Surrogacy Publication Technology and Scientific Advances

Topics: Human Rights

Technology and scientific advancements have afforded us the opportunity to solve issues regarding disease and illness that we were unable to previously. Among those conditions is absolute uterine factor infertility (AUFI). Although the disorder has many causes, it has prevented women from carrying children and defaulted the alternative options to adoption or surrogacy. As a result, medical strides have been made to find a plausible solution that allows women affected by this condition to experience gestational motherhood. With compelling opposition, uterus transplantation presents a number of ethical issues that must be addressed.

Due to its intersectionality including organ transplantation and reproductive rights, uterus transplantation involves a plethora of ethical issues.

My intention is to highlight some risks and benefits of this procedure in addition to specifically addressing procreative liberty, respect for autonomy, negative and positive rights and justice. While this procedure has been intensively researched and developed, it’s still novel. The initial concern is for the safety of the recipient and donor and the efficacy of the procedure.

The procedure itself is time consuming and extensive. Additionally, there isn’t any criteria for tissue viability outside the body. Furthermore, there are no biochemical markers to assess rejection. And finally, it will require immunosuppressive drugs throughout fetal gestation that may be harmful to the fetus. Nevertheless, it’s imperative to honor every individual’s right to procreative liberty.

Procreative liberty is the freedom to choose whether or not to have children and control the use of your own reproductive capacity. Unequivocally, the decision to procreate should solely rest with the individual.

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  Therefore, if a person desires to have children and undergo the uterus transplantation surgery; they are well within their rights to do so. I believe the majority of the population will be in consensus and receptive of the procedure. The portion of the population who will be opposed already have an issue with assisted reproductive techniques. Regardless, their autonomy demands that we recognize their right to choose how, if and when to procreate.

By respecting an individual’s autonomy we acknowledge their right to hold their own values, make choices and take action based on what they believe. (3) Thus, we honor negative and positive obligations. The first by not subjecting an autonomous individual’s actions to constraint and the second by respectful treatment in disclosing information that allows independent decision making.  Medical professionals are obligated to inform and insure understanding to their patients about available options. Therefore, if a person has the capacity to make an informed decision about having children, they are constitutionally guaranteed the option to choose, not only whether to procreate, but the avenue in which they pursue.

The government honors peoples’ rights by defining them as positive or negative. Positive rights guarantee a good or service. Negative rights are free from the intervention of others. Healthcare in America is a negative right. As this procedure progresses, it will continue to fall under the protection of negative rights, with people having the option to undergo the procedure without guarantee to access or resources. Moreover, uterus transplantation presents major issues revolving justice. Out of all the aforementioned principles, justice will be hardest to attain and sustain because it is fair, equitable and appropriate. But more appropriately, distributive justice refers to fair, equitable and appropriate distribution of benefits and burdens. (3) In this regard, a uterus transplant should be equally accessible to all people in every facet of research and hospitalization.

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Surrogacy Publication Technology and Scientific Advances. (2022, Feb 08). Retrieved from

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