Internship at DJ Brothers Pizzeria

Upon graduation many students at Robert Morrison are required to complete an internship. This internship must be in accordance with one’s major in order for the student to gain experience within their chosen field Internships are a wonderful experience both for the student as well as the organization. Not only do individuals learn about circumstances in their majors, but the organization also receives extra help and guidance from the student as wellt Many of these internships are also salary free, which in essence creates intrinsic motivation.

Which basically means that the motivation to do so is without reward of the external kindt One must find the motivation within to complete and internship, At first, I questioned if this opportunity would be something I would actually learn from and take pride in, however, after engaging in this internship for a few weeks now, I have learned that this is exactly what I needed to strengthen my knowledge of business, which is my major.

On May 10, 2018, I started my internship/first job in the United States of America.

As you know I’m an international student Therefore, I have never experienced any work environment outside campus life. Since 2014, when I started college here at Robert Morris University, I have always wanted to have a job like my American friends and also to blend in with nearly everyone else. That is, since most individuals at Robert Morrison both work and go to classes I remember calling this pizza place located in Pittsburgh and asked if I could intern during the summer.

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The name of this establishment is DJ‘s Brothers company. This is a fast food type joint that specializes in Italian food The reason I chose this place is because I order from them religiously. The owner knows me on a name by name basis, and we’ve actually held a few conversations. I remember during one of these conversations he told me if I ever needed help or had any questions that he was here for me. So, when it was time to look for a business to do my internship in, I thought about his words, I called him on May 8‘h and he told me I could start on the tenth. Being that this would be my first real job, you can image how nervous I was.

This man trusted me enough to see value in me, and I did not want to let him down, I have cooked before, but never the foods within this restaurant, It serves primarily Italian styled foods such as pizza, pastas, sandwiches, as well as other foods such as appetizers Even before I started, I knew this internship would lead to the consumption of these items even more, Not only did I choose this establishment because I was familiar with it and the owner, but because food has always held a special place in my heart, I feel that food brings people together and can unite them as well. It is always parties and celebrations that food brings individuals together. Anyways, since I was young, I have always enjoyed cooking and sharing my food with others. So, I saw this as the perfect opportunity for my internship. Not to mention that Business is my major, so by involving myself in a restaurant, not only will I cook, but also learn how to run a business. Not to mention that this specific restaurant is quite successful, being that it has two different locations. DJ‘s brothers restaurant location: 214 moon Clinton rd., Moon Township, PA 15108. And the second one: 5886 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217.

Third one: 3324 Babcock Blvd, Pittsburgh, Pa 15237. This means that I would also have the opportunity to work in both environments and see if they are consistent with one another or differ. I knew that I would not only learn about food preparation, but also how to manage a business. Which I have learned can have some very difficult components to it. Amongst these would be when a customer is unsatisfied, Although this happens very rarely, sometimes customers just want to start problems with management. As I have learned from my boss, it is best to always treat the customers as if they are right, even when they are not, Even though this can be hard sometimes, it is what is best for the business and all staff must respect that golden rule of business. I am currently in my fifth week of my internship and things are going much more smoothly than I had originally thought. I feel extremely comfortable and confident within my current position I have done such a good job that I actually received a promotion my third week in lam now the shift supervisor. This position runs the store and coordinates with staff and directs everyone to keep routine.

I also am responsible for several other functions of the restaurant, some of which include handling cash, cleaning, taking orders, greeting customers, and answering questions when the manager is absent, Although these numerous responsibilities can be somewhat difficult to handle all at once, I am very happy to have a leadership role in this restaurant, I work many hours a week, normally Monday, Tuesday, and Sunday I dedicate seven hours. And on Friday and Saturday, I dedicate nearly 10 hours. I have learned to manage my time quite well because of this internship. Through this opportunity, I am learning more and more about business. I see that it comes with its highs and lows, but each day is unique and rewarding nonetheless. I have also learned that working with a team can also have its benefits and consequences alike. However, it is best when everyone does their share and works in an open work environment. Although I was nervous at first, I now know that anything is possible with the right attitude. This internship has only reaffirmed by major choice of Business. I cannot wait to see where the following weeks take me.

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Internship at DJ Brothers Pizzeria. (2022, Jul 15). Retrieved from

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