The short narrative. “The Hobbyist written by Frederic Brown is about a adult male named Sangstrom. Sangstrom was at a prescription pharmaceutics in secret speaking to the Pharmacist about purchasing an undetectable toxicant to kill his married woman. The Druggist asks to follow him into the back room and puts some java into the boiler. The Pharmacist informs Sangstrom that he feels that he deserves the toxicant for free but must pay for the counterpoison. This is when Sangstrom realizes that the Druggist had poisoned his java.

Sangstrom terrors and pulls out his gun and points it at the Druggist. The Druggist continues to explicate that if Sangstrom hands over $ 1000 and writes a confession of the slaying of his married woman and the Druggist in instance he did kill either one of them. . the adult male would acquire an counterpoison. Sangstrom gave the money and wrote the confession which the Druggist mailed. The narrative ends with the Druggist being certain that Sangstrom would non be perpetrating any slaying any clip shortly.

The Hobbyist

It was fundamentally a program carried out to blackjack Sangstrom. Character The Druggist is the supporter in the short narrative. “Hobbyist” . written by Frederic Brown. He is cardinal to the narrative with all the major events holding some importance to him. The Druggist is a mixture of both rounded and dynamic characters since he has many sided and complex personalities that you would anticipate of existent human existences but besides has a personality that changes for the better and worse by the terminal of the narrative.

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For illustration. at the get downing the Druggist is reflected as a avaricious individual who agrees to sell toxicant for the money he will have despite of the fact that what he is making is incorrect. But by the terminal of the narrative. the Druggist turns out to be a harmless and sort individual who blackmails Sangstrom in giving the money without giving the toxicant and still prevents Sangstrom from slaying his married woman.

The physical features of the Druggist are old. around 60 old ages of age. hunchbacked. with a long white face fungus. since in the text he is described as a dwarf like and gnarled adult male. The Druggist is an intelligent adult male. I know this because the text says. “Oh. one other thing-although I do non perfectly insist on it. Please aid distribute the word about my undetectable toxicant. will you? One ne’er knows. Mr. Sangstrom. The life you save. if you have any enemies. merely might be your ain. ” This proves how through blackmailing people he tries to salvage lives. The Druggist is brave because the text says. “Or if you think I’m bluffing. that you’re truly non poisoned. travel in front and shoot. ” This proves that he wasn’t scared of the gun. The Druggist is a careful adult male because the text says. “Whom do you desire to kill and why? ” This proves that he wants to cognize everything in the head of the murdered before he gives anything to him.

Sangstrom is the adversary in the short narrative. “Hobbyist” . written by Frederic Brown. He is the individual that opposes the Druggist. Sangstrom like the Druggist is besides a mixture of both rounded and dynamic characters since he has many sided and complex personalities that you would anticipate of existent human existences but besides has a personality that changes for the better and worse by the terminal of the narrative. For illustration. at the beginning of the narrative Sangstrom is reflected as a typical bad or nefarious type individual desiring to kill his married woman. However right after the flood tide. merely like a nefarious character. his reaction to being blackmailed was indicating his gun at the Druggist. Sangstrom was forced into non killing his married woman in the fright of acquiring caught by the constabulary if the confession missive was mailed.

The physical features of Sangstrom are tall. thin. unsafe looking. and a individual with highly pale tegument since in the text he is described as looking highly pale when he realizes that the java he merely imbibe had toxicant in it. Sangstrom is impatient because the text says. “Does it matter? Isn’t it enough that I pay for-“ . This proves how impatient he was to acquire the toxicant to kill his married woman every bit shortly as possible. Sangstrom is fleeceable because the text says. “I heard a rumor to the consequence that you have a wholly undetectable poison” . This proves how easy he was tricked and deceived by words to believe something that was non true. Sangstrom is determined because the text says. “He pulled a handgun out from his pocket. ” This proves that he was determined to acquire both the counterpoison and the toxicant through the agencies of his gun.

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The Hobbyist Short Story. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

The Hobbyist Short Story
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