My Goal and Plans for the Future

Topics: Hometown

Graduate Program is a valuable phase in a student’s life. The entire career is highly influenced by this single decision. With my educational background in computers, I am interested to pursue master in this area. I am to prepare myself for the challenges of a successful future career, it is essential that I combine my background in computers with further education in Human Computer Interaction. Such kind of education will give me lots of advantage in the international places. The master’s program in Human Computer Interaction at your university is ideal for my professional goals.

Starting off with my academic’s, my keen interest was in computer, but my mother forced me to do schooling in a field in Commerce because she had passed her study in this field. In my twelfth grade, I have learned Business Study, Accounting, Economics and E-Business from S.A.S school in hometown. After completing my high School, I want to pursue my interest.

During my undergraduate studies at Hindu College Affiliated from Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India, I was excited by the diversity of the field of Computers and Information Technology. In my first and second semester of bachelor program, all subject on depend on Programming and Mathematics and I secured top rank because I had already learned these subjects while in schooling from a local institute in hometown. I had studied Database Management System, Information System, Data Structure and file processing in my next two semester’s. At the last year of my bachelor, I had completed a project which was creating a Website using ASP.

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net and Later, I have done a Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Application because I want to get knowledge about some subjects like Professional DTP (Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw) and Scripting Language.

After completion of study in May 2015, I started working as freelancer where I completed bundles of projects. At the beginning time, I was only hired for small projects like Data Entry, Typing Projects but as I have earned experience, I was getting projects like Website Coding, Data Mining, and Website Designing. After one year, I got a huge project which required DTP and Scripting Language but I didn’t have knowledge about these subjects. To overcome problem in future I have done a Post Graduate Diploma. Later, I have completed lots of projects like Graphics Designer, Adobe Photoshop Scripting.

After more than 3 years experience as freelancer, I want to return to academics and undertake Master of Science in Human Computer Interaction at University of Siegen. I felt I should gain Master study to boost up my career because I want do job Multi-National Company. I soon realized that, I enjoy the completing projects and pursuing my interest but in future it will be the worst thing for me. My parents encouraged me to do master from foreign and feel that I have the potential for graduate studies. Therefore, Master of Science in Human Computer Interaction is right course for my career.

The University that one selects is just as essential as the decision to the study further itself. My purpose to Germany as it had great exposure to students, safe for international students. Master of Science in Human Computer Interaction at your University for my higher education recognized worldwide and as a result, international students who study in Germany enjoy successful and prospectus careers and also this program resembles my study as well as technical skills that I gained during my work. Studying in your university for Human Computer Interaction program will give me unique range of experience and expertise and this will in turn for beneficial in my career. What attracted me to your university are the instructional and research facilities. I am confident that my academic background, combined with my more than 3 years of practical experience outside classroom, gives me the maturity that I want to succeed as an ideal overseas student as well as my future career development. After researching quality of education that is available at your university, and this has been one of major reason which have motivated me to pursue this program, as opportunities available at your university will allow my potential to grow multiple bounds.

After completing Master’s degree, I will return to my native country and I know that I will be equipped with the tools need to achieve considerable knowledge and make a huge impact in this field.

I would be grateful to you, if I am accorded the opportunity to pursue my Masters study at your university and look forward to joining your esteemed university.

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My Goal and Plans for the Future. (2021, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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