Essay on Tony Soprano

Topics: Other

The following sample essay on Tony Soprano is one of the major characters in the phenomenal hit series The Sopranos. The Sopranos is a high-quality drama series in American television produced by David Chase. It was originally aired on the HBO network. The drama series is all about the New Jersey Mafia leader named Tony Soprano and the complexities that he experiences as he attempts to manage the frequently incompatible necessities of his family life and the unlawful and immoral association he leads.

Tony manages his own household as well as a very controversial organization. His troubles are said to be product of his complicated lifestyle which originated from his own family background. His mother was said to be a psychotic person who was even involved in a plot to murder him. This scene is very emblematic in a sense that before the end of the series, Tony was said to be treated for a particular psychological disorder. The characters and the environment that affect Tony’s everyday living contribute to the convolutions of Tony’s character.

While he tries to fix his family, he is also attempting to make his organization doing well in a sense that he never miss to kill a single person that he perceives to be a threat not only to the mafia but also to his family (just like what he did to Big Pussy and to Christopher’s fiancée.

Throughout the series, Tony undergoes so many struggles. The first one is when he has to be treated due to his panic attacks.

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Later one, he has to deal with several plots against him including the instance when he has almost killed his uncle for being the mastermind of a murder-plot against him (wherein his own mother is also involved). The next troubles that he has are more on his fight against FBI agents who attempt to spy on the mafia and try to capture him.

While he tries to maintain an order inside the Soprano household, Tony is also the very one who contributes to the destruction and disorder of his family. He is described as unfaithful to his wife. So many scenes suggest this theme. Among he most notable instances are when he made an argument with his own sister Janice and his own daughter, by which he tries to convince the two ladies to listen to him and follow what he commands (for he says that what he is doing is for their own sake and for the sake of their family).

But no matter how his character tries to portray a defender of his family and his group, Tony fails to embody a heroic character as how others strangely claim. A hero never hurt his wife, his children, his mother or father, his uncle or even his friends. But Tony does all these things beginning from very small things that could inflict damage to any one of them. While he only cares for himself and only for himself, he acts and tries to make others believe that he is doing a very heroic act for the sake of protecting his family and his group. But the real thing is that, he is just doing these things to suit his own interests.

Towards the end of the series, it says that all the criminal acts that Tony does are starting to hunt him (where all things turn out to be against what he plans and wants to happen). After tracking and crashing down all his enemies, Tony finds himself playing the character that he never imagined to be played by him. He becomes the person who is being hunted and being pursued more than how the FBI does (Gabbard, 2004). Yet such realization depicted by his character is never attractive at all. The series end, having him gained his old self and defeating Phil, the person who hunted him and wished death for him. He saved himself and his family.

Having a very negative interpretation on Tony Soprano’s character all throughout the television series The Sopranos could be regarded as something that would make the audience think of the real reason why such series is structured and made they way it is seen in television. Audience and even the press people could say that such TV series only depicts what could really happen in real life or what is really there in reality; but what they miss is the point that, the character of Tony is no more than an illustration of a mad man who created his own monsters and then acting like a patriotic knight by fighting with them and exclaiming in the end that he does that for his family; that he should be regarded as a hero well in fact he is the very antagonist in the whole series .

The scenes in the series which illustrated how Tony’s dreams prophesize the future shows that Tony himself knows that his unlawful and immoral acts would soon hunt and destroy him but then he still chooses such as the path of his life. Though the ending apparently shows how Tony and his family become one again, it does not change the fact that Tony himself caused the almost wreck not only of his family but of his own life.

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Essay on Tony Soprano. (2018, Sep 21). Retrieved from

Essay on Tony Soprano
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