Chapter 12 review healthcare management Ferris

Topics: Economics
Which of the following is an example of an “employee retention” function?
Job Analysis
Establishing position descriptions
Managing compensation and benefits
Advertising for employees
managing compensation and benefits

Incentive compensation is believed to have what effect on employee performance?
Increase retention
Increase motivation
Decrease performance
No effect
Increase motivation

Performance appraisals are useful to:
Identify areas of performance needing improvement
Adjust compensation based on performance
Decide promotions of staff
All of the above
Decide promotions to staff

Flexible benefits are helpful to employees because:
They can choose benefits in line with their needs
Coverage is limited to high quality providers
Employer covers total cost
All of the above
They can choose benefits in line with their needs

Recent information from the literature concerning employee perceptions suggests that:
Compensation is more important than benefits
Benefits are more important than compensation
Benefits and compensation are equal in importance
None of the above
Benefits are more important than compensation

Position descriptions are necessary to:
Define employer expectations for the job
Specify job duties
Identify knowledge, skills and training required for the job
All of the above
All of the above

Human resources decisions need to be strategic because of:
Increasing competition among HSOs
The need to analyze jobs
Trends in using incentive compensation
All of the above
Increasing competition among HSOs

Major federal law affecting human resources primarily addresses:
Protections for applicants and rights of employees
Safety of the workplace
Accommodations for people with disabilities
All of the above
Protection for applicants and rights employees

Employee Assistance Programs address:
Incentive compensation for employees
Employee problems
Retirement plans
All of the above
Employee problems

Employee Suggestion Programs:
Usually do not reward top suggestions
Are viewed by employees as positive because of the opportunity to have input
Are the same as Employee Assistance Programs
None of the above
Are viewed by employees as positive because of the opportunity to have input

The National Labor Relations Board provides guidance for HR in addressing:
Unions and collective bargaining
Employee retirement plans
Equal Opportunity
Unions and collective bargaining

The best way for management in HSOs to avoid unions is to:
Foster positive communication with employees
Encourage feedback from employees
Show interest in and meet the needs of employees
All of the above
All of the above

“Benefits” include all of the following except:
Retirement Plan
Health Insurance

Staff shortages can lead to:
Dissatisfied staff
Staff turnover
Longer work hours for staff
All of the above
All of the above

The perspective that HSO employees should be viewed as a strategic asset means:
Organizational performance is based on individuals
Staff salaries and benefits are costly and affect the HSO’s competitiveness
Staff should be used in multiple roles to create flexibility
Staff should report to only one manager
Organizational performace is based on indivisuals

Which of the following is an example of a HSO’s Employee Relations and Engagement efforts?
“Walk-arounds” by managers
Job analysis
Job pricing
Assessing an employee’s job performance
“Walk-around” by managers

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Chapter 12 review healthcare management Ferris. (2018, Jan 22). Retrieved from

Chapter 12 review healthcare management Ferris
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