Essays on Love

Free essays on love are written by experts and enthusiasts, who explore the different dimensions of human emotions and relationships. These essays vividly describe the emotions, complexities, and dynamics of love experienced by individuals from different cultures, races, and social backgrounds. These essays discuss various aspects and types of love, including romantic love, familial love, platonic love, and self-love. The essays often highlight the significance of love in human life and how it shapes our personalities and social perspectives. Additionally, these essays discuss the challenges and difficulties that arise in love relationships and offer effective solutions to manage them. These essays are available for free on online platforms or academic journals, allowing the readers to explore and gain insight into the fascinating world of love.
Mandolin & Birdsong
Words • 2711
Pages • 11
The following sample essay on Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis De Bernieres and Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks. The two novels I am going to compare are 'Captain Corelli's Mandolin' by Louis De Bernieres and 'Birdsong' by Sebastian Faulks. In this comparison I am going to concentrate on how each author presents the theme of love in the midst of war. 'Captain Corelli's Mandolin' is a novel about the impact of World War Two on Greece as a country and relationships…...
LoveTrench Warfare
Antony and Cleopatra and the poetry of John Donne
Words • 1393
Pages • 6
Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra presents a variety of representations of love, including transcendent and forbidden love. Throughout, Shakespeare expresses an unsurpassed love between them. However through both of their actions, the dramatist creates doubt in the audience’s mind as to whether this love is genuine. Similarly to Shakespeare, John Donne’s poem ‘A Valediction Forbidding Mourning’, explores the idea of transcendental love through separation. In Antony and Cleopatra, Act One, Scene One, Shakespeare introduces us to the protagonists before they appear…...
Antony And CleopatraJohn DonneLiterary GenreLovePoetry
The Mother-Daughter Relationship in Fiction
Words • 1404
Pages • 6
Jeanette's mother is a powerful woman in her home and church and forcibly puts forward her views. She is selfish and ruthless and sulks if God does not concur with her will for destruction - making her an outside target for mockery. Jeanette is a pawn in her mother's "tag match against the rest of the world"  She does not let her maternal role hinder her career in the church. It is only with Jeanette's shock revelation of Lesbianism that…...
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The Picture of Dorian Gray and Enduring Love
Words • 2992
Pages • 12
Throughout the literary ages, the perception of morality and life are constantly evolving to change people’s views on morality. Moral and ethical ideas were once chivalric traditions of honour, but have been changed from humanity’s freedom as individual beings to reject social principles and customs. Oscar Wilde once said ‘I am quite incapable of understanding how any work of art can be criticised from a moral standpoint’1, yet staged as the Machiavellian antagonist within Shakespeare’s masterpiece ‘Othello’, Iago acts on…...
Uncertain Beginnings
Words • 1040
Pages • 5
It didn’t begin as a romance, really. It wasn’t a friendship, either. I don’t really know what to call it, but I do remember the first time I ever saw her. I was young; maybe eleven or twelve. It was so odd that she struck me so much, at first glance. Eleven or twelve is not exactly the age that boys begin admiring girls.  I know I wasn’t looking for a girlfriend. I was outside playing with my buddies, Ricky…...
American Beauty: an Analysis of Lester Burnham and Ricky Fitts
Words • 2804
Pages • 12
Film: History and Form November 17, 2010 American Beauty: An Analysis of Lester Burnham and Ricky Fitts American Beauty, written by Alan Ball and directed by Sam Mendes, invites the viewer to do one thing: look closer. Look closer at life, look closer at your surroundings, look closer at your possessions, and finally look closer at your loved ones. What is integral about the subject matter of the film is how applicable it is to almost anyone who watches it.…...
The Relationship Between Sport and Tourism
Words • 2868
Pages • 12
The relationship between sport and tourism In order to understand the meaning of sport tourism, firstly we need to understand the term sport and tourism. Generally, sport can be defined as “all forms of physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim at expressing or improving physical fitness and mental well-being, forming social relationships or obtaining results in competitions at all levels” (Council Of Europe, 1992). Having said that, sport is actually a form of activity that is participated…...
Essay Love Canal
Words • 2485
Pages • 10
The case of Love Canal is one of the most tragic and well-known instances of environmental injustice in the history of the United States. Historically, blame has been placed upon the company that has since been held legally responsible for the wastes present in the area. Once one dives deeper into the issue, however, it can be seen that there are various deceptions that lie underneath what the media has reported regarding the disaster. In addition to discovering where true…...
Couple Interview – Marital Challenges
Words • 1454
Pages • 6
I interviewed John and Cindy about their marriage and the challenges they’ve faced together as a married couple. I am encouraged by their relationship and have decided to use their relationship as a model for my second interview. John and Cindy have been married for almost 5 years. In addition to this union, there is McKenna, Cindy’s son. They are a blended family, of course, and are part of the more modern structure of families in our society. When reflecting…...
ChallengesExperienceHuman NatureLoveMarriageMoney
Justice: Aeneid vs Old Testament vs New Testament
Words • 8786
Pages • 36
The Aeneid, a poem written before the era of Christ and Christianity, has been argued to be a precursor to the values of Christianity, much as the Old Testament is a precursor to the New Testament. While the Aeneid does not explicitly lay out these values, scholars have interpreted the text otherwise. Some scholars have made claims arguing for the connection between The Aeneid and The New Testament, finding their evidence in other works of literature, especially Dante Alighieri’s The…...
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