Example Of Cyber Communication

Topics: Smartphone

These perverted people searched through chat rooms of innocent people and got them to give away personal information. Cyber communication through cell phones is also a big problem among teens. About 25 percent of American ten’s text in school, this leads to grades decreasing. Setting is also another major problem in the world. The laws on setting are so strict to where you can go to Jail for many years If caught. Many teenagers these days try to get nude pictures from their girlfriend/ boyfriend.

What these teens do not know is that having these pictures is a federal offense.

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Two kids at my school just this year have already gotten into trouble for having inappropriate pictures on their phone. One student got nine days of out of school suspension and the other got kicked out of school. I consider these people to be lucky because one article stated that a girl named Jesse Logan committed suicide over setting.

She was a happy teenager until her world turned upside down when her boyfriend broke up with her. Her boyfriend sent the nude pictures of herself to everybody through email and text. Once the students of the school got these pictures they emotionally attacked her.

This was so overwhelming that she started to skip class because of it. She eventually hanged herself at the age of eighteen (Mike Celiac). The people of my generation are sophomoric and do not want to believe that they are doing anything wrong.

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However It Is not Just only teens that are setting It Is the older generations that are starting to sextet too. Setting Just needs to stop period. The cell phone Is a great Invention don’t get me wrong but It Is meant for adults to use not little kids who have no idea what they are doing. Every year I see kids younger and younger get cell phones and it Just drives me off the wall.

Just the other day I walked into the elementary school right across the street and saw a kid testing on a cell phone. Little kids do not need to get a phone until they are at least in the eighth grade. I believe this because when I got my first phone I was In the sixth grade and I would only use my phone a couple of times until I was In the eighth grade. Also kids this young do not know what they should and shouldn’t tell people. 35 per cent of teens use their cell phones to boost test scores or school grades (http:// YMMV. Monotone. Com/article/19696. HTML).

Cell phones are also distractions for kids. They distract them in school and even when they are on the road and driving. In fact 46% of ten’s text while driving (http://vim. Artlessness. Com/business-ideas-articles/ statistics-on-testing-784182. HTML), This Is dangerous because It Is one of the leading causes In car accidents In teenage rolling. Its not only ten teenagers Tanat text Ana drive my own dad does it and it drives me crazy. Cell phones are a great invention but people need to learn when and when not to use them. Cyber bullying is a big part of a teenager’s life today.

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Example Of Cyber Communication. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-cyber-communication/

Example Of Cyber Communication
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