Flowers vs Weeds

Weeds vs. Flowers Many people see weeds as weeds and flowers as flowers, but they never take into consideration the things that make them so different and similar. Flowers and weeds all have their own garden and emotional aesthetic values. Preparing food also holds some similarities and differences between the two. These flowers and weeds, although simple at first, also hold some value of medicinal uses. There is more to know than a simple vase for flowers and a trash bag for weeds.

The most known differences between weeds and flowers are by far the customs we attach to their beauty and value.

If you love someone, you’ll get them roses, it’s simple. For those of us less likely to know the difference, a handful of weeds would not suffice. Much like the value we put into a fragile stem and petals, we also have to put our time and love into them as well. Flowers take time to grow, along with mulch instead of dirt, and they have specific growing and watering conditions; whereas weeds simply grow anywhere at any time, no matter how much you ignore them and loath their existence in your garden.

Although there are the similarities that create the make-up of the two, they have a stem, petals, scent and their own defenses.

The main difference though, is how much time and effort we put into raising a beautiful flower, and the time and effort we put into clearing our landscape of the vermin we know as weeds.

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Throughout history, seeds, stems, and leaves of both flowers and weeds have contributed to human cookery. The culinary use of flowers dates back thousands of years to 140 BC. Many cultures since then have incorporated flowers into traditional foods. Many ancient oriental dishes commonly made use of daylily buds, and the Romans are well known for their use of violet mallow in many recipes.

Italian and Hispanic cultures gave us stuffed squash blossoms, while Asian Indians still use rose petals in many dishes today. Though their popularity of being eaten has declined over the years, flowers are still used as sweeteners, flavorings, and garnishes. The same thing can be said about weeds as they are also used as spices today. Though weeds aren’t used as often as flowers, the most commonly used weed is the dandelion, which is occasionally used to make wine and used as a saute in some oils. The most commonly used flower today is the hop.

Many people are unaware that this cone like flower is one of the most common ingredients in beer. While delicious flowers are enjoyed my many people, they aren’t the only plants to be consumed by humans today. Though it is common to think of weeds as pests, many people all over the world also use a variety of weeds while they are in the kitchen. In contrast to flowers being used as sweeteners, most weeds are used as spices and bases for salads. Clovers, Chickweed, Bitter Cress, and Thale Cress weeds are all commonly used in salads today.

An interesting fact unknown to most people is that wild garlic is considered a weed. Besides cooking with plants, some weeds are used such as cleavers, which are commonly dried, ground up, and used as a flavoring in coffee. Though weeds and flowers may greatly differ in appearances, they both have been and continue to be very beneficial to humans in the kitchen. One major similarity in flowers and weeds is that they both hold medicinal purposes. Even though weeds are usually considered an eyesore, they can be very useful. Marijuana, a well known “weed” in most cultures, provides a pain killer.

It is used by mostly cancer patients who are seeking relief of the pain and nausea caused by cancer treatments. The Spiderwort flower was once considered a cure for spider bites. Its large chromosomes are now useful for lab studies in Cytology. The flower is now used as an inexpensive way to test for pollution being that it changes from blue to pink that there is too much pollution present. Of course we should not forget one of the most common weeds, dandelions; which are always considered a nuisance in our gardens, but surprisingly holds great value.

Dandelions can be made into a tea with the leaves and dried roots. This provides relief for digestive problems. Shown the topics of values, food uses, and medicinal purposes, these are the highlights of the crop. These build the foundation for comparing flowers to weeds, as you can see, it is more in depth than a simple glance along a sidewalk. Once this paper has taken root and been shown the care of thought, you’ll wonder too about the vast array of similarities and differences between flowers and weeds, and notice them for being more than simply just plants.

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