Subculture, Counterculture and Hate towards American Muslim due to ISIS

To begin this response, to claim that a radical Islamist group as just a counterculture movement is treading lightly, but for the intensive purpose of understanding subcultures versus countercultures, this example will be for analysis. To quote Henslin, “a world within a larger world of the dominate culture” gives the best definition of subculture. A smaller subdivision of culture can be seen through one of the most diverse countries, the United States, where the freedom of religion provides numerous examples of subcultures Take Islam for example; approximately 1% of the adult population in the United States are practicing Muslims.

This subculture is facing harsh and inappropriate rhetoric preached by the Republican nominee, Donald J, Trump, While Trump’s rhetoric cultivates the fear of many Americans confused between the counterculture movement and the culture associated with Islam.

Hatred and spite have been misguided towards the innocent subculture of the typical American Muslim. lSlS, regardless of what the mainstream media portrays about the subculture of Islam, consists of radical ideals, which tend to speak to those described by The Atlantic journalist Simon Cottee as “who are liable to pathologize the group’s appeal as an ideological contagion that infects the weak, instead of taking it seriously as a revolutionary movement that speaks to the young and the strong-minded”.

Taking the definition of counterculture, lSIS’s counter-experience of the Islamic culture proves to be as such; a radical belief and norm that places them in the opposition of cultural aspects. The distinction of actions and beliefs play the biggest roles in determining the greater scheme of counterculture and subculture.

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Subculture, Counterculture and Hate towards American Muslim due to ISIS. (2023, Apr 09). Retrieved from

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