A Manual for Literature Review: The Steps of Literature Review

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Why Do Literature Review? to let researchers and readers know the relationship between your research and former researches, including the strengths and weaknesses of former research Literature review should be done around your research topic. However, it should be noted that literatures you reviewed may be related to your research in other aspects, like research questions, research target, concept framework, and/or method and procedure. Before finishing literature review, it is impossible for you to decide the definition of research uestions and targets.

Several other purposes and benefits by doing literature review to avoid unfounded research and over repetition on the research already done by former researchers to identify gaps in the literature, to find new research frontiers, and to confirm how, where and by what way should your current research be done to increase existing knowledge to provide a train of thought and guidance for following situation:  how to solve the problems you may face  technologies data sources other research methods you haven’t come into your mind.

The Steps of Literature Review 

Step 1: Define the problem. It is important to define the problem or area which you wish to address. Having a purpose for your literature review will narrow the scope of what you need to look for when you read.  The Steps of Literature Review ? Step 2: Carry out a search for relevant materials ooks (monographs, text books, reference books); articles from journals, whether print or electronic (but make sure electronic journals have been subject to the peer review process); newspaper articles; historical records; commercial reports and statistical information; government reports and statistical information; theses and dissertations; other types of information which may be relevant to your particular discipline.

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Step 2: Carry out a search for relevant materials. In Tokyo Tech, there several ways to search literatures.  For example, here are some common used databases: Secondly, you can use the Google Scholar to search the literatures you are interested in. Some of these literatures are free, and some of them are free, but you can access them by the location of Tokyo Tech if Tokyo Tech has bought the databases.

Step 3: Evaluate the literatures. This part of information comes from. Appraisal based on content analysis: Is the writer addressing a scholarly audience? Does the author review the relevant literature. Does the author write from an objective viewpoint, and are their views based on facts rather than opinions? If the author uses research, is the design sound. Is it primary or secondary material? Does the author have a particular theoretical viewpoint, e. g. feminist? What is the relationship of this work to other material you have read on the same topic, does it substantiate it or add a different perspective. Is the author’s argument logically organized and clear to follow. If the author is writing from a practice-based perspective, what are the implications for practice.

Step 4: Analyze the findings. What themes emerge and what conclusions can be drawn? What are the major similarities and differences between the various writers? Are there any significant questions which emerge and which could form a basis for further investigation?

Step 5: Organize literature review. This part of information comes from  define the topic, together with your reason for selecting the topic. You could also point out overall trends, gaps, particular themes that emerge, etc. Body: this is where you discuss your sources. Here are some ways in which you could organize your discussion: chronologically; thematically (take particular themes in the literature); methodologically(the focus is on the methods of the researcher).

Conclusion: summarize the major contributions, evaluating the current position, and pointing out flaws in methodology, gaps in the research, contradictions, and areas for further study.

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A Manual for Literature Review: The Steps of Literature Review. (2017, Dec 21). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-a-manual-for-literature-review-3774/

A Manual for Literature Review: The Steps of Literature Review
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