A Change in Health Care

Our environment is a main factor that could affect our health. A person must wisely choose where to live. However, in some circumstances there is no choice for people to decide. If we are living in a place where good hygiene is lacking, we’ll get infections and diseases very easily. Our physical health will be very weak. As said before, in the ancient time, there were no much good conditions for people to live. It was lacking of good hygiene.

We will have a bad physical health due to diseases and illnesses caused by the dirty environment.

Going much further, when we look at different countries, there is a big difference in the environments. For example, in developing countries, there are many diseases and lot of people have poor housing. Environment pollution can be seen greatly, in some areas where there are many factories and traffic. So these things can affect our health in a negative way. Another example is our neighbours.

If a person lives in an environment with bad neighbours, which doesn’t suit him the person will be stressed easily and he’ll have less accompany with the neighbours.

This will affect his emotional health and social health. Therefore, it is important that we live in a peaceful and environmental friendly place. It is important to refer to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, again. The second row of the pyramid, from the bottom talks about safety. I think this, depends mostly on our environment. For example, if we live in an area where there are lots of thieves, we might be unable to protect our belongings and ourselves.

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We will have to live in stress and fear. This can affect our emotional health.

In the past people were not provided with good health care. The health care system in Britain was poor and it did cost a lot of money to treat an illness. Many children died of illnesses and there weren’t any modern techniques to treat illnesses and diseases. The working class thought it as a nightmare to become ill. There was a lack of doctors. They didn’t bother to work for a less salary. Lot of fund raising had to be done in order to develop the health care sector. The number of babies dying from illnesses increased. In 1948 July 5th, Nye Bevan established the NHS.

As a citizen in the early Britain, he had experienced the problems of the health care system. Many of his siblings had died. Further, as there was poor housing in the past, the people hadn’t been able to bear the weather. For example, in wintertime, they didn’t have heaters or better warm clothes to protect themselves. Therefore, they had to suffer badly from the weather. The people were not living in clean environments. They were lack of good hygiene. This could also lead to illnesses. The food they ate was not in a good state. They didn’t eat in a suitable place.

All these factors could affect our physical development. For example, we could get skin diseases and infections due to lack of cleanliness. Maslow’s pyramid would be useful in this stage as well. As I said before, the vital needs are placed at the bottom to show that these support the needs at the top. The bottom section contains breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis and excretion. It is clear that having poor housing and a bad environment can make us loose these things. In addition, excretion is an important part in our life processes. Not having an appropriate toilet will also reduce our hygiene.

When we are not in a proper physical state, our mental health will also be weak. As time went on, technical developments lead to an improvement in the health care sector as well. New medical equipments were invented and new medicines were produced. Further, immunisations were introduced to dangerous viruses. As a result, the people’s life expectancy increased. 1948 July 5th: Establishment of the NHS. This provided free health care for the public. 1952: Introduction of the prescription charges. The government couldn’t afford to provide everybody with free services so in 1952 prescription charges of one shilling was introduced.

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A Change in Health Care. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/our-environment-and-its-affect-on-health/

A Change in Health Care
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