First Knight: A Critique by Janet Maslin

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The Green Knight Sean Connery

The following sample essay on on July 7, 1995, Janet Maslin wrote an article on the movie “First Knight,” describing how it did not suit her as a critic. She gives an all-around description of Camelot and how the director and the actors did not put together a symbolic movie of how an Arthurian legend is told. In the film review The tale of Camelot, Now Color Coordinated she is critical on how the actors stood with their performances.

Maslin makes the story seem corny and stale in its performance. “The film’s medieval mannequins act out as stiff, grandiose version of Camelot’s triangular love story, punctuated by occasional battle scenes that look suspiciously computer enhanced”. The writer feels that this was not one of those movies that knocked you off your feet. This movie does not compare to the other knightly movies like Braveheart. The Academy Award winning movie featuring Mel Gibson made The First Knight very forgettable.

Maslin states, “It is definitely time for Hollywood to lay down its swords this season”. She does not seem to be a fan of what she calls an “ under-plotted film” and a awkward aura she seems to have for the characters.

Maslin comes out complementing Julia Ormond by stating that she is a “English rose”. “Freshness, intelligence and stately bearing again establish Ms. Ormond as an appealing presence”. She thenbrings Ormond’s performance by declining her showcase by saying she looks “shocked” “concerned or apprehensive”. Maslin reverses when Guinevere seems to be as a beautiful princess, then makes her appearunsteady by making her searching for guidance through men in her life.

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The older Sean Connery (King Arthur) gets criticized by having “velour outfits and royal chamber what seems to be a skylight”. She feels a king he shouldn’t present himself in this manner. Maslin comes out swinging, intensely castigating Richard Gere’s…

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First Knight: A Critique by Janet Maslin. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

First Knight: A Critique by Janet Maslin
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