Monsieur Ibrahim And The Flowers Of The Koran

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Essay on “Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran”

The Story of Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt clearly confirms what has sung at Eurovision-2009 Israeli duo Noa and Mira Awad, the composition of which was devoted to the peaceful coexistence of Jews and Arabs, Jews and Muslims. Indeed, there must be another way, and it is possible.

It would seem that what is common between a Jewish teenager by the name of Moses and the elderly Muslim Monsieur Ibrahim? Thus the “local Arabs, who each own – open from eight in the morning until midnight and even on Sundays.

” In fact, he is not an Arab at all, but what will go into such details inhabitants of the Parisian streets Blue? At first glance, it seems that between them and the general-then all is that both live on this very street.

In fact more in common between them. For example, loneliness. The desire to break one, finally, the wall of the adult world, and the other – to lend a hand in the crack.

Acquainted with Monsieur Ibrahim under very unusual circumstances, Moses finds not only unusual and wise friend, but also opens up a whole new world.

Thanks to the old Muslim Momo was able to understand a lot of new things. For example, a smile. It turns out that it makes us happy. This – bang! – convinced, should once only try. Or that, it turns out, “Jews, Muslims and even Christians have a bunch of great common ancestors before they began to beat each other in the face.

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” Or that prayer can have the unusual form, as the dance of the dervishes – and along with it out of you somewhere to go, hate evaporates. It was worth leaving at least during the Blue street and travel thousands of miles to the Bosporus.

Monsieur Ibrahim And The Flowers Of The Koran

Monsieur Ibrahim, by his own admission, knows “just what is written in his Koran.” But that, it turns out, a lot. Enough to help the boy to become a free and reconciled finally with himself and with the world

Eric-Emmanuel Schmidt chose the best for such content form:. The story of Moses we learn from the mouth of the hero, and that’s why the story has turned so honest and sincere. Read it surprisingly easy and fun. At least in order to find out what was really in the Koran Monsieur Ibrahim.

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Monsieur Ibrahim And The Flowers Of The Koran
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