The Title Another Evening At The Club Is Close In Meaning

Topics: Behavior

The title “Another Evening at the Club” is indeed close to me meaning of “Just Another Evening at the Club” because at the end of this story Samia “the wife” shows that she has empathy towards Gazia (young servant)for what she and her husband have done to her.

They in a sense through a mistake have ruined Gazia’s reputation in town, she is being questioned by the police and will be ashamed in front of the whole town for a crime she actually did not commit.

Samia is showing remorse by the narrator saying that “her body was trembling uncontrollably” that’s what happens to you when you live with guilt I believe. And yet within a few minutes Samia and Abboud Bey gather themselves and decide to go out to the club for supper. So point being that life goes on for them as normal – “Just Another Evening at the Club” but in reality they had changed someone else’s life forever….

Which Of The Following Quotes From Another Evening At The Club Best Foreshadows The Fact That

I believe that the author wants the readers to understand is what was actually “lost” here was life. I also believe that the narrator and Abdul-Karim was never able to get that rematch of the swimming contest, and in the meantime they also lost someone who could give them valuable information about the Arab’s enemies – so no one really wins. Even though if you think about it Abdul just may have been the winner here since he was not being secretive (yet) and he died an innocent man, also having withheld info.

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needed to help the Arabs. The narrator actually led a secretive life with the secret army, and Abdul tried to live his life to the biggest extent.

I believe that the most important lesson that the narrator of “The Women’s Baths” learns is to always respect what other people do – they do it for a reason and you do not have to agree or approve of their reasoning. The grandmother who has been going to the public baths for seventy years, has the narrator join her one day and she actually really enjoys the grandmothers tradition. I think the narrator also learns that you can keep your traditions alive within you even if others (like her daughter in law)decides not to partake.

What I have learned about the role of women in the societies that were described in these reading selections is this: women play a very important role in the lives of their husbands and fathers for one. Some of these women have been raised to only be a beautiful, happy and carefree person in the life of their significant other. They do not necessarily have an opinion and do not “ever” cause a scene or trouble. In fact as we read about the different cultures, religios beliefs, and traditional roles that each of the men and women play you come to find out that the “Eastern resistance” was brought about to preserve women’s purity and devotion. I know that some of these women are proud of their traditions but I couldn’t help but feel sorry for some of the women in these stories because I felt like they never say how they felt about certain conficts in their lives. They are people with feelings and emotions also and should have a right to express them.

I think that there is another side to all of this also in the way that the grandmother handled herself in “The Women’s Baths”. She believed that her tradition was important enough to pass on to the narrator, she wanted to show her first hand that the role that she played in everyone’s life at the public bath house was important also. I was proud of her while reading the story that she did not give up her tradition based on how her daughter in law felt. I think these stories showed you that there are many types of women in the world: some who invite challenge for a better life, and some who are content with the security of having a good life but maybe no opinion.

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The Title Another Evening At The Club Is Close In Meaning
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