Human Population And The Environment Essay

Topics: Economics

Human Population and the Environment am writing this paper to say that I will explain how the factors produced arbitration and changing the population size to the birth rate and the death rate as well as identify three benefits and three challenges of arbitration that provide the current or the historical event of each example of each of the benefits of the challenges. And explain to my reader whether I believe the benefits outweigh the challenges, or vice versa. There are four factors that produced arbitration and changing in population sizes on a global scale; the earth rate, the death rate, migration, changes in environment.

Any changes which create a global scare normally pertain to birth and death rates throughout the world. In the united States over 291 million is the third most populous country after China and India which has the highest population growth where there is approximately 4 million birth in the U. S and 2. 4 million deaths. This growth is due to the natural increase of (total births minus deaths) 1.

6 million per year. The factors which can affect the death rate are due to diseases with lack of medical care and crimes of murder, suicide, and accidents.

Migration can be due to many different reasons ranging from unstable environments politically, economically, or within the environment in general. And each of those factors can have factors oftener own, whether it’s a personal at home situation or a more wide spread situation with the surrounding area. Arbitration refers to a process in which an increasing proportion of a society lives in cities and the suburbs of cities.

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There are a great deal of opportunities for work and the best infrastructure in cities, the countryside offers the chance for quite life and less pollution.

Population Growth And The Environment

Employment is ore widely available in cities. Ostensibly, finding a high salary job is easier in cities. It is generally accepted that there is a large number of high quality school and university located in cities. Furthermore, big companies, shops, groups, and factories are concentrated around cities. South Korea, the number of population about those who living in cities rose from 900,000 to ten millions between 1 945 and 1990. Thus, unemployment rate decreased dramatically because the population growth. In addition, a lot of infrastructure is provided in cities.

It leads directly increased the life quality. There are transportation, libraries, parks, zoos in close proximity which is not as many as the countryside. Noise, air pollution, light pollution are taking place because of population explosion. For instance, the destroying of the echo-system leads to the deaths of most of the wild creatures who lives around cities. Moreover, these pollutions also has serious impacts on humans developments. That utilize of the energy resources for the next generation that will be limited. That is to say, environmental problem is facing a baptism of life.

In brief, although arbitration leads directly to increased mounts of pollution, it also provides greater opportunities for employment and access to localized infrastructure. Taking into account both sides of argument, living in cities is more suitable for those who want to have a hurried life. Housing problems have it challenges Of Arbitration in which when the industrial age began their was options of families that would either buy a home on the outskirt of town where transportation would be a problem for families to get around, or there was the option to rent little rooms in boardinghouses.

Later after families left the central cities the immigrants that kook over the old houses where there would be two or three families that are living in a one family house. As more families move to the towns and cities the traffic congestion get worse in some cities the streets are compounded by people that are coming into the city on large roads and motorway.

I would have to say that I do not believe that the benefits outweigh the challenges when it comes to the arbitration for the reason that all things are done in which we go through changes for improvement and in the case of having the good outweigh the bad is never something that is long term. For the reason hat the challenges that many face of the arbitration when it came to housing for many families it got better there was the arbitration of the growth of the housing sector.

In 2000 the National housing Delivery policy was acknowledge for the 1 million units that was an approach to develop housing Government to provide decent and affordable housing for families where they can have their own home rather that two to three families live in a one family home. The Government plans was to build between 1 62,00 units but there plan did not stand for as many units that they had hope for they fell worth only building between 1 5,00 and 20,000 units between the year of 1985 and 2000.

It was improving more for those than more than what the arbitration have ever seen before which was to improve the housing of the arbitration Of what was the history with the help Of government so not to say so much that the benefits outweigh the challenges because the challenges is one of the things that can not outweigh the benefits. The Objective of this paper was to identify the factors that produced the arbitration and changing population size due to the birth rate, death rate, migration, changes in environment.

As well as identify the tree benefits of having great jobs, having to worry about less pollution, and having great schools that will benefit those and the three challenges of arbitration. Would be the environment pollution, the housing in which families would shack up in one house As writing this paper I have learn that the current and historical events of each of these benefits are much greater than we know and that it is not so much of the benefits that are outweighing the challenges or vice versa because all of the benefits and challenges of arbitration benefits for what the factors have produced changes to the arbitration.

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