APUSH 1 flashcards 12-15

Topics: America
While in existence, the second Bank of the United States
was a depository of the funds of the national government
John Quincy Adams could be best described as
possessing almost none of the arts of the politician
Andrew Jackson’s Democratic political philosophy was based on his
suspicion of the federal government
The Whigs hoped to win the 1836 election by
forcing the election into the House of representatives
The people who proposed the exceptionally high rates of the Tariff of 1828 were
ardent supporters of Andrew Jackson who actually hoped it would be defeated
Andrew Jackson based his veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States on
the fact that he found the bill harmful to the nation as well as unconstitutional
The nullification crisis of 1833 resulted in a clear-victory for
neither Andrew Jackson nor the nullifiers
The Panic of 1837 was caused by all of the following except
taking the country off the gold standard
Supporters of the Whig party included all of the following except
opponents of public education
The so-called Era of Good Feelings was never entirely tranquil, but even the illusion of national consensus was shattered by the
Panic of 1819 and the Missouri Compromise
One of the positive aspects of the Bank of the United States was its
being a source of credit and stability, promoting the nation’s expanding economy
The section of the United States most hurt by the Tariff of 1828 was
the South
The House of Representatives decided the 1824 presidential election when
no candidate received a majority of the vote in the Electoral College
As president, John Quincy Adams
was one of the least sucessful presidents in American history
Andrew Jackson made all of the following charges against the Bank of the United States except that
it was controlled by an elite moneyed aristocracy
The election of 1824 ended in a deadlock, as directed by the ___ amendment, the House of Representatives had to choose among the top three candidates
The Whigs offered all of the following proposals for the remedies of the economic ills facing America in 1837 except
proposal of the Divorce Bill
Texas gained its independence with
help from Americans
The new two-party political system that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s
fulfilled the wishes of the founding fathers
Innovations in the election of 1832 included
adoption of written party platforms
In an effort to assimilate themselves into white society, the Cherokees did all of the following except
refuse to own slaves
The presidential election of 1824
was the first one to see the election of a minority president
William Henry Harrison, the Whig party’s presidential candidate in 1840, was
made to look like a poor western farmer
Presidents Jackson and Van Buren hesitated to extend recognition to and to annex the new Texas
antislavery groups in the US opposed the expansion of slavery
John Quincy Adam’s weakness as president included al of the following except
his encouragement of his supporters to “sling mud” at Jackson
The cement that held the Whig party together in its formative days was
hatred of Andrew Jackson
The person most responsible for defusing the tariff controversy that began in 1828 was
Henry Clay
In their treatment of Native Americans, white americans did all of the following except
argue that Indians could not be assimilated into the larger society
Andrew Jackson’s administration supported the removal of Native Americans from the eastern states because
whites wantes the Indians’ land
Andrew Jackson’s inauguration as president symbolized the
newly won ascendancy of the masses
The government of Mexico and the Americans who settled in Mexican-controlled Texas clashed over all of the following issues except
allegiance to Spain
John Quincy Adams, elected president in 1825, was charged by his political opponents with having struck a “corrupt bargain” when he appointed ___ to become ____
Henry Clay, Secretary of State
Most of early American settlers in Texas came from
the South and Southwest
The policy of the Jackson administation toward the eastern Indian tribes was
forced removal
The Anti-Masonic party of 1832 appealed to
American suspicions of secret societies
Americans moved into Texas
after an agreement was concluded between mexican authorities and Stephen Austin
The South Carolina state legislature, after the election of 1832
declared the existing tariff null and void in South Carolina
The Nullification crisis of 1832-1833 erupted over
tariff policy
Southerners feared he Tariff of 1828 because
this same power could be used to supress slavery
One of the main reasons Andrew Jackson decided to weaken the Bank of the US after the 1832
his fear that Nicholas Biddle might try to manipulate the bank to force its recharter
The “Tippecanoe” in the Whigs’ 1840 campaign slogan was
William Harrison
The strong regional support for the Tariff of 1833 came from
the South
Andrew and his supporters disliked the Bank of the US for all of the following reasons except it
put service first, not profits
The purpose behind the spoils system was
to reward political supporters with public office
Andrew Jackson’s veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the US was
a major expansion of presidential power
The nullification crisis started by South Carolina over the Tariff of 1828 ended when
Congress passed the compromise Tariff of 1833
The Panic of 1819 brought with it all the following except
The Rush-Bagot agreement
limited naval armaments on the Great Lakes
The War of 1812 was one of the worst fought wars in US history because
of the nation’s apathy and national disunity
The most devastating defeat suffered by the British during the War of 1812 took place at the Battle of
New Orleans
Canada became an important battleground in the War of 1812 because
British forces were weak there
One of the most important by-products of the war of 1812 was
a heightened spirit of nationalsim
The Delegates of the Hartford Convention adopted resolutions that included a call for
a Constitutional amendment requiring a two-thirds vote in Congress before war was declared
Andrew Jackson’s military exploits were insrtumental in the US gaining
possessions of Florida from the Spainish
Spain sold Florida to the US because it
could not defend the area and would lose it in any case
The performance of the US’ Navy in the War of 1812 could be best describes as
surprisingly successdful
The Era of Good Feelings
was a misnomer, because the period was a troubled one
With the demise of the Federalist Party
the Democratic-Republicans established a one-party rule
As a result of the Missouri Compromise
slavery was banned north 36″30′ in the Louisiana Purchase territory
The Monroe Doctrine was
an expression of the illusion of deepening American isolationism from world affairs
Democratic-Republicans opposed Henry Clay’s American System because
they believed in was unconstitutional
The two most internationally recognized American writers in the 1820s were
Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper
The resolutions from the Hartford Convention
helped to cause the death of the Federalist Party
The Battle of New Orleans
saw British troops defeated by Andrew Jackson’s soldiers
All of the following were results of Missouri Compromise except that
sectionalism was reduced
The Tariff of 1816 was the first in American history
that aimed to protect American Industry
The Western land boom resulted from all of the following except
the construction of railroad lines west of the Mississippi River
In McCulloch v. Maryland, Cohens v.

Virginia, and Gibbons v. Ogden, Chief Justice Marshall’s ruling limited the extent of

states’ rights
The Russo-American Treaty of 1824 fixed the southernmost limits of Russian occupation of North America at
The doctrine of noncolonization in the Monroe Doctrine was
a response to the apparent designs of the Russians in Alaska and Oregon
Latin America’s reaction to the Monroe Doctrine can best be described as
unconcerned or unimpressed
Henry Clay’s call for federally funded roads and canals received whole-hearted endorsment from
the West
The British attack on Baltimore
inspired the writings of “The Star-Spangled Banner”
At the time it was issued, the Monroe Doctrine was
incapable of being enforced by the US
At the end of the War of 1812, British manufacturers
began dumping their goods in America at extremely low prices
America’s campaign against Canada in the War of 1812 was
a complete failure
John Marshall uttered his famous legal dictum that “the power to tax involves the power to destroy” in
McCulloch v. Maryland
At the peace conference at Ghent, the British began to withdraw many of its earlier demands for all of the following reasons except
reverses in upper New York
America’s campaign against Canada in the War of 1812 was
poorly conceived because it split up the military
One result of the American naval victories on the Great Lakes during the War of 1812 was
a British naval blockade of the American coast
In interpreting the Consititution, John Marshall
favored loose construction
The Treaty of 1818 with England
called for a ten-year joint occupation of the Oregon country by both American citizens and British subjects
One of the major causes of the Panic of 1819 was
overspeculation in frontier lands
All of the following were true of the American regular army on the eve of the War of 1812 except
their numbers were large enough that they did not have to rely on the militia
When the House of Representatives passed the Tallmadge Amendment in response to Missouri’s request for admission to the Union, the South thought that the amendment
would threaten sectional balance
The Battle of New Orleans
unleashed a wave of nationalism and self-confidence
When the House of Representatives passed the Tallmadge Amendment in response to Missourri’s request for admission to the Union, the South thought that the amendment
would threaten the sectional balance
George Caitlin advocated
the preservation of nature as a national policy
The first major transportation project, which ran sixty-two miles from Philadelphia to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, was the
Lancaster Turnpike
The American phase of the industrial revolution first blossomed
in the New England textile industry
When the Irish flocked to the US in the 1840s, they stayed in the larger seaboard cities because they
were too poor to move west and buy land
Native-born Protestant Americans distrusted and resented the Irish mostly because these immigrants
were Roman Catholic
One reason for the Anglo-Texan rebellion against Mexico rule was that the
Anglo-Texans wanted to break away from a government that had grown too authoritarian
John C. Calhoun’s South Carolina Exposition was an arguement for
states’ rights
Those who were frightened by the rapid influx of Irish immigrants organized
the Order of the Star-Spangled Banner
The American workforce in the early nineteenth century was characterized by
substantial employment of women and children in factories
Eli Whitney was instrumental in the invention of the
cotton gin
Most early railroads in the US were built in the
As a result of the development of the cotton gin
slavery revived and expanded
The canal era of American history began with the construction of the
Erie Canal in New York
The Major application for steamboats transporting freight and passengers in the US was on
western and southern rivers
The sentiment of fear and opposition to open immigrants was called
As the new continental market economy grew
the home came to be viewed as a refuge from the workday world
German immigrants in the early nineteenth century tended to
preserve their own language and culture
The overwhelming event for Ireland in the 1840s was
the rebellion against the British rule and poatao famine
In the new continental economy, each region specialized in a particular economic activity: the South__ for export; the West grew grains and livestock to feed __; and the East __ for the other two regions
grew cotton, eastern factory workers, made machines and textiles
Ecologial imperialism can be best described as
the aggressive exploitation of the West’s bounty
The Irish immigrants of the early nineteenth century America
were mostly Roman Catholics and hated the British
Pioneering Americans marooned by geography
were often ill informed, superstitious, provincial, and fiercely individualistic
The cult od domesticity
glorifies the traditional role of women as homemakers
The effect of early nineteenth century industrialization on the trans-Allegheny West was to encourage
specialized, cash-crop agriculture
The underlying basis for modern mass production was
the use of interchangeable parts
All of the following were characteristics of the new nation as it entered into the nineteenth century except
the push foward resulted in a stagnant and slow-developing economy.
In general, ___ tended to bing the West and South together, while ___ and ___ connected West to East
steamboats, canals, railroads
The “Father of the Factory System” in the US was
Samuel Slater
The early factory system distributed its benefits
mostly to owners
Neal Dow sponsored the Maine Law of 1851, which called for
a ban on the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor
A genuinely American literature received a strong boost from the
wave of nationalism that followed the War of 1812
The original prophet of the Mormon religion was
Joseph Smith
When it came to scientific acheivement, America in the 1800s was
more interested in practical matters
Of the following, the most successful of the early nineteenth century communiatrian experiments was at
Oneida, New York
Deists like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin endorsed the belief
that a Supreme being endowed human beings with a capacity for moral behavior
Church attendance was still a regular ritual for ___ of the 23 million Americans in 1850
The American medical profession by 1860 was noted for
its still primitive standards
Most of the utopian communities in pre-1860s america held ___ as one of their founding ideals
cooperative social and economic practices
The Mormon religion originated in
the Burned-Over District of New York
The Onieda colony declined due to
widespread criticism of its sexual practices
The idea of free public education component of American democracy grew in the early nineteenth century with the influence of
Thomas Jefferson and Horace Mann
New England reformer Dorthea Dix is most notable for her efforts on behalf of
prison and asylum reform
The Hudson River school excelled in the art of painting
One strong prejudice inhibiting women from obtaining higher education in the early nineteenth century was the belief that
too much learning would injure women’s brains and ruin their health
Unitarians held the following beliefs except
they believed in a stern and Puritan type of God
Transcendalists believed that all knowledge came through
an inner light
An early nineteenth century religious rationalist sect devoted to the rule of reason and free will was the
Virtually all the distinguished historians of early nineteenth century America came from
New England
The Second Great Awakening tended to
widen the lines between classes and regions
“Civil Disobedience” an essay that later influenced both Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., was written by the transcendalist
Henry David Thoreau
By the 1850s, the crusade for women’s rights was eclipsed by
The key of Oneida’s financial success was
the manufacture of steel animal traps and silverware
Two areas where women in the nineteenth century were widely thought to be superior to men were
moral sensibility and artistic refinement
Sexual differences were strongly emphasized in nineteenth century America becuase
the market economy increasingly separated men and women into distinct economic roles
Besides polygamy, a characteristic of Mormonism that angered many non-Mormon Americans was their
voting as a unit and openly drilling their military
The Scond Great Awakening tended to
promote religious diversity
A dark writer whose genres included poetry, horror stories, and detective fiction was
Edgar Allen Poe
Unitarians endorsed the concept of
salvation through good works
Perhaps the greatest inhibiting factor for American artists in the first half of the nineteenth century was
Puritan prejudice that art was a waste of time
The Deist faith embraced all of the following except
the concept of original sin
Tax-supported public education
was deemed essential for social stability and democracy
All of the following influenced transcendalists thought except
Catholic belief
The excessive consumption of alcohol by Americans in the 1800s
stemmed from the hard and monotonous life of many
The Poet Laureate of Democracy, whose emotional and explicit writings expressed a deep love of the masses and enthusiasm for an expanding America, was
Walt Whitman
Which one of the following is least related to the other four?
William Miller
The writer who faded to obscurity in the nineteenth century but was recognized as one of America’s greatest geniuses in the twentith century was
Herman Melville

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APUSH 1 flashcards 12-15
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