English 10 A Unit 1: The Literature Of the Americans

1. Archetypes frequently appear in literature with ____ (1 point)
Universal Themes

2. A ____ contains the main points of a story and is relatively short. ( 1 point )

3. A____ States the exact same thing as a passage but in your own words.

4. Which of the following sentences best states the main idea of “The Literature of The Americas”?
The literature of the Americas reflects the diversity of the people and cultures in each region.

5. All of the following are considered parts of speech except.

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English 10 A Unit 1: The Literature Of the Americans. (2018, Jan 23). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-english-10-a-unit-1-the-literature-of-the-americans/

English 10 A Unit 1: The Literature Of the Americans
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