Business Development Model for Dairy Portfolio

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BRITANNIA INDUSTRIES LIMITED Business Development Model First Phase product/channel matrix for developing the dairy portfolio in OOH/ACD Autumns Project Report SUVANSH BHARARA PGP-10-173 PGDM 2010-2012 S. P. JAIN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH, MUMBAI Acknowledgement I would like to thank Britannia Industries Limited for giving me an opportunity to intern with them. The overall experience of working at Britannia was outstanding and there was immense learning during the course of my project. I am extremely grateful to my mentor Ms.

Priyadarshini Shinde, Channel Development Manager – Alternate Channels for the trust shown in my judgment & opinions. The amount of freedom and responsibility that I was given helped me back myself during the project and strive to produce tangible results. Her high expectations from me and the unwavering support extended to me motivated me to work doubly hard for the project. I am thankful to her for guiding me through every stage of the project and providing me with all the necessary resources.

I would like to make a special mention to Mr.

Vikas Dogra – Channel Head, Alternate Channels for always inspiring me to take the project to the next level. I am especially thankful to Mr. Jasjeet Kochar – Business Development Manager, Alternate Channels – North, for coordinating the entire project with me by giving useful business insights on market execution and business development, and allocating resources whenever required. I would like to express gratitude to the entire Britannia team at the Bangalore office & the Delhi office, including the Dairy Division, Alternate Channels, and Quality Division for making my internship a really memorable one.

I would like to ake a special mention to Ms. Arpita Bagchi, HR Manager, for ensuring that the internship went off smoothly. I would also like to thank Mr. Shridhar Panshikar, National Sales Director at Britannia, for critically evaluating my final presentation and giving useful insights on taking this project forward. Last but not the least; I am thankful to my faculty advisor Ms. Renuka Kamath for always sharing her opinion and giving insights on my project which helped me in putting up good results. Executive Summary Britannia’s Alternate Channel division was set up around six years back to cater to out of home consumption.

OOH consumption has taken off in India, with consumers spending close to 15 hours of their day outside home. As a result, biscuits at touchpoints such as schools, offices, canteens, bus stand, InFlight, railways stations etc have become big business. An entire ACD team manages the Alternate Channels across the four regions of India, headed by a Channel Head & a Channel Development Manager. This project involved development of the dairy portfolio in the OOH space. Dairy is very big in the out of home segment, especially since the dairy requirements lasts throughout the day and they are typically very high value products.

This project involved business development model for the dairy portfolio in the ACD Channel, by rolling out a pilot in the North Region (Delhi-NCR market). Another immediate deliverable of the project was to manage the launch execution of Tiger Zor across India, by ensuring billing to the distributors, tackling any potential bottlenecks to invoicing, ensuring maximum point of sale material execution, sales rep training, and addressing quality issues(if any). During the first two weeks of the project, the product was launched in South1(Bangalore Market) by carrying out aggressive sampling activities and distributor briefings.

During the next six weeks, the emphasis was on building the market scoping, along with the potential for Britannia in this space, and aligning it with the sales & distribution systems prevalent in Britannia to ensure a smooth integration. The key methodology followed in this business development Model was the use of structured interviews & focussed discussions with the stakeholders and consumers. The pilot integration was carried out in Gurgaon & Noida and all the integration steps were followed to learn from any shortfalls that might have occurred.

The result of this project is the development of a market estimate for Britannia from where they can launch aggressively into the Dairy Portfolio in the North Region, leverage on their strengths and take on the competition. The integration was successfully completed in the North Region and even billing to the distributors, together with back end updation was addressed. The learnings & recommendations from this project will allow Britannia to integrate the Dairy Portfolio across all the regions in India. Contents Project Scope & Objectives| 5| Project Methodology| 6| Managing Launch Execution of Tiger Zor| 7|

Project Zor| 14| Business Development Model for the Dairy Portfolio in the ACD Channel| 15| Understanding Customer Requirements| 15| Competition Study| 20| Distributor Requirements| 22| Pilot Integration| 23| Product Channel Matrix| 24| Major Areas of Concern| 26| Additional Inputs| 27| Execution Plan for NBD in the Pilot Market| 28| Consolidated Project Learnings| 29| Appendix 1 : Project Charter| 31| Appendix 2 : Key Learnings from Marketplace Visit| 32| Appendix 3 : Tiger Zor Liquidation Plan| 33| Appendix 4 : Pilot Integration at Leela| 33| Appendix 5 : Tiger Zor Sales| 34| Appendix 6 : Structured Questionnaire| 34|

Appendix 7 : First Phase of developing the dairy portfolio in OOH/ACD| 35| Appendix 8: ACD Account List in Gurgaon| 38| 1. Project Scope and Objectives Project Title: Business Development Model for the Dairy Portfolio in BIL’s ACD Channel Objectives: 1. Manage Launch execution for Tiger Zor in ACD 2. Understand scope & potential of the Dairy Portfolio in the OOH/ACD Channel 3. Map Competition 4. Develop a first phase product/channel matrix for developing the Dairy Portfolio in OOH/ACD 5. Develop an execution plan for Business Development in Phase 1 Key Deliverables: Deliverable| Measure of Success|

Successfully execute Tiger Zor Launch across 4 regions| Sales, ECO, Visibility Metrics| Scoping Document and alignment with Dairy Team| Submission of plan as per defined timeline| Development of Execution Plan for Business Development| Submission of plan as per defined timeline| Project Scope: Liaisoning with the following a) ACD Sales Team (BDM,SO,TSI,PSM,CP) b) Dairy Team c) Customers d) Channel Partners Travel across different metros across India was required. Project Learning Objective: * Indepth understanding of ACD and At Works as a channel * Understand Account Building Blocks Understand the process of business development (opportunity mapping, competition scanning, developing mix and execution plan) Targeted Benefit to the company: The Dairy Portfolio is pegged to be a Rs. 60 crore per annum business and this project will execute the first steps of the ACD Team in this space. 2. Project Methodology A Pilot market approach was employed to execute this project. * Tiger Zor Launch across all four regions of India * Execution of Business Development in the North Market (Delhi-NCR) The pilot was successfully implemented in the Markets of Gurgaon & Noida.

The research was mostly exploratory in nature and several standardised tools like structured questionnaire were employed during the course of this project. 3. 1 Project Timelines 3. Managing Launch Execution of Tiger Zor 4. 2 Product Launch in South 1 The first step was to launch the product in South 1 Region (Andhra & Karnataka) by conducting a briefing of the regions’ distributors and starting invoicing. Approach: A three pronged approach was planned for the launch execution of Tiger Zor in South 1 region which involved: * Distributor briefing * Product Sampling * Ensuring product invoicing

Results: The following results were achieved after the product launch in South 1: * 68 cases of Tiger Zor were billed immediately post launch * More than 30,000 bottles of Tiger Zor were sampled at five sites * There was a 20% increase in offtake of the product post sampling * More than ten ACD Accounts were opened for invoicing Learnings: The major learning from this task was to ensure build up of traction through the sampling activities. Traction is built by ensuring product presence across channels once the sampling activity is undertaken, else the product will be forgotten by the consumer.

As it is said – ‘Out of sight, out of mind’. This is a learning curve for new product launches Eg. Yogurt. The above figure shows the learning curve obtained from this task. * Identify touchpoint where sampling can be undertaken * Touchpoint should have ACD Accounts/MRP counters where the product can be placed * Draw up a Accountwise stock plan & ensure timely IDT (Inter Depot Transfer) of stock * Develop an offtake tracker to track the product offtake The findings from each of the sampling activity were documented & pertinent data related to price points, product qualities etc were shared with the Brand Team.

The following data points were obtained from Salarpuria Softzone Tech Park, Bangalore: 4. 3 Sample Consumer Study A sample consumer study was conducted in the Pilot Market (Delhi-NCR) to obtain key insights on the brand, product likeability, product consumption pattern etc. Approach: A dip stick study was conducted in the North Region (Delhi-NCR) by recording the responses of over 200 consumers and 7 distributors. More than 40 cases were also sampled at Britannia Bazaar at Maruti Suzuki from where pertinent data points were obtained. Observations: Metric Measured: Brand Awareness

There is a need to induce trials by sampling in the pilot market. Metric Measured: Product Relevance The product is considered highly relevant by the TG, although Chocolate Milk is considered to be a kids’ drink. Metric Measured: Product Differentiation TG Speak: ‘real bits of badam, thicker, different packaging’ Metric Measured: Consumption Occasions Consumption Occasions AtWorks : Work breaks or to supplement meals School : tiffins Hotels : Mini Bars Railways : Substitute to CSD Metric Measured: Product Credibility Credibility high due to Britannia brand name, but the credibility was hit due to the quality issue in North region.

Metric Measured: Repeat purchase Intention TG Speak: ‘I don’t mind spending money on a product that is tasty & healthy’. 4. 4 Sales Operation Coordination Operations contributed a significant part to this project and it entailed successful coordination with the Brand team & ACD Team to ensure billing of stock as against the plan. Approach: To coordinate the Operations, a three pronged strategy was employed that involved ensuring billing & POSM allocation, Liaisoning with Logistics for IDT and Managing Back End. Results: The following billing was achieved across all four regions: MONTH| GROSS(VAL)| VOLUME|

September| 7. 05 Lacs| 6. 23 tons| October| 4. 26 Lacs| 3. 81 tons| TOTAL| 11. 31 Lacs| 10. 04 tons| The following ECO’s were achieved across the four regions: REGION| ECO| North| 5%| West| 12%| South1| 2%| South2| 12%| TOTAL| 9%| Learnings: The biggest learning from sales operation coordination was solving the problem of slow offtake and product quality in the North Region. The following steps were involved in providing the end to end solution to a product quality issue: Identify Problem : Backtrack Secure Back End : Sensitize Aws & TSI Build customer confidence : Sampling

Build Team confidence : Offtake tracker Product Handling Tool shared with TSIs and 10 AWs Sampled 60 CBB at 8 Accounts 20% increase in Offtake 4. 5 Tiger Zor : Way Forward Secure the Back End by Price Updation for Depots and Distributors. 1. Product Handling Sensitisation which is very crucial for a new category product a. Regional Business Development Managers to educate the Sales Incharges and Distributors using a Tool b. Surprise checks at Depot/Distributor point by Sales Incharges and this should be included in their WOW(Ways of Working) 2.

Product Sampling to create an audience pull c. Plan sampling at relevant touchpoints such as tech parks and schools 3. Tackling competition Brand| MRP| Vol| Trade Margin| Distributor Margin| Tiger Zor| Rs 20| 150 ML| 10%| 5%| Amul| Rs 17| 200 ML| 17%| 10-15%| Gagan/Gopaljee| Rs 17| 200 ML| 20%| 10-15%| MTR| Rs 25| 200 ML| 15%| 10-15%| Outflank unit margin & price comparison Accountwise Sampling Plan (Create Pull) Key Touchpoint : Railways System Sale rather than Product Sale Custom tiffins for kids, ‘Had Milk? ’ Hardware at Offices Collateral Support to vendor : spoons, plates, napkins

System Selling is a concept wherein the product enters the shelf of the vendor/customer by acquiring the customer. Britannia needs to create a milk consumption culture and ensure the unit price concept is outflanked. 4. Project Zor Identify geographical area Identify type of outlet Fix Level of distribution Fix level of stocking Competition Data : external syndicated data Target Specific level of repurchase Assess Track achieved, Volume distributed & Repeat Purchase Brand Management & product communication Fine tune communication strategy Learnings from Project Launch Execution

Liaisoning with ACD Sales Team, Dairy Team, Customers & Channel Partners Ensuring Maximum Impact through Brand Activation Exercises Troubleshooting breather functions : IDT, POSM execution, Primary Billing Stepwise addressal of product quality issues (North) Developing metrics to measure product launch impact Takeaways for BIL ( New Product Launch) Secure Back End with Price Updation Technical Training for Team/Channel Partners : Product knowledge & handling Achieve Consistent ECO Targets : Focus Product Launch System Selling rather than Product Selling 5.

Business Development Model for the Dairy Portfolio in the ACD Channel Approach: The following approach was adopted for the business development model for the dairy portfolio: * Understanding BIL’s Product Portfolio * Product USPs Eg : Slimz Milk (0% Fat), 100% Cow’s Milk (Betakerotine) * Product Technicalities Eg : Processed cheese easy to melt * SKU wise Shelf Life, Chief Market & Rate * Knowledge transfer from Modern Trade Integration Team * Depot wise SKU Level Planning * Back end price updation * AW Requirements * Focus Market : North (Delhi-NCR) Structured Questionnaire for customer profiling & competition study * Interviewed 45 ACD customers (new & existing) * AW Requirements (interviewed 7 Aws including those of Dabur, Pepsi, Amul) * Thumb rule projections in the pilot market * Pilot an integration : end to end solution 6. Understanding customer requirements 6. 1 Customer Range Requirements: HOTELS Touchpoint : Hotels No. of accounts visited : 8 No. of Pilot Accounts : 25 The entry points for Britannia would be UHT Milk, UHT Low Fat Milk, and Cheese & Flavoured Milk.

This was the observed customer decision making process: 6. 2 Customer Range Requirements: AT WORKS Touchpoint : At Works No. of accounts visited : 15 No. of Pilot Accounts : 300 The entry points for Britannia would be Flavoured Milk and Dahi. The following customer decision making process was observed: 6. 3 Customer Range Requirements: HOSPITALS Touchpoint : Hospitals No. of accounts visited : 5 No. of Pilot Accounts : 25 The entry points for Britannia would be Curd & HUT Low Fat Milk. The following customer decision making process was observed: 6. 4 Customer Range Requirements: RAILWAYS

Touchpoint : Railways No. of accounts visited : 1 No. of Pilot Accounts : 10 The following decision making process was observed: The following decision making process was observed: 7. Competition Study AMUL Strengths * Competitive Rates * Nimble Distribution Network (60 Vehicles service Delhi-NCR) * Widely Available in the market Weaknesses * Limited Value Added Products Portfolio (Eg : Cheese) * Low Fat Range Nestle Strengths * Existing Distribution Network with Nescafe, highly penetrated * Winning products : Everyday(sachet), Dahi, yogurt Weaknesses Lack of focus in OOH, irregular supplies Mother Dairy Strengths * Competitive Rates * Nimble Distribution Network (60 Vehicles service Delhi-NCR) * Widely Available in the market Weaknesses * Very Limited product portfolio Dilecta Strengths * Nimble Distribution Network * USP : Liquid Whitener, cream Weaknesses * Very Limited product portfolio Nutralite Strengths * Competitive Rates * Low Fat Butter Range widely used Weaknesses * Very Limited product portfolio Shudh Garhwal Strengths * Covers 95% of HORECA accounts in Delhi-NCR * One stop Solution for ALL dairy needs Stocks branded products (Amul, MD,Dilecta) and own brands * Competitive rates, flawless servicing Weaknesses * No access to Value added products Eg : Cream Cheese 8. DISTRIBUTOR REQUIREMENTS To assess distributor requirements, focussed interviews were conducted with seven ACD distributors of Britannia & five other big Out of Home distributors doing business with Dabur & Amul. ACD Channel partner Concerns: Additional cost of infrastructure Additional Manpower Cost Setting up Cold Chain & Storage Market Credit of 45 Days(Avg. ) What will be his ROI ? Other Big OOH Players: Dabur/Amul

Amul ties up with NIMBLE local players Eg : Shudh Garhwal Dabur works at 7% AW Margin & 15 days company credit 9. Pilot Integration 45 cases of UHT Slimz Milk were billed to Leela Kempinski in Gurgaon. The following steps were gone through while conducting this pilot integration : Understanding customer requirements Gap in competition servicing (Nestle) No special discount – Rate fixed Managed Back end – price updation, Stock IDT, delivery Sampled entire Dairy portfolio at the Account to the Chef Entry Point : UHT Slimz Milk, other categories (cheese range) opened

Overall Dairy Business in the OOH/ACD Channel in the Pilot Market Focus Channel| Business Potential| HORECA| Rs 1950000| At Works| Rs 1824000| Hospitals| Rs 396000| Schools & Colleges| Rs 460800| Railways| Rs 470000| Business Potential for Britannia in the Pilot Market : Rs 90 Lacs – 1 Cr Overall Market Potential Overall Business Potential in the Pilot Market : Rs 10-12 Cr Britannia can capture 10% of the Dairy Market (Realistic estimate) – Competitive Pricing – Portfolio services Value Added Needs for customers – Local, nimble suppliers who are deeply penetrated Critical to target Entry Points for Business Development Eg. Cheese Range in HORECA Case Study : Leela Kempinski, Gurgaon Average Daily billing of Rs 1 Lacs (Dairy Portfolio) BIL can service close to 10-15% 10. Product Channel Matrix 10. 1 HORECA Total Business Size : Rs 20 Lacs Opening HORECA Accounts Product| Competition| BIL Action| UHT Milk & Slimz| Nestle| Availability & Timely IDT| TigerZor| Amul| Trade Schemes & Sampling(1+1)| Cheese Range| Imported Brands| Pitch Aggressively, creating opening| 10. 2 AT WORKS Total Business Size : Rs 19 Lacs Opening AtWorks Accounts

Product| Competition| BIL Action| Dahi| Nestle| Depot wise stock planning, ensure availability| TigerZor| Gagan/Amul/Gopaljee| Sampling, System Selling| 10. 3 HOSPITALS Total Business Size : Rs 4 Lacs Opening Hospitals Product| Competition| BIL Action| UHT Slimz Milk| Nestle| Stock Planning + Availability| Dahi| Nestle| Stock Planning + Availability| Dahi & UHT Milk – > Availability & On Time Delivery 10. 4 Schools & Colleges Total Business Size : Rs 4. 5 Lacs Product| Competition| BIL Action| TigerZor| Gagan/Gopaljee| System Selling, Sampling Activity| 0. 4 RAILWAYS Total Business Size : Rs 45 Lacs 11. Major Areas of Concern Integration needs to resolve/outflank all these issues. 12. Additional Inputs These are some of the additional inputs that BIL will have to provide for the successful implementation of this project. 1. Sales Force a. Product Portfolio Training by Dairy Team b. Product Handling Training by Quality Team c. Special Task Force for New Business Development – 6 interns / TSI 2. Channel Partners d. Product Portfolio Training by ACD Team e. Product Handling Training by Quality Team / ACD Team f.

Infrastructure subsidies for the first 2 months (sharing additional infra cost) g. Possible collaboration with a Bank to discount Bills – Nationally 3. Managing Back End h. SKU Level Price updation for all Depots / AW 4. Know your Customer i. Address Special Servicing needs Eg: System Selling for AtWorks, Sampling to chefs at Hotels 13. Execution Plan for New Business Development in the Pilot Market 14. Consolidated Project Learnings Logistics| Physical Flow of goods from factory till end consumer | Locations & Method of Flow | Taxation at Various Points | Inventory Management |

Management of Expiry/Returns | Distribution| Appointment of Channel Partner | Evaluation Process/Criteria | Distributor Margins, Cost and ROI calculation | Inventory Management at AW point / stacking norms | Hygiene Norms / Product Handling | Sales| Sales Organization Chart | Assesment of Front Line Sales Person/Intern | KPIs – Callage, Productivity, Range Selling | Month end sales meeting – who handles, what transpires | Sales person allowances & incentives | BTL Promotions & Sampling Activities | Territory Demarcation & Route Mapping | Appendix 1. Project Charter 2.

Key Learnings from Marketplace Visit Market Visit 1| 9th September 2011| Ravi (RSA)| * Product Portfolio familiarity – Britannia biscuits * Familiarity with AW(Nagalakshmi), AW infrastructure,Udaan platform, billing process, collection process * Fast(er) moving brands – Bourbon, Good Day,Nutrichoice,Cakes * Issues relating to RSA productivity * Efficient but not necessarily effective * Scouting for newer accounts – Not very aggressively done * Forgets where to push which product and how * Unaware of incentives of over achieving targets, etc * Execution of plans has leaks, which can be plugged Britannia racks/dispenser used for storing other brands – Checks required?? * Popular biscuit brand Bourbon reported regular stock out – Planning is an issue?? * Approached an institutional buyer (McAfee) at a software park * Customer had unique requirements (small number of biscuits in separate packs) * Britannia’s strength – pitching it’s wide range of brands to customers * Pitched Nutri choice ATC pack – matched customer requirements – Account building Visit to Channel Partner| 10th September 2011| Annapoorna Enterprises | * This CP supplies to HORECA as well Biscuits & Dairy are two different verticals – Returns on dairy are less because of infrastructural issues * For biscuits, 2 kinds of consumption – welfare account & outsourced counter * Welfare Accounts give volume growth * Scouting for places like food courts in office complexes – people congregate * Minimum level of stock the CP has (7-8 lakhs of stock) * Keeps a buffer of 20% of fast moving SKU’s Explore opportunities for OOH consumption for Biscuits & exploit that demand * Understanding how product launch occurs – Prelaunch exercise : understanding market segments, assembling distributors, fine tuning internal sales process Market Visit 2| 12th September 2011| Ranganathan Agencies (Dairy)| * Familiarity with dairy portfolio of Britannia and competition * Market strengths of Britannia Dairy – Cheese Pricing is an issue – loss of institutional accounts – more expensive compared to Amul * AW salesman productivity is an issue – not effectively pitching Britannia products – not knowing which product to pitch in what channel * Back end supply issues relating to non regular supply of Britannia Dahi (especially) – happens only once a week compared to Nestle which services daily. * Consumer speak –“ Britannia advertises dairy products but it is not available ; so I purchase whatever is available (Nestle, Nilgiris)” – need to cut down on lost sales * Dairy Whitener – slow moving product Tiger Zor was available in some GT stores – huge potential – right now ground level activities to support launch have not taken shape 3. Tiger Zor Liquidation Plan 4. Pilot Integration at Leela Product| Description| Category| Market| QTY| 91573| CHEESE SLICES 476G 30PK CBB INST| Cheese| Cheese Insti| 1PK| 90168| CHEESE BLOCK 1KG 12PK CBB| Cheese| Cheese Insti| 1PK| 90322| CHEESE BLOCK NATURAL 1KG CEKA 12PK CBB| Cheese| Cheese Insti| 1PK| 90789| CHEESE PIZZA BLOCK 1KG 12PK CBB| Cheese| Cheese Insti| 1PK| 90323| CHEESE CASTED SLICES 2. 7KG 8PK CBB| Cheese| Cheese Insti| 1PK| 94129| CHEESE BLOCK 1 KG 12PK CBB (P)| Cheese| Cheese Insti| 1PK| 90562| BUTTER BLOCK 1KG 18PK CBB INST WO DPLX| Butter| Butter Insti| 1PK| 90794| BUTTER BLOCK MIXED 1KG 18PK CBB WO DPLX| Butter| Butter Insti| 1PK| 90186| BUTTER BLOCK 1KG 18PK CBB| Butter| Butter Insti| 1PK| 91180| WARANA BUTTER BLOCK 1KG 18PK CBB WO DPL| Butter| Butter Insti| 1PK| 90183| D. WHITENER JAR 10KG 1PK CBB| DW| DW insti| 1PK| 90184| D.

WHITENER JAR 25KG 1PK BAG| DW| DW insti| 1PK| 94687| D. WHITENER JAR 10KG 1PK CBB(PR)| DW| DW insti| 1PK| 94493| D. WHITENER JAR 25KG 1PK BAG (S)| DW| DW insti| 1PK| 93145 | MILK UHT SLIMZ 1 LT 12PK CBB TRAY| UHT| UHT Retail| 1PK| 93141 | MILK UHT 1 LT 12PK CBB TRAY| UHT| UHT Retail| 1PK| 93143 | ACTIMIND MANGO FLAVOR 150 ML 25 PK| DP| ActiMind| 1PK| 93146 | ACTIMIND S’BERRY FLAVOR 150 ML 25 PK| DP| ActiMind| 1PK| 94254 | ACTIMIND VALUE PACK MANGO| DP| ActiMind| 1PK| 4256 | ACTIMIND VALUE PACK STRAWBERRY| DP| ActiMind| 1PK| 94113 | TIGER ZOR CHOCO MIL 150ML 25PK CBB| DP| Tiger Zor| 1PK| 94634 | TIGER ZOR BADAM MILK 150 ML 25PK/CBB| DP| Tiger Zor| 1PK| 94380 | Cheese BG Flavoured Wedges 128g 36 Pk| Cheese| Cheese Retail| 1PK| 94385 | Cheese BG Slices Emmental 200g 24Pk| Cheese| Cheese Retail| 1PK| 94390 | Cheese BG Slices Gouda 200g 24Pk| Cheese| Cheese Retail| 1PK| 94402 | Cheese BG Plain Wedges128g 36 Pk| Cheese| Cheese Retail| 1PK| 5. Tiger Zor Sales (October 2011) 6. Structured Questionnaire 1.

What is the number of customers serviced per month? 2. What is the consumption of dairy products, by value and volume? 3. Which brand is used and at what price? 4. What is the current distribution model and market strengths of the competition? 5. What margins, discounts ; schemes you offered? 6. What is the customer’s decision making process? 7. What is the most important factor for choosing a particular product/supplier? 7. First Phase of Developing the Dairy Portfolio in OOH/ACD| | | | | | | | | Market : NOIDA| | | | | | | | AW : Sampurna Marketing| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Business Size : 1. 5-2 Lacs per month Payment Period : 30 Days| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Remarks : Shudh Garhwal is the supplier for all Dairy Products(Paneer, Khoya, Cream,Milk,butter,cheese), including branded products like Amul Cheese, Mother Dairy Milk etc. Flawless Door delivery ; monthly billing of 4. 5 Lacs. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | New Business Development : Conduct Sampling to chef and plan stocks for billing First Phase of Developing the Dairy Portfolio in OOH/ACD| | | | | | | | |

Market : NOIDA| | | | | | | | AW : Sampurna Marketing| | | | | | | | Opportunity Point| Product| Size|  |  | Mosaic Hotel| Gouda Cheese| Monthly billing of 15000 Rupees|  | Parmesan Cheese|  |  |  | Payment Period : 30 Days| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Remarks : Shudh Garhwal is the supplier for all dairy products. Opportunity for Britannia lies in Cheese Range, currently being imported at three times the price. First Phase of Developing the Dairy Portfolio in OOH/ACD| | | | | | | | |

Market : NOIDA| | | | | | | | AW : Sampurna Marketing| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Opportunity Point| Product| SKU| Consumption| | Brit Rate| Competition rate| Nirulas| Pizza Cheese| 1 kg| 5 tns/month| Rs 353| Rs 238| | Cheese Slice| 476 gm| 70 kg/day| Rs 191| Rs 195| | Ghee| 1 kg| 100 kg/month| | | | | | | | | Opportunity Size : Rs 20 Lacs per month Remarks : On Delivery Payment on the same Day| | | | | | | | | | | | | |

New Business Development : Conduct Sampling by providing samples, specification sheet and Rate List. Special Discount on Landing rate could be mooted due to volumes.. | | | | | | | | | First Phase of Developing the Dairy Portfolio in OOH/ACD| | | | | | | | | Market : NOIDA| | | | | | | | AW : Sampurna Marketing| | | | | | | | Product| Butter| Paneer| Cooking Cream| Pizza Cheese| Flavored Cheese| Dairy Whitener| PolyPack Milk| Remarks : Shudh Garhwal is the supplier. No bakery in this hotel so less use of cheese

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Business Development Model for Dairy Portfolio. (2017, Dec 04). Retrieved from

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