Essays on Visual Arts

Free essays on visual arts refer to academic papers, articles, and essays that are available online without any cost. These essays cover a wide range of topics related to visual arts, including art history, art criticism, contemporary art, aesthetics, and art movements. They are often written by scholars, art critics, and artists themselves, and provide valuable insights into the world of visual arts. Free essays on visual arts are an excellent resource for students, artists, and anyone interested in learning more about the field of art.
Giotto di Bondone
Words • 967
Pages • 4
Giotto di Bondone was born at Vespignano, near Florence, in 1276. He died at Florence on January 8, 1337. The son of a peasant, he became the pupil of Cimabue, then later, the head at Florence of a celebrated school of painters. His works include twenty-eight frescoes in the aisle of the upper church of S. Francis d'Assisi, under those by Cimabue; the frescoes on the ceilings of the lower church of S. Francesco d'Assisi, and an altarpiece (according to…...
CultureVisual Arts
What Is the Role of Art in Fashion?
Words • 3188
Pages • 13
What is fashion? Is it art? Is it high art? In the world of fashion and art today, this is a contested question. Many art critics do not see fashion as an equal to the fine arts such as painting and sculpture. Critics have made remarks that fashion design should be “under the heading of vanity for its intent is of no inner value” (Miller 25-40). Edmund Burke and Immanuel Kant both said that fashion is a form of imitation.…...
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What Is the Role of Art in Fashion?
...“We can regard clothes then in two ways: from the point of view of their functional aspect we evaluate them according to those superlative qualities that enable them to fulfill their multiple functions of keeping us warm, giving us erotic appeal, a...
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