Responsibility As Leaders Comes With Work

The responsibility that we have, as leaders become repetitive but that comes with the job. That urge to do not only what we are scared of but to overcome that fear and show humility. As a battle buddy we see obstacle’s every day and we have to perform and perform it well. We as leaders have to be pliable regardless the situation. Us as humans should appreciate the little things because tomorrow is never promised. You shepherd by example, you teach, mentor and lead by example.

The trials and tribulations we go through, effect work ethic and Soldiers witness every miniscule thing we do as Non-Commissioned Officers. Holding ourselves accountable for the actions we display cannot only benefit us but our fellow comrades.

Within the Army we grow every day. Some days are worse than most, but some days are better than others. Having a clear and optimistic mindset throughout the day in general can help your overall health and could make a difference in someone’s life.

My philosophy is if you woke up this morning you already won. Everything is temporary. Being a resilient leader is someone who takes their debacles and looks at them as temporary setbacks. Maintaining a brolic sense of opportunity during times of chaos is a key factor in day to day living.

Soldiers that are faced with ambiguity and the feeling of being overwhelmed, can hinder the success of the mission, moral, and most important their mental stability. In some instances, people fail to realize that a simplistic “hi” or “how are you doing?” Could very well change someone’s daily outcome.

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The United Sates Military had the highest suicide rate for active duty in 2018.  As a leader and as someone that serves in this military it pains me to believe, that we couldn’t help or prevent that sudden outcome. Building more commandery and resilience could have reduced the occurrence of their anxiety, high pressure stress-related disorders, and inevitably suicidal behavior. I have single handily fought and overcame my depression through the resilience of my peers, and the surroundings of what right leadership looks like. When driving on the highway, I always appreciate it when people signal before they switch lanes. Signals let others know your intention. The most resilient and effective way of leading, is communicating their intentions to others. Being willing to help others understand a new direction or tactic.

Today some leaders have problems trying to remain hopeful or being optimistic. The United States Army utilizes “Hunt the good stuff” which is a class for the Armies resiliency course program.  That can better guide young leaders help and mentor not only their Soldiers, but the people in and out of their lives. Hunt the good stuff is not only a tool but it is designed to counteract morbid thoughts and magnify the capability of positivity and precipitate a buoyant outlook on life. As Non-Commissioned Officers we know what it is like having toxic leadership. We either learn from it, or we grow into becoming it. Being resilient isn’t a two-way street. Being resilient is being the ball rather than the egg. Resilience has been a topic of psychological study since the 1970s. Us as Soldiers, leaders, and humans you would think that we would have figured out a way to help, manifest and accomplish a set goal to properly assist others. We as leaders have failed on that part. The fact that we lost over 325 active-duty personnel in 2018  Due to suicide alone is failing.

As a leader, parent, loved one, father and battle buddy we should be the ones asking ourselves everyday did I make an impact on someone’s life? Did I show them love and compassion? Did I give them my ears? A lot of leaders hear, but don’t listen. Even if it was only for a split second. That second out of your day to say “hi” or “are you feeling ok” could have been the second to where someone needed some resilient leadership. The shootings that took place in Fort Hood, Texas in 2009 and 2014 should have heightened awareness of the importance of mental health treatment and evaluation among military personnel. . In conclusion we all have the capabilities of being the ideal resilient leader. As that leader we should guide, teach and mold the upcoming generation that enters the military. Once we accomplish that mission, then and only then is when we can officially say that we have made a difference. It is easy being an egg that cracks. It is hard being the ball that bounces back.


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  15. The psychobiology of resilience and vulnerability to anxiety disorders:
  16. The psychobiology of resilience and vulnerability to anxiety disorders:
  17. The psychobiology of resilience and vulnerability to anxiety disorders:

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Responsibility As Leaders Comes With Work. (2021, Dec 17). Retrieved from

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