Ancient Classical Humanities Unit 2

Topics: Oedipus Rex
The person responsible for “Hellenizing” North Africa and Central Asia was
Alexander the Great

Which of the Following people finally conquered the Greeks in 338 B.C.E.?
The Macedonians

The Parthenon represents
A long history of Post-and-lintel temple building.

A main source of information about ancient Greek painting is?

Hellenistic portrait busts were more lifelike and less idealized than the ones created in the earlier classical period.

Which of the following statements is generally true of Hellenistic sculpture.
The is an air theatricality about the works.

The sculptural friezes of the Parthenon collectively celebrate Greek View of intellect triumphing over unrestrained passion or barbarism.

The Parthenon of Athens was built as a temple dedicated to?

The concept use of the female nude in sculpture developed after that of the male nude.

The earliest type of Greek vase painting featured

Ancient Greek art used a form of idealized realism, removing any flaws from the subject

Excessive pride/arrogance

Son of Zeus; God of war

Humans have great potential; capable of extraordinary things; focus on human concerns

Son of Zeus; killed, dismembered, resurrected; God of fertility, wine, revelry

Tiered seating

Triangular prisms

Plausible but misleading/fallacious argument

Large circular playing area

Daughter of Zeus; fights to protect state & home; embodiment of wisdom, reason & purity

Daughter of Zeus; huntsman of the gods

Athens forms the world’s 1st.


508 B.C.E.

Final scene of Old Comedy; reconciliation of all characters; feasting, singing, dancing

Supreme ruler of the gods

Zeus’s wife

Crane; characters in flight

Front row seats for officials

Choral odes

Painted panels

Wheeled platform; revealing dead bodies

Dramatic scenes

Debate over the happy idea

480-430 B.C.E.
Greek Golden Age

Goddess of love, desire & beauty

Scene building


Hymn to Dionysus

Son of Zeus; drives Sun across the sky

Everyone exits

Choral ode; audience addressed directly

Entrance of chorus

Investigating problems through dialogue discussions
Dialectical method

Lord of the sea

Celebrated Dionysus
City Dionysia


Tragic flaw

Greek city-state


1st Western dramatic criticism

Lord of the underworld

Clarity, order, symmetry, balance, simplicity, refinement

Red-figure pottery
Classical Period

Inner room with statue of the god

Upper section of a classical building

Spaces between 2 triglyphs

Standing male nude

Decorated with abstract designs
Geometric Period

Lowermost part of an entablature

Female equivalent of kouros

Immediate foundation of a row of columns

Vase w/ 2 handles & long neck

Horizontal part of entablature between architrave & cornice

7-note scale patterns

Horizontal molded projection that crowns a building

Carrying water

Ratio defined by the number Phi; Φ= 1.618
Golden Ratio

3 vertical lines between metopes

Triangular roof-piece

Body parts turned in opposition

1 melodic line

Black-figure pottery
Archaic Period

Wine-drinking cup

Moral & ethical qualities of music
Doctrine of Ethos

For mixing wine & water

Porch + roof supported by columns

A little bulge

A sculpted female figure serving as an architectural support

“Art of the Muses”

During the Greek Golden Age of the 5th century B.C.E. the leading City-state for cultural development in Greece was

The Greeks conceived of their gods as immortal and powerful, they also have very human characteristics.

Ancient Greece shared with ancient Mesopotamia
The develop of the city-states

The excerpt from the Iliad included in this reading focus mainly on which of the following characters

Dominated the board of ten generals for over 30 years and succeeded in moving the funds of the Delian league from Delos to City-state

Which of the following is not true regarding Greek tragedies?

The architectural order that uses relatively slender columns with capitals of paired scrolls is called
B) Ionic.

The Greek Golden Age followed on the heels of the
A)Peloponnesian War.
B)Persian War.
C)Trojan War.
D)conquests of Alexander.
B)Persian War.

The main source of our information regarding Greek painting during the Golden Age has come down from
A) murals sealed within tombs.
B) decorated vases.
C) murals within Greek homes.
D) the writings of Polycleitus.
B)decorated vases.

Which of the following peoples finally conquered the Greeks in 338 B.C.E.?
A) Etruscans
B) Romans
C) Macedonians
D) Persians

During the Hellenistic period, which of the following replaced Athens as the cultural center of the Western world?
A) Alexandria
B) Rome
C) Thebes
D) Syracuse

The ________ held that happiness depended on avoiding all forms of physical excess; they valued plain living and the perfect union of body and mind.
A) Epicureans
B) Cynics
C) Sophists
D) Stoics

The ________ agreed with the Sophists that absolute truth was unknowable.

The so-called “Doctrine of Ethos” asserts that music
A) is organized on an eight-note scale system.
B) must remain free of censorship.
C) has powerful moral influence.
D) All these answers are correct.
C)has powerful moral influence.

The poetry of Sappho is remarkable for its
A) lyric elegance.
B) frankness.
C) economy of expression.
D) All these answers are correct.
D)All these answers are correct.

Most surviving Greek sculptures are made of
A) Marble
A) Marble

Which of the following is NOT true regarding Greek tragedy?
A)It served a religious function.
B)The tragedians created new stories each year to entertain the festival attendees.
C)The drama relied on both individual actors and a chorus.
D)Of the hundreds of plays written, only 44 survive.
B)The tragedians created new stories each year to entertain the festival attendees.

The Iliad is a work that describes events related to the
A)founding of Minoan culture.
B)early battles of the Persian Wars.
C)attack of the Dorians on Mycenae.
D)Mycenaean attack on the coastal city of Troy.
D)Mycenaean attack on the coastal city of Troy.

The Greek physician remembered as the father of medicine was

Citizens of Athens included which of the following?
A)only males over the age of eighteen
B)only landed males over the age of eighteen
C)only landed males and females over the age of eighteen
D)only males and females over the age of eighteen who were not slaves
B)only landed males over the age of eighteen

The most powerful deity of the Greek pantheon was

Plato’s Theory of Forms conveys the idea that
A)reality lies in the objects of sense perception.
B)all truths are relative.
C)reality lies in a realm beyond sense perception.
D)nature is ordered by the resolution of opposites.
C)reality lies in a realm beyond sense

Socrates refused to escape from an Athenian jail because he
A)felt he was too old to go into exile.
B)hoped the jury would reverse its decision.
C)refused to dishonor the laws of the polis.
D)looked forward to rewards in the afterlife.
C)refused to dishonor the laws of the polis.

The pre-Socratic philosophers were searching for
A)the meaning of virtue.
B)the basic “stuff” of nature.
C)the meaning of justice in society.
D)an ethical way of life.
B)the basic “stuff” of nature.

Which one of the following is NOT true of ancient Greek life?
A)Each polis had its own language and religion.
B)Each polis had its own government, coinage, and military.
C)The city-states of Greece were fierce rivals.
D)The city-states of Greece united against the Persians.
A)Each polis had its own language and religion.

A direct democracy is one in which
A)all citizens take part in making laws.
B)all citizens have the right to vote.
C)women are accorded equal legal status with men.
D)citizens make law through elected representatives.
B)all citizens have the right to vote.

Greek Lyrical poems of praise were called

The great temple of Athena in Athens uses which of the following architectural orders?

The Greek Philospher ____ tried to demonstrate the order of nature by observing geometric and numeric proportion.

The Gregorian chant is

The outstanding architectural achievement of Golden Age in Athens is
the Parthenon

The Parthenon’s running frize illustrates
legendary combat between the Greeks and Giants

The Perthenon represents
post-and-lintel temple building

Which of the three Theban plays was probably written last?
(A) Oedipus at Colonus
(B) No one knows
(C) Oedipus the King
(D) Antigone
(A) Oedipus at Colonus

How many children does Oedipus have?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) None
(C) 4

n Oedipus the King, whose murder must be avenged to end the plague in Thebes?
(A) Creon’s
(B) Polybus’s
(C) Laius’s
(D) Polynices’
(C) Laius’s

Which of Oedipus’s children does not appear in Oedipus at Colonus?
(A) Antigone
(B) Polynices
(C) Eteocles
(D) Ismene
(C) Eteocles

What does the name “Oedipus” mean?
(A) “Incest-monger”
(B) “King of Thebes”
(C) “Swollen foot”
(D) “Blinded by Fate”
(C) “Swollen foot”

Which of the three Theban plays was probably written first?
(A) No one knows
(B) Oedipus the King
(C) Oedipus at Colonus
(D) Antigone
(D) Antigone

In what country was Oedipus raised?
(A) Colonus
(B) Thebes
(C) Corinth
(D) Athens
(C) Corinth

In which play does Tiresias not appear?
(A) Oedipus the King
(B) Antigone
(C) He appears in all three.
(D) Oedipus at Colonus
(D) Oedipus at Colonus

What sentence does Creon impose upon Antigone for violating his edict prohibiting Polynices’ burial?
(A) She must be hanged.
(B) Her eyes must be stabbed out.
(C) She must be banished.
(D) She must be buried alive.
(D) She must be buried alive.

What is Creon’s relationship to Jocasta?
(A) Brother
(B) Father
(C) Son
(D) Uncle
(A) Brother

What does Oedipus use to stab out his own eyes?
(A) Knives
(B) Sticks
(C) The brooches from Jocasta’s robe
(D) The horns of a sacrificial bull
(C) The brooches from Jocasta’s robe

From whose curse did Oedipus rescue Thebes?
(A) The Sphinx’s
(B) Laius’s
(C) Apollo’s
(D) Creon’s
(A) The Sphinx’s

Who speaks last in each of the Theban plays?
(A) Ismene
(B) Creon
(C) A messenger
(D) The Chorus
(D) The Chorus

Whom was Antigone meant to marry?
(A) Polynices
(B) Haemon
(C) Eteocles
(D) She was not meant to be married.
(B) Haemon

Which god did Athenian theatrical performances celebrate?
(A) Athena
(B) Zeus
(C) Dionysus
(D) Sophocles
(C) Dionysus

Which of the following characters remains alive throughout the three Theban plays?
(A) Oedipus
(B) Creon
(C) Antigone
(D) Jocasta
(B) Creon

Where was Laius killed?
(A) On a one-lane bridge
(B) Between a rock and a hard place
(C) In the mountains of Corinth
(D) At a three-way crossroads
(D) At a three-way crossroads

. In Oedipus at Colonus, how does Creon attempt to coerce Oedipus to return to Thebes?
(A) He kidnaps his daughters.
(B) He bribes Theseus.
(C) He threatens war with Polynices.
(D) He promises Oedipus new eyes.
(A) He kidnaps his daughters.

What does Oedipus prophecy about Polynices and Eteocles?
(A) They will rule Thebes together.
(B) They will die at each other’s hands.
(C) They will be betrayed by Creon.
(D) They will sleep with their mother and kill their father.
(B) They will die at each other’s hands.

Who is the last remaining survivor of Oedipus’s family?
(A) Ismene
(B) Antigone
(C) Oedipus
(D) Eteocles
(A) Ismene

Which of the following deaths occurs onstage?
(A) Oedipus’s
(B) Jocasta’s
(C) Antigone’s
(D) None of these deaths occurs onstage.
(D) None of these deaths occurs onstage.

What does Creon do just before he finds Antigone dead?
(A) Banishes Tiresias
(B) Argues with his wife, Eurydice
(C) Gives Polynices a proper burial
(D) Visits the oracle
(C) Gives Polynices a proper burial

What is the name of the character who helps Oedipus in Oedipus at Colonus?
(A) Merope
(B) Polybus
(C) Theseus
(D) Cadmus
(C) Theseus

Which of the following characters does not commit suicide?
(A) Antigone
(B) Ismene
(C) Haemon
(D) Eurydice
(B) Ismene

To whom do the woods belong where Oedipus at Colonus takes place?
(A) Euripides
(B) The Eumenides
(C) Eteocles
(D) Theseus
(B) The Eumenides

1. A theoretical set of unifying rules of proportion that the ancient Greeks searched for was called
a. string theory.
b. dogma.
c. a canon.
d. a module.
c) a canon.

The Greek philosopher ________ tried to demonstrate the order of nature by observing geometric and numeric proportion.
a. Socrates
b. Agamemnon
c. Euripides
d. Pythagoras
d) Pythagoras

In terms of sculpture, the work which sums up the Hellenistic aesthetic is
a. The Altar of Zeus.
b. Apollo Belvedere.
c. Nike of Samothrace.
d. Laocoön and His Sons.
d) Laocoön and His Sons.

The ________ held that happiness depended on avoiding all forms of physical excess; they valued plain living and the perfect union of body and mind.
a. Epicureans
b. Cynics
c. Sophists
d. Stoics
a) Epicureans

The ________ held that spiritual satisfaction was only possible if one renounced societal values, conventions, and material wealth.
a. Epicureans
b. Cynics
c. Sophists
d. Stoics
b) Cynics

The “music of the spheres” referred to by Pythagoras was a harmony produced by
a. multiple lines of Grecian melody.
b. the Grecian Doric mode.
c. the revolution of the planets around the sun.
d. the revolution of the planets around the earth.
d) the revolution of the planets around the earth.

The great temple of Athena in Athens uses which of the following orders?
a. Ionic
b. Doric
c. Corinthian
d. Post and Beam
b) Doric

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