How Microsoft Office Positively Impacts Knowledge Management

Knowledge management (KM) is a field that emerged in business administration, it takes knowledge as a central element for organizational decision-making and attempts to realize a system to bring value to the business process. Knowledge Management, in its inception, is considered that carries the seeds of many bordering disciplines. such as human resource management, knowledge engineering, information technology, or organizational consultancy. Under the umbrella of knowledge management, various consolidated knowledge technologies, such as data mining, ontology engineering, semantic web, or knowledge graphs, and technologies for intelligent digital collaborative work, ranging from email to desktop sharing systems and video conferencing.

Incorporating a Knowledge Management system in the organization and Knowledge Management and Organizational efficiency are similar as they both (are) Microsoft 365 share point, yammer, and Microsoft Teams, and organizations adopting KM systems.

Knowledge management is the process of acquiring, allocating, and effectively using knowledge. It involves promoting an integrated approach to identifying. capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing organizational information assets, namely information.

Operating such traditional quality management tools is demanding. It is linked with inherent communication lag, resulting in delays from the time quality issues were discovered until when preventive measures are implemented the opportunity. To present Updated specifics to technology with you enable. Your department. To become more efficient. When it is the day today. Teamwork with colleagues. That can take place by taking advantage. Updated technology, specifically artificial intelligence. Other collaborative software.

There are many options available and software packages by several developers. However, I plan to present to you specifically Microsoft 365.

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But you may have heard of. But it is complex and several options you have—two packages in the office. Having been given this opportunity I will briefly introduce to you a select number of Microsoft software that would be seamless to the office in that we currently have adopted several other software items from within the MS 365 platforms. The introduction herewith is that of Microsoft branded software known to be packaged as Microsoft Teams, Yammer, and SharePoint, specifically. There are all three seamlessly m or independently connected and found to be especially powerful platform collectively. Their design to be integrated within an organization and tailored to a business organization’s transaction and work product, according to Microsoft, here are a few details. First and foremost.

Yammer as Microsoft call it a best-in-class, secure, and private enterprise social network. Today social media is one of the most admired and integrated systems both for individuals and businesses alike, Yammer empowers employees to be more productive and successful by enabling them to collaborate easily, make decisions faster, and self-organize into teams to take on any business challenge. It is a new way of working that naturally drives business alignment and agility, reduces cycle times, engages employees, and improves relationships with customers and partners. Microsoft Teams concentrate on day-to-day collaboration while Yammer primarily presents for companywide announcements and knowledge sharing between divisions and various segments of an organization. Whether the organization is localized or based globally, cross divisions and departments of all capacities would potentially relate to Yammer. Hold a town hall meeting with employees like webinars.

SharePoint products incorporate the ‘Microsoft Office 365′ as a cloud-based service hosted by Microsoft for small to large organizations and, if flexible, to engage small groups to large firms’ needs. SharePoint is namely known for its document management abilities for businesses. The software design to install and deploy over servers on-premises for any organization with an active subscription to a Microsoft 365 plan applies to teams of a size to store, organize, collaborate, and retrieve content. With an intranet site for the organization is thus localize all its information.

These templates permit you to track and see in real-time workflow and production efficiency, this function is specific to SP sen/er 2013, 2016 Enterprise versions conclusion.  The Microsoft Office 365 brand is an intelligent use of these technologies provides efficient software tools and applied techniques. The core features of many knowledge technologies include functionalities relevant to knowledge and its management. Here are realized standard capabilities to identify valuable knowledge in an organization, capture and formalize knowledge for more sharable and efficient reuse, represent and store knowledge to improve access, maintenance, and transfer and embed learning in knowledge systems benefit. The three key ways to collaborate in Office 365 – Yammer, Teams, and SharePoint are engaging and bringing a new level of productivity among people! Let get together and have Microsoft stop in and perform a hands-on presentation so you can firsthand be the first to engage these exciting tools!

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How Microsoft Office Positively Impacts Knowledge Management. (2023, Mar 11). Retrieved from

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