Cda Competency Statement

Competency Statement 1

The goals in my classroom are to achieve the objective of safety by providing the children with safe environment and equipped children to explore without any injuries. Another goal is to promote healthy habits. Another one is to promote a good age appropriate learning environment. Competency Goal 1 healthy learning environment Functional Area 1: Learning Environment: One of my goals is to maintain a safe environment for the children in my care to play and explore in.

How To Write A Competency Statement

This is an important goal for me to have because without a safe environment there is.

The space should be attractive and have a home ike feeling that reflects various cultures and diversity. For parents, emergency plans, important phone numbers and resource information should be up a t all times. One should have a balance of quiet and active centers, wet and dry centers, cooperative and solitary play centers and a schedule with a balance of inside and outside play Competency Goal 2 Functional Area 2: Safe.

Candidate provides a safe environment to prevent and reduce injuries. To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment my number one goal is to keep my children safe while they are in my care. I always make sure that I am aware of the entire possible ituation that involves an injury.Competency Goal 3 Functional Area 3: Healthy. Candidate provides an environment that promotes healthy and prevents illness, and teaches children about good nutrition and practices that promotes.

By modeling and teaching best practices of washing hands often, exercise, eating healthy foods and snacks.

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By providing healthy meals to promote good health this helps the children on the long run from being overweight and obese. We try to plan our meals by using the USDA Food Pyramid and we provide water at any time of day and at meals also. We also encourage the parents to give their children a variety.

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Cda Competency Statement. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from

Cda Competency Statement
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