Services for Azerbaijan's Environment & Ecosystem

Solar energy, Earth’s interior temperature, mineral resources, water, climate, soil, vegetation, and wildlife is essential for humanity, are the main pans of the ecosystem Human itself is also a part of nature, In this paper, different services providing benefits to our environment/ecosystem throughout my hometown – Azerbaijan will be highlighted. First 7 Provisioning services. Let’s start with the close connection between agricultural production and its environmental benefits on our ecosystem. Environmentally sound agricultural production is a sustainable way of developing of the agrarian sector and allows for a more effective solution for a number of social, environmental, and economic problems in Azerbaijan These issues also highlight the priority of the development of environmentally friendly agriculture.

This priority is given to the establishment of a system of coordination of activities in the production of environmentally friendly agriculture, preparation, and implementation of pilot projects on the organization of environmentally sound agriculture.

For example, the aggregate volume of agricultural products increased by 77 times (in real terms – 2.

4 times) in 1995-2015, and 3.1 times in 2005-2015 (384% in real terms). In particular, the actual increase in the production of plant products was 6.6 and 2.8 times respectively (real growth was 2.3 times and 25,4 percent, respectively), while the production of livestock products was 9.3 and 3.4 times respectively growth was 25 times and 53.8 percent, respectively). Second — Regulating services. Regulation of air quality, climate, water, erosion, water purification and waste treatment and other issues are implemented in different ways by my hometown people. But I want to focus on climate regulation. Climate change is a multifaceted factor that aggravates the degradation of pastures due to human activity in the Greater Caucasus region.

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Analysis of possible climate change in Azerbaijan was investigated on the basis of 100-year observations Studies have shown that during the 100-year observation, the air temperature in the country increased by 0.5-0.60C, with higher temperature rise in 1961-1990: 0.3-0.60 C. Azerbaijan has the potential to exploit ecologically clean alternative (renewable) energy sources. The favorable geographical location and climate conditions allow Azerbaijan for this. The work to be done in this area not only saves large amounts of fuel but also reduces a number of harmful emissions into the environment third — Cultural services. Natural landscapes and eco-tourism resources are the most noteworthy among them compared to other cultural services like educational values, social relations, knowledge systems, and so on. Azerbaijan’s ecotourism potential is very broad.

The main reason for this is the particular climate of the region, which is rich in the geological history of the country, landscape diversity, and uniqueness of the sea-dry ratios. Azerbaijan has a rich biodiversity. There are only 4,500 plants and more than 20,000 species of fauna, which account for more than half of the biodiversity of the Caucasus. Part of these species is found only in Azerbaijan in the world. The country has unique natural phenomena that are not found in any part of the world – rare geological natural monuments such as burning water, burning ground, and burning stone. 400-500 of the 1,200 mud volcanoes in the world are in Azerbaijan. Nature has given Azerbaijan a great blessing and whether local or regional/global inhabitants benefit from these natural landscapes and eco-tourism resources.

By focusing on water cycling services among the supporting services, Azerbaijan maintains a certain groundwater level in terms of the water cycle in the rivers, lakes and so on, including ensuring that the phreatic evaporation is in the potential to recharge water resources’ surface vegetation effectively. These mentioned facts are very essential for local and regional ecosystem stability throughout the different climate conditions in the country, Adaptation system of the hydrological cycle and environmental framework is one of the essential issues of eco-hydrology throughout different water resources. Groundwater is the essential object of the water cycle in dry and semi-arid areas, and it is additionally a fundamental hotspot for both vegetation security for the people who live in these regions

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Services for Azerbaijan's Environment & Ecosystem. (2023, Jan 10). Retrieved from

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