File System and Nokia N8

We have recently tried XEON Belle Refresh CFW on our Nokia N8 upon user recommendations and its really good and stable. Xeon’s CFW has only English and Italian languages. (Italian as default, you can change it into English later on). Detailed change-logs are available after the break. Before you start following this tutorial, we recommend you to have a look at Cfficial Nokia Belle Refresh Change-logs. THIS CUSTOM FIRMWARE IS ONLY FOR NOKIA N8, DO NOT TRY IT ON ANY OTHER DEVICE OR YOU’LL BRICK IT UP.


Xeon Belle Refresh 3. 4. 7 for N8 – Change-log 111. 040. 1511 – S^4 Xeon 3. 4. 7 – 23/10/2012 -Update Qt WebKit 4. 8. 2 -Fix +System+ (Rimozione Social) – New Music player – Dolby Digital effects for headphones added – Belle FP1 Multi Tasking Manager – Custom THEME EFFECTS (C:/Animations/Effects) – Modded Widgets and Clocks – Hacked – can install all unsigned apps / games / widgets without certificate errors – Battery and Signals made colorful – Signals Symbol Changed – Starting Bootscreen added – More than 6 homescreens can be added – Camera Mute Mod added Resume downloads from the internet in default web browser – Vibration on phone lock / unlock removed – 200MB FREE PHONE MEMORY – 10 Music Equalizer Settings Added – All Apps can be renamed – Cache shifted to E:/ – Downloaded from N8 Fan Club – Send protected files from default file manager – Call logs will be saved for 999 days – Added ROM PATCHER with Lots of Patches How to Flash Xeon Belle Refresh 111.


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Download & Install Phoenix from here: PSS_2012. 04. 003. 47798_latest. xe (Make sure to disable your Anti-virus to avoid Insert Nokia Dongle Error) 2. Download  All three files and extract them all to RM-596 folder. Password for extraction is: Xeon^4 Core:                  S4(3. 4. 7)R1. 7z ROFS2:              S4(3. 4. 7)R2-EN. 7z ROFS3/UDA:  S4(3. 4. 7)R3. 7z (Note that this firmware is pre-hacked, you are not required to hack / unlock it using Norton Hack) 3. Make sure you have extracted all firmware files in folder path: C:/Program Files/Nokia/Phoenix/Products/RM-596 (If RM-596 folder doesn’t exist, you need to create RM-596 folder yourself and paste the firmware files inside it) 4.

Now connect your Nokia N8 in Ovi Suite Mode with USB cable and run Phoenix 5. Goto File and hit Scan Product (wait for some time) 6. Proceed to Flashing and hit Firmware update. 7. Select the firmware product code with three dots (…) (Select: 0599750: euro1_dg_italy) and click OK. (Don’t worry for the product code, it can be any one) | Click to enlarge| 8. Now hit the options button, just beneath SW Reset button and a window will appear. – Delete: RM-596_M005. 50. emmc. fpsx as show below | Click to enlarge| 9. Now Click on Software Reset button.

The flashing process would start and might ask you to disconnect USB cable and connect it again and slightly push the power button on N8 to initiate flashing Nokia Belle RefreshCustom Firmware. Flashing would hardly take 3 – 5 minutes on an average PC. Enjoy the Nokia Belle RefreshCFW on your Nokia N8 with all new widgets. (The flashing process is similar for every Nokia Belle Device, however you cannot use firmware of one device on any other device) Backup Downloads 808FanClub. com_Video_&_Photo_Editors_-_ALL_langs. _by_SkullATOS_unsigned. sis QuickOffice_Belle_Euro3_Unsigned__6. 4. 6. sis

AdobeReaderLE_v10. 0. 245. sis F-Secure_Anti-Theft_v7. 00. 17415. sis InternetSearch_v3. 0. 8. sis MicrosoftCommunicator_v2. 1. 369. sis Microsoft_office_for_nokia_bell_Unsigned. zip Nokia_Evolve_V3_Original_Pro_Edition_Signed. sis nokia_maps_suite_3_458612. 00_12wk9_b05_PRD_STORE. sis OviMusic_v13. 2. 24. sis storeinstaller_tb92_QTbundle_prd_PROD_3. 24. 053. sisx Languages in this Firmware: English and Italian Frequently Asked Questions: Q: I am using another Belle Refresh CFW (111. 040. 1511), will I have to downgrade first? A: If you are using another Belle Refresh CFW based on v111. 040. 511 (for instance Diamond Belle  Refreshor PVN’s CFW), you won’t be required to downgrade, just flash this firmware. Even if you are using AminKing v11 till now, you can  simply flash it using the flashing method as mentioned above, no downgrade is required. Q: I  want to return back to Official Nokia Belle Refresh v111. 040. 1511, what to do? A: Just download Official Nokia Belle Refresh Firmware v111. 040. 1511 from NaviFirm and flash it in the same way with Phoenix. Q: Can I downgrade this firmware? In case I want to return back to Symbian Anna? A: Yes you can downgrade using this downgrade tutorial over here.

Q: My Nokia N8 went dead after following this guide, what to do? A: First of all, don’t worry, try to Flash your Nokia N8 in DEAD USB Mode. It will be fine. Q: Will updating to this CFW or Downgrading from CFW to PR 1. 0 erase my all data from the phone? A: NO! Your data would remain preserved in E:/ MASS MEMORY, however backup of your important data is always recommended. Q: My phone doesn’t scan for music / songs after flashing this CFW? A: Place all your music files in E:/Music Q: Where should I place the custom theme effects after flashing this firmware? A: Extract your custom theme effects in C:/Animations/effects You might also like:

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File System and Nokia N8. (2017, Feb 02). Retrieved from

File System and Nokia N8
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