Prevention of Child Pornography

Topics: Pornography

The Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to End the Exploitation of Children Today (PROTECT) act of 2003 helps combat child sex trafficking. This policy also helps with informing the public and offering housing grants to help the victims. This policy also talks about outreach programs and ways to prevent other problems that are associated with child sex trafficking.

This policy expands the prohibitions and increases penalties for traveling out of the country for sex trafficking (Congressional Research Service, 2003).

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“It provides mandatory life imprisonment of a person convicted of a Federal sex offense against a minor if the person has a prior sex conviction in which a minor was the victim” (Congressional Research Service, 2003). The first part of this policy focuses on making amends to the Federal criminal code.

When it comes to investigations and prosecutions the PROTECT Act allows the use of wire, oral, and or electronic communications to help find information about kidnappings, sex trafficking, and child sex traffic cases (Congressional Research Service, 2003). The required age to report a missing child is increased to 21 instead of 18. State and local enforcement must make these reports to the National Crime Information Center (Congressional Research Service, 2003).

This policy inquires that the national AMBER Alert submits to congress the effectiveness of each state’s AMBER Alert status if they have one (Congressional Research Service, 2003). It also makes sure that the proper information is issued to the public if the child has any special needs. There will be state grants available to help with notifications and communication systems (Congressional Research Service, 2003). “Grants will be offered to the state program for the use of changeable message signs or other information systems to notify motorist about abductions” (Congressional Research Service, 2003). There will also be grants made available to help with sex offender apprehensions and child advocacy centers. This policy also helps enforce Code Adam.

This policy focuses a lot on sentencing. “This bill amends the Federal Sentencing Guidelines to allow a sentencing court to impose a sentence below the authorized range if the court finds out that there is a mitigating circumstance of a kind…” (Congressional Research Service, 2003). In certain circumstances, the Attorney General must report to the house and the Senate Judiciary Committee (Congressional Research Service, 2003). This policy also requires the Commission to review grounds of downward departure authorized by the sentencing guidelines, policy statements, official commentary, and promulgate in certain circumstances (Congressional Research Service, 2003).

The policy helps the prevention of child pornography. It allows someone to be charged with virtual child pornography. It prohibits any form of pornography that includes a minor, this includes the buying and selling of child pornography. It amends federal sentencing guidelines and modifies the Guidelines Manual of the Commissions (Congressional Research Service, 2003). It amends the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990. The use of misleading domain names on the internet is prohibited (Congressional Research Service, 2003).

Some other things that are mandated are that persons that are 18 or older that use a minor to commit a crime are subject to twice the maximum term (Congressional Research Service, 2003). The use of a telephone to make, buy or sell child pornography is prohibited. “State grants will be updated in compliance with policy and the new sex offender registration requirements” (Congressional Research Service, 2003). “This policy directs the Sentencing Commission to review and consider the penalties of offenses involving a club drug used to commit sexual assault called gamma-hydroxybutyric acid” (Congressional Research Service, 2003).

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Prevention of Child Pornography. (2022, Apr 27). Retrieved from

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