The Huge Technology Efforts

As we know utilitarianism is a philosophy that believes in the greatest good for the greatest number which is the Principle of Utility. It states that an action is good (or bad) to the extent that it increases (or decreases) the total happiness of the affected parties. Because patents help encourage people to make huge strived in technology therefore based on rule utilitarianism, a government should allow a company to patent it’s products. Both copyright and patent law protect the results of intellectual, creative human activity.

In copyright, the question of the merits of work is not posed at all, and rights arise at the time of the creation of the work and no design is required. In patent law, along with the requirement of novelty, there is a need to prove a certain qualitative level of a technical solution. The date of occurrence of patent rights is linked with the date of filing of the application, submission of necessary documents to the Patent Office.

The industrial property requires mandatory registration and the issuance of security documents. Moreover, the products of scientific activity become objects of patent law only when they relate to the results of scientific research. If we talk about the objects of legal protection, then copyright and patent law are very similar. Their main difference is the scope of protection of objects of law. If the form of a work is protected by copyright, then the result of the technical solution expressed by its essential characteristics is protected by a patent.

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Sooner or later, this question is asked by almost every creative person who has invented something, from his point of view, outstanding: that which can be sold. What they can buy is something that you can use for many years, and use it to your advantage. A patent provides such an opportunity by providing legal freedom to the inventor. Freedom, in turn, financially supported which gives independence.

A patent is an exclusive right granted to an invention. In other words, a patent is an exclusive right to a product or process, which, as a rule, represents a new way to perform a particular action or offers a new technical solution to a particular problem. To obtain a patent, the technical information about the invention must be disclosed to the public in the patent application. The patent owner may give permission or license to other parties to use the invention on mutually agreed terms. A patent holder may also sell his right to an invention to some other person, who after that becomes the new owner of the patent. Upon the expiration of the patent, the protection of the invention shall cease and the invention shall become public domain; this means that any person can use the invention for commercial purposes, and such use will not constitute a violation of the patent.

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The Huge Technology Efforts. (2022, May 01). Retrieved from

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