Music 108 Unit 2 Questions and Answers

The beginning of the Middle Ages is marked by what event?
The fall of the Roman Empire
The early Christian church had very little power in Europe during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
False. The Church had a lot of power
Which of the following goals are attributed to Charlemagne?
Encouragement of education
Centralized government
Government control of law and order
Two or more melodic lines combined into a multi-voiced texture
Earliest kind of polyphonic music, which developed from the custom of adding voices above a plainchant
Which of the following was the main European port for cultural exchange of Eastern luxuries?
Who of the following was the most universally idealized woman in Western culture during the Middle Ages?
Virgin Mary
Which of the following was a potential job for a musician in the Middle Ages and Renaissance?
music printer
Which of the following was a result of the printing press?
Music books became affordable.

Music books became available.

Music literacy spread.

Sacred music
Religious or spiritual music, for church or devotional use.
Secular music
Nonreligious music; when there is text, it is usually in the vernacular.
Our understanding of the musical culture of ancient civilizations is limited by the few fragments of music that have survived.
consists of a single-line melody
The set order of religious services and the structure of each service, within a particular denomination (e.g., Roman Catholic).
Gregorian chant
Monophonic melody with a freely flowing, unmeasured vocal line; liturgical chant of the Roman Catholic Church.

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Also plainchant or plainsong.

Melodic style of one note set to each text syllable.
Melodic style with two to four notes set to each syllable.
Melodic style characterized by many notes sung to a single text syllable.
Chant melodies fall into three main classes
syllabic, neumatic, and melismatic
Modal or Modes
Characterizes music based on modes other than major and minor, especially the early church modes.
Based on principles of major-minor tonality, as distinct from modal.
The pre-tonal scale patterns utilized in Gregorian chant are referred to as:
What traits does early Christian chant hold in common with the Islamic Adhan?
parts can be melismatic
Which of the following describes plainchant of the Middle Ages?
Latin text
organized according to liturgy
Modal melodies of the early Christian church are similar to melodies and scales from:
the Eastern Mediterranean
the Middle East
Hildegard of Bingen was of German descent.
Which of the following describes life in a medieval monastery?
Religious life was quite disciplined.
Members withdrew from secular society.
Members were devoted to prayer.
The text setting in Alleluia, O virga mediatrix is mostly syllabic
Hildegard was known for which of the following?
her poetry and music
her visions
her historical writings about the saints
In chant from the Middle Ages, the style that features many notes per syllable is called:
Culture in the middle ages was largely defined by the rise of religious communities housed in:
The liturgy refers to the set order of services and structure of each service.
Monophonic sacred music of the early Christian church is called:
Gregorian chant features regularly phrased melodic lines supported by instrumental accompaniment.
Music performed with exchanges between a soloist and chorus is called:
responsorial singing
Polyphony was utilized to enhance worship on the most significant feast days in the church year.
The lower voice in organum carries the melody in sustained notes.
The first type of polyphony was Gregorian chant.
The earliest polyphonic music is called:
The rhythmic pattern of long-short repeated throughout the piece defines the:
rhythmic mode
Polyphony was universally accepted in medieval religious communities.
Which composers are associated with polyphonic composition at Notre Dame in the Middle Ages?
Which of the following describes musical aspects of Machaut’s “Ma fin est mon commencement”?
duple meter
complex musical form
Religious wars and medieval explorations enhanced cultural exchange.
During the Middle Ages, which Arabic import allowed for pattern-related disciplines to flourish in the West?
Composers in the Ars nova wrote both sacred and secular songs.
A popular secular song genre in the Ars Nova was the French chanson
The first composer to collect his works in order to preserve his legacy was
The musical style known as Ars nova appeared first in which country?
Machaut’s chanson “Ma fin est mon commencement” contains which of the following:
enigmatic text
religious references
Characterizes music based on modes other than major and minor, especially the early church modes.
In the Western tradition, music has historically not been linked to mathematics and geometry.
Which of the following French Ars nova poetic forms are considered “fixed”?
Which Arabic instrument is the forerunner of the modern violin?
The last part of the Middle Ages is referred to as the Ars nova.
Arcadelt emphasizes the last line of the poem in the madrigal by not repeating it.
The madrigal is known for the expressive device of word-“Painting”
Claudio Monteverdi famously stated that his music was designed to serve the expressive power of his texts.
Farmer “paints” the first line of the text, “Fair Phyllis I saw sitting all alone,” through the musical use of:
The performance forces for Farmer’s madrigal requires a four-voice SATB ensemble.
Which of the following statements about Fair Phyllis are true?
The music closely mirrors the action and sentiments of the text.
The texture alternates often between homorhythm and polyphony.
The English madrigal preceded the development of the Italian madrigal by some twenty years.
Which of the following characterize the Renaissance chanson and the madrigal?
They were set to poetry based on courtly or rustic love.
They were written in the vernacular (language of the people).
They often featured expressive devices, such as word-painting, to bring the words and the music more closely together.
In the Renaissance two important secular genres grew out of the union of poetry and music: the French chanson and the Italian madrigal.
Match the style characteristic with the correct phase in madrigal development.
Late Madrigal
Correct label:
Written to harmonic and virtuosic extremes
Early Madrigal
Correct label:
Chiefly composed for amateurs
Middle Stages Madrigal
Correct label:
Texture expanded to 5 or 6 voices
Arcadelt uses word-painting to portray the images in the poetry of this madrigal.
At which point in the text of Fair Phyllis does the work change to an imitative texture?
“Up and down he wandered”
Arcadelt lived and worked in which of the following places?
The mood of Farmer’s madrigal Fair Phyllis can best be described as:
light and pastoral
Farmer’s Fair Phyllis is written for four voices.
Farmer “paints” the first line of the text, “Fair Phyllis I saw sitting all alone,” through the musical use of:
Religious belief remained at the core of Renaissance identity.
There was a shift towards a more secular society during the European Renaissance.
How does Josquin provide a contrast in the final two lines of the text, “O Mater Dei, memento mei”?
in long note values
in a homorhythmic texture
The preeminent composers of motets from the early Renaissance were from northern Europe, in particular present-day Belgium and northern France.
Renaissance painters continued medieval norms in their preference for symbolism in painting.
The Renaissance marks the passing of European society from a predominantly religious orientation to a more secular one. This awakening was called humanism.
Renaissance sacred music was generally performed with instruments. T/F
Which meter was especially attractive in medieval music because it symbolized the perfection of the Trinity?
Which of the following statements are true of Josquin’s motet Ave Maria . . . virgo serena?
The meter changes within the piece, moving from duple to triple and back to duple.
The text is rhymed.
In the Renaissance, one of the most popular sacred works with a Latin text was the:
Which of the following terms describes Josquin’s Ave Maria…virgo serena?
imitative polyphony
consonant harmony
a cappella ensemble
The predominant texture in Josquin’s motet Ave Maria . . . virgo serena is:
imitative polyphony
The sixteenth century has come to be regarded as the golden age of music for voices alone, without instrumental accompaniment, a style called:
a cappella
Renaissance painters continued medieval norms in their preference for symbolism in painting.
Which of the following belong to the Mass Ordinary?
Agnus Dei
The Protestant Reformation was started by:
Martin Luther
The Pope Marcellus Mass was written for six voice parts.
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina’s Pope Marcellus Mass met the requirements set for by the:
Council of Trent
Put the parts of the Ordinary into the correct order.
Agnus Dei
The Catholic Church’s effort in the early sixteenth century to recapture the loyalty of its followers through a return to true Christian piety is known as the:
Counter Reformation
Which part of the Mass Ordinary is not in Latin?
Palestrina’s Gloria from the Pope Marcellus Mass belongs to the Proper, the variable part of the Mass celebration.
The Mass is a daily service with two categories of prayers: the Ordinary, which are the same for each service, and the Proper that varies according to the day.
he text of the Gloria in Palestrina’s Pope Marcellus Mass is easily understood, due largely to its syllabic nature and Palestrina’s frequent use of homorhythm.
The Pope Marcellus Mass was written for six voice parts.
Which of the following describes Palestrina’s Gloria from the Pope Marcellus Mass?
Correct Answer(s)
a cappella ensemble
consonant harmony
duple meter
Which was a recommendation of the Council of Trent regarding music for the church?
Make the words more understandable.
Listen to the three excerpts, from the medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque eras, and then match the characteristic to the excerpt (each excerpt will receive three characteristics).
Hildegard: Kyrie
Correct label:
women’s voices
Correct label:
monophonic texture
Correct label:
sacred music
Handel: “Hallelujah Chorus”
Correct label:
homorhythmic texture
Correct label:
mixed men’s and women’s voices with orchestra
Correct label:
sacred music
Lassus: Bon jour mon coeurCorrect label:
secular music
Correct label:
mixed men’s and women’s voices a cappella
Correct label:
polyphonic texture
Musical instruments in medieval and Renaissance Europe were categorized as soft (bas) or loud (haut) according to their purpose.
Musical scores often specified instruments to be used for Renaissance dance music.
Tielman Susato was well known for his work as which of the following?
a composer
an instrumentalist
a music publisher
What meter is heard in Susato’s Three Dances?
Which of the following instruments were categorized as soft (bas, indoor) in the Renaissance?
Musical instruments in the Renaissance were categorized by the amount of sound they produced.
Instrumental music in the Renaissance was performed strictly with no embellishment of the notated music.
Until the late medieval era instrumental music was largely an oral tradition.
The Susato dances are examples of which kind of instrumental dance?
Instrumental music in the Renaissance was performed strictly with no embellishment of the notated music.
Ave Maria . . . virgo serena is a four-voice motet that is sung a cappella.The text praises the Virgin Mary and includes a personal petition at the end set in long notes and homorhythmic texture.

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Music 108 Unit 2 Questions and Answers
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