Technology: A Boon or a Curse

We are armed with the greatest gift in the world and that is imagination. Through this imagination we have given birth to technology which converts imagination into reality. The pace with which technology has boomed is mind boggling. It has become an indispensible part of our daily modern life and we thrive on it. It has made our life easier as we don’t require doing monotonous and repetitive tasks manually. Tiresome tasks have been automated and so efficiency and accuracy have increased dramatically.

Technology has given us a paradigm shift in our personal, social and professional lifestyles.

Last decade was the decade of IT and millions of job opportunities were created through it. Everything is now available to us on World Wide Web at the click of button. Economies have flourished but if we look closely, only people who are Tech savvy have benefited in real terms. Even then, they have inadvertently become slaves of it.

Technology has severely impacted our habits.

We are expecting everything just by a touch on screen, and so we also treat humans in the same way; we expect things to be done instantly. Is this not impacting our approach to life?

Young children are inquisitive by nature. Technology in their arms deprives them of childhood. When they should be playing for hours and flying aero planes, running after butterflies and making sand castles, they sit glued to a laptop or ipad. They play games and put on weight. We are bringing up a generation of kids in front of computer screens, whose brains are going to be peculiarly different.

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Early exposure to, for instance mobile applications, is detrimental to their social and mental progress.

People like us are on the benefiting end as it has increased human potential and subsequently reduced human limits. We are hopelessly dependant on technology as we have developed a habit of it and the force of it is great. Unfortunately we have laid an extensive burden on irreplaceable reso…

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Technology: A Boon or a Curse
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