Magnesium Oxide Experiment Lab Report

One objective was to figure out if the burnt MGM ashes weigh more than the product which is Magnesium Metal. Another objective was determining the formula of the compound that results when Magnesium and Oxygen react. Theory: The purpose of this lab was to confirm the chemical formula of magnesium oxide by comparing the masses Of pure magnesium solid prior to any reaction and magnesium oxide solid after a reaction between all of the magnesium and oxygen from the air when heated from a Bunsen burner in a crucible.

Sing molar masses of both magnesium and oxygen. An expected percent composition, by mass, was found and compared to our experimental results. Experimental: 1. Setup ring stand 2. Obtain desired amount of Magnesium which was g 3. Weigh the crucible, 13. Egg 4. Weigh the crucible with the lead, 15. Egg 5. Heat the crucible with the MGM present 6. Continue to heat until lead starts to change to an ash color, lead should start ruining very bright 7.

Essay Example on Magical Realism

Shut burner down and let the MGM cool 8.

Add water to the MGM until the crackling and smoking stops (Among+MGM) C – Ammonia 9. Now, heat crucible till the water evaporates ICC, Allow a few minutes for cooling 11 Weigh the crucible along with the MGM ashes, 16. Egg Calculations: To find the formula of magnesium oxide, you need the mass of the magnesium and the mass of the oxygen. Also the atomic masses. Magnesium is 24 and oxygen is 16. Divide mass by the atomic mass for each element.

This gives the number Of moles Of each.

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Having done this for both elements, you should find the ratio between the two by dividing them both by the smallest number. The ratio should be close to as the formula Of magnesium oxide is MGM. OMG +02 OMG 2. Smog 3. Gomes . Monologue 02/20 .

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Magnesium Oxide Experiment Lab Report. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from

Magnesium Oxide Experiment Lab Report
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