Credibility of Old Testament - Religion vs Science

Topics: Old Testament

Historical Credibility and Integrity of the Old Testament In the Introduction to the Bible, Chapter II, states that both the Church and science prove the credibility and integrity of the Scriptures. The Church proves this through her infallible teaching authority by guaranteeing the truthfulness and integrity of the Scriptures, that the writers of the Bible deserve our confidence, and that their writings are substantially the same as when they left their hands. The credibility and integrity of the Old Testament rest on the testimony of the Sacred Writings as well as the testimony of Jewish and Christian traditions.

During the last four centuries before Christ, the deutero-canonical books were written and acknowledged as inspired by the Jews. To this day they keep the prophetic books of the Old Testament even though they are a witness against themselves. The Old Testament clearly shows their unfaithfulness to God, their worldly spirit, and their cruel vindictiveness. Thus, the Jews would have no reason for retaining their Bible except for their firm conviction of its authenticity and truthfulness.

The integrity of the Old Testament can further be proven by the Jews’ jealous guarding of their Bible and the fact that they counted the letters in each book. Also, the oldest Hebrew Manuscript agrees with the other translations which were made a thousand years earlier.

The truthfulness of the Old Testament is proven by the testimony of Christ and His Apostles. If one believes in the New Testament one must also believe in the Old Testament.

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The history of the Old Testament is closely interwoven with the greatest nations of ancient times. Yet no fact of profane history contradicts the sacred narrative. Modern research has led to the confirmation of many points in the Old Testament. Such as Assyrian King Sargon, mentioned in Isaias, who did not exist in profane history until the late nineteenth century. And an Egyptian King Sesac mentioned in 3 Kings, whose name was unknown to profane history until a discovery in recent times confirmed the Biblical account. This all proves the historical credibility and integrity of the Old Testament.

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Credibility of Old Testament - Religion vs Science. (2022, Jun 28). Retrieved from

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