Healthcare Leadership and Management 

Topics: Health Care


The General Medical Council (MDC) declared that all practicing medical practitioners are in charge of managing all the medical resources, their patients, employers and those who indenture their services (Pihlzinen, Kivinen & Lammintakanen, 2016).

According to research, MDC was established in 2007 with the aim to inspire, motivate, and endorse the healthcare values. Nonetheless, clinical leadership was developed to empower and foster a dependable focus on the needs and demands of the patients under care (Krawczyk-sottys, 2017).


Maintaining a high standard of care does not define leadership.

Medical leadership is identified through transforming services to attain an elevated level of excellence (Swanwick & McKimm, 2017). In 2007, the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in collaboration with the NHS Institute for Innovation and empowerment began to address the lack of formal managerial training for healthcare practitioners by formulating and implementing, the highly functional Medical Leadership Competency Framework (MLCF) (Swanwick & McKimm, 2017). Studies indicate that MLCF was developed with the aim to enforce change in healthcare leadership and management (Krawczyk-sottys, 2017).

Importance of change in Healthcare management

The MLCF is recognized for completing clinical Leadership Qualities Framework (LQF). According to the medical leadership history, the LQF was prepared for the Department of Health (DoH) as a development and benchmark tool for practitioners in the executive and senior managerial leadership positions within the healthcare department (Thomas, 2015).

The capabilities described within the LQF framework can be seen reflecting on those of a broader existing leadership agenda, with a reflection of Emotional Intelligence (EI) specialcompetencies with individual attributes (Krawczyk-sottys, 2017). As a result of implementing the MLCF strategy, healthcare leaders will have an easy time to manage healthcare resources, patients, staffs and their employers.

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The MLCF strategy is vital in the healthcare department given that it allows medical management to keep a clean and an easy to access record (Krawczyk-sottys, 2017).

Timeframe for implementing change

The Emotional Intelligenceaspects of personal management qualities are largely reflected in various desirable skills evidenced under the wider topics of delivering service and Setting direction. There are various strategies which are indicated under the MLCF which are aimed to enhance the medical leadership and managerial department.These strategies include setting directions, improving and managing services as well as cooperation with others through the utilization of the fundamental personal qualities (Krawczyk-sottys, 2017).

The MLCF innovative framework is a strategy or tool which is developed to support cumulative health leadership capabilities throughout this profession. According to medical experts, working with others and personal qualities should be established by medical students before completing the apprentice training (Krawczyk-sottys, 2017).

Benefits and Cost projections

The MLCF indicates that Improving and managing healthcare services should be considered first before completing training and Setting Direction. Positive change is something that is embraced by all humans thus; the introduction of the MLCF framework followed arising interest in shared leadership amongst the majority of the country’s healthcare industry stakeholders including physicians who do not hold designated leadership responsibilities (Thomas, 2015). The framework (MLCF) indicates that many practitioners believe that wider medical managerial roles and other positions in the broader health leadership agenda would foster further engagement by clinicians and physicians (Thomas, 2015).

In terms of cost, implementing change particularly in leadership is often expensive given that it is for the best of the patients, staffs and the healthcare organization. Executing change strategies in healthcare management requires a lot resources and patience.

Conceptual model to support change in leadership Unlike the NHS Leadership Qualities Framework, the MLCF framework contains a strong managerial leadership focus which emphasizes the training and personal development of all healthcare practitioners (Thomas, 2015). Nevertheless, the MLCF framework strategy is also intended to highlight the need for personal assessment and structured feedback from work mates. Additionally, the focus on self-awareness among other emotional skills continues to reflect on wider academic and cultural focus of leadership theory.

According to Lord Darzi, a practicing surgeon, medical experts (doctors and nurses) are obligated to present leadership, and where they have appropriate skills needed, they ought to assume senior leadership and managerial posts in education, research and services delivered (Swanwick&McKimm, 2017). Darzi emphasized that healthcare organizations should permit medical professionals the power to affect quality results building on previous aspiration that change in the medical department should be driven healthcare professionals.

Leadership characteristics required for change The skills/characteristics or traits required to provide effectual leadership in healthcare organizations are wide and numerous.

However, the domains which must be expanded include a collaborative approach to healthcare, extensive mutual acquaintance and skill, patient centered servitude and appropriate leadership qualities (Swanwick&McKimm, 2017). In addition, the MLCF indicates that for healthcare organizations to be more effective, staffs are obligated to have practitioners, leaders, and partners and use their skills or talent to observe beyond their personal clinical practice to deliver appropriate healthcare services (Pihlzinen et al., 2016).


For the healthcare department to remain visible and maintain its principles, it is obligated to invest in its staff, with both health and local government support it is possible to introduce change in healthcare organization. The introduction of the MLCF strategy or tool has played a significant role in the healthcare department by setting straight the duties and responsibilities of healthcare leaders. According to the NHS some clinicians and managers are already delivering strong health leadership as universal professionals as reflected in the NHS and NSR. It is evident that the MLCF strategy has presented significant changes in healthcare leadership and management.


  1. Krawczyk-sottys, A. (2017). From Healthcare Manager’s Competencies to Healthcare Organization Competencies.Journal of Management, (2), 31.
  2. Pihlzinen, V., Kivinen, T., &Lammintakanen, J. (2016). Management and Leadership competence in hospitals: a systematic literature review. Leadership in Health services, 29(1),95-110.
  3. Swanwick, T., &McKimm, J. (2017).ABC of clinical leadership.John Wiley and sons.
  4. Thomas, T. (2015).Management and leadership for nurse administrators.Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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