towards some issues may be the area to tackle, which, in turn, ensures that the problem is solved. The teacher may be in a position to generate many ideas that may lead to goo or improved performance among the students. Some of the ideas should include inquiring the purchase of more revision books from the parents or the school, dedicating more time to particular subjects that the students tend to perform weakly, and encouraging the students to have a positive attitude towards the issues and the teacher. Maintenance of high discipline levels in the school may be one of the possible ideas; some students perform poor as a result of indiscipline. The ideas generated by the teachers or the team may help in establishing the solution to poor performance or may provide elements required to improve the performance. This, in turn, enables the students and the teachers to be in real terms; and thus, excellent performance will be attained.

Investigation of the problem solutions generated is done; this is achieved through testing the solutions with a smaller group. For instance, some revision materials are purchased, and the students from one class are exposed to it; any changes over a given time are noted. A different approach may be used; for instance, giving the students examination papers to attempt frequently may be imposed in one of the classes (McKeachie and Svinicki 68). Encouraging the students to work harder and ask questions regarding the topics not understood is implemented in a different class. By the end of a given time, the performance is compared to establish whether there is some slight improvement in performance among the various groups.

During the phase of prototyping, the best idea among the generated possible solutions is achieved. This, in turn, enables the teachers to make an effort in the implementation of the concept as this may improve the performance of the students. Good performance in a school setup is associated with various advantages; for instance, promotion of the teachers and good pay from the employer. This results in eradication of the problems that hinder good performance in school. Once a recommended solution has been achieved and tested, the performance tends to improve in the school. The level of discipline among the students should be considered, and this enhances the quality of education and enables the school to have a positive reputation in the society. However, in generating the solution to solve an issue, all the stakeholders should be involved as this helps in reducing biases.

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The Important Features and Techniques in Teachers. (2021, Dec 24). Retrieved from

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