"Lynched" by Tony Black

Topics: Other

At Gus Dury, the protagonist of the eponymous detective series of the author Tony Black, are the ghosts. Some readers will reject it, even hate, others will like the underdog from Edinburgh or even make a cult figure.

Angus Dury’s a poor bastard. his now deceased father, an ex-football star, was constantly under alcohol, abused and beat his three children and his mother. to this day, can it Gus not forgive the misery that he did to the family. at the same time regrets Gus that he takes care of itself much too little for his mother, who asked from time to time loving and worried on the phone for him.

Gus’ resume knew only one direction he’s down his job as a journalist going, his wife Deborah has run it, you did it not stand with him, can see his self-destruction, “his suicide on the installment plan” not his unkempt… , neglected it is not surprising appearance.

The basis of his daily diet are sixty cigarettes and plenty of alcohol.

He staggers through his city and curses its decline, to which he still makes an at least optical contribution. Princes Street, once noble address the most prestigious stores in Scotland, now houses discount stores, amusement arcades and sex shops whose display can shoot him with shame the blood in the head.

In addition to the actual criminal Handlungsplot Tony Blacks thrillers draw the clear knowledge that the outer appearance is deceptive precisely because of the social-critical studies of the protagonist and his environment from.

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the intact observation, perceives with Gus as the once elegant capital of culture more and more rotten; the fine flair with which he wants to protect his ex-wife from evil in the further course of action the solid principles and sense of justice, with whom he will fight against a corrupt police force – all this shows that his brain is not yet fully clouded and he has a sensitive, straightforward, decisive character character in the core DC on the first page says Gus, he was “an idiot”. Because reasonable people run away when they hear the night screaming. He runs against it afterwards, interferes, spares no beating, is even willing to kill. And has quite a few hits in return.

At the beginning Gus eyewitness is a cruelty to animals. Four thugs have hanged a dog to a tree, shooting with air guns on him  and it gets worse. After Gus created with the types, he is hit with a club, he gets to stumble, slips and lands on a corpse. His hands are covered in blood.

Ruthless, cruel, brutal and deadly is the prohibited transactions with thick bet on pit bulls that are let loose on each other in a small arena. No one has interest in ensuring that Gus is the criminal activity on the ropes. The bookmakers have lubricated policemen to the highest positions. But instead of all the law breakers, it is Gus, who was arrested and the murder is suspected. We are immersed in an environment that can hardly be dirty. This is also reflected in the vocabulary. To be convincing, credible and authentic, Tony Black knows no taboos.

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"Lynched" by Tony Black. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/lynched-by-tony-black-my-review/

"Lynched" by Tony Black
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