Smuggling seems to be rampant nowadays, as you listen the news today have you heard about the raid conducted In Appearance City? Where lots of fake products were confiscated Inside the warehouse owned by Mayor Olivarez of Appearance. Have you seen those branded shoes shown over the television those are fake products’, We can compare this situation to our current Rice smuggling here in the Philippines.

According to FINN Filipinos waste POP. Million Worth of rice Alone a day, this seems to be alarming because many were less fortunate to eat rice in a day while some Fullness were Just wasting Rice can you Imagine wasting food than giving your excess to the less fortunate? The Rice smuggling today were Just common to our past Philippine Government were they wasted budget importing rice from other countries which our country is named the Capital Rice of Asia way back 1995.

Our country is not capable anymore supplying the demand of our people for rice thus the Government think of alternative ways to cope up with this demand by importing rice room our neighboring countries.

But our corrupt and unscrupulous public politicians engage In several scams today Like the PDA scam which Involves many officials, I hope their conscience can take It even If they see some Filipino people who are poor, especially the marginalia people. If you see the news today have you heard the name Mr…

Term Paper About Smuggling

David Tan who is famous of becoming the lord smuggler in Dave, Mayor Deterred curse him to kill if caught because of eagerness to eliminate the smuggling in his province, if Mayor Deterred is Eke everyone else in the government do you think rice smuggling in the Philippines would exist? I heard Mayor Deterred also implements In his province shoot-to-kill policy when criminals tries to resist police force the force shall use lethal weapon to eliminate the criminal Immediately whichever the circumstances are.

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This policy is very helpful to our society nowadays, riding in tandems, robbery, extortion, smuggler, law invaders and others. If caught the Justice should immediately flourish by then criminals would be afraid of to cross the lines of law and order. You know excessive freewill sometimes lead us to destruction of our society but with limited freewill given on us the society may progress towards economic growth because of law abiding colleens of our nation the fear of punishment prevails.

I hope the government officials would find ways to eliminate rice smuggling in the Philippines, I still believe on the motto of our government “outdid an Dana” but sometimes I doubt that we might end up to dead end. My hope and support to the free, All sins are equal in the eyes of god and we will be Judge by our works during our life here on earth. “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you” John 20:21. So start the mission each of us has a task to do. The beginning of change starts from us, the Youth!

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