My Career Research Project

I am looking for something that really interests me because if my job does not interest me I will not give 100% like school. If i enjoy the class I will try my best but if I don’t I won’t try my best. I need to be making enough money to support my wife and kids. It can’t be a boring job though. I want to learn about all kinds of medicines and vaccines and help people. Becoming a doctor makes a good amount of money for me to be able to support my family.

I think it will be about a 6 out of 10 difficulty to get into. I will have to make very good grades and commit to school more than I am right now. Success looks like smiles on peoples faces when im done with my job. I will need a lot of grit to be successful in this career. My career will be a 10 out of 10 reward because it is something I really enjoy and it makes people feel better.

This career deserves my greatest grit because it is my dream job.

My personality traits- Extraversion- focus attention outward. Intuition- enjoy theory and speculation. Thinking- enjoy analyzing problems logically. Perceiving- like to be able to respond to problems as they arise.

Job description tasks that match the traits

  1. My career requires a lot of focus and not a huge amount of talking which my contradict extraversion.
  2. My career includes knowing where certain muscles and body parts are so i think having an imagination really helps with that so that is in benefit of Intuition.

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  3. My career needs me to make decisions without much hesitation so that is in favor of thinking.
  4. My career needs to be flexible because you never know what’s gonna come through the hospital door.

Paragraph- Write a paragraph summarizing where your personality matches and differs from the job description. In what ways will you have to compensate and adapt to areas of personality difference?

My personality of thinking is a good thing for a physician. In some areas of physician being extraversion is a good thing. Talking to people and making people comfortable around you is a good thing to have. Perceiving is another good thing to have as a physician because your hours vary and your patients vary. You never know what the next day is gonna be like and being perceiving and flexible is a very good thing to have. Intuition helps me visualize where veins and other body systems are in the body because I have a good imagination.


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My Career Research Project. (2021, Dec 17). Retrieved from

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