Essays on Bipolar Disorder

Free essays on Bipolar Disorder are written by professionals, students or individuals who are interested in the subject matter. These essays provide an in-depth exploration of bipolar disorder, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options. The essays cover the impact on the patients, the caregivers, and the society in general. They also include recommendations for management techniques, therapies, and medications. The essays offer valuable information for those seeking a better understanding of this condition and its effects on individuals and society as a whole.
The Effects of Bipolar Disorder on the Human Brain and Behavior
Words • 574
Pages • 3
When thinking of a mental disorder, does psychology come to one's mind? Psychology is the scientific study of consciousness and how those components combine to result in our conscious experience. Psychology has allowed psychologist to form different types of studies. Psychopathology is the study of psychological disorders, including their symptoms and treatment. When a person has a psychological disorder, it is characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Bi-Polar I Disorder also known as Mania or Manic Depression is a…...
Bipolar Disorder
Study Shows Bipolar Disorder Can Be Attributed to Heredity
Words • 481
Pages • 2
A Bipolar Disorder is Caused from Hereditary In today's society, more people are diagnosed with a bipolar disorder that in past generations. A bipolar disorder is when someone has mood swings that can range from very low or really high such as depression. In an online article it mentions, “More than two-thirds of people with bipolar disorder have at least one close relative with the illness or with unipolar major depression, indicating that the disease has a heritable component (DBSA,…...
Bipolar Disorder
Forms of Bipolar Disorder Among Students: Importance of Awareness & Treatment
Words • 716
Pages • 3
With regards to accurately listing as well as defining and effectively explaining some of the most common characteristics which are attributed to students whom are diagnosed with behavior disorders quite frequently, the list overlaps. To briefly explain this "overlapping" this essentially means that in effect, multiple mental health/behavioral disorders oftentimes shares several of the same characteristics, symptoms, and qualities). For example, the behavior disorder known as Bi polar Disorder can present itself in two different forms of the illness that…...
Bipolar Disorder
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Women with Bipolar Disorder in American Prisons: Medication Compliance
Words • 913
Pages • 4
The article that I chose was about a study regarding medication adherence among female inmates with bipolar disorder. The objective of the study was to find the percentage of incarcerated females with bipolar disorder that do and do not adhere to their medications. The researchers formed a hypothesis which stated that the percentage of the studied females with non-adherence to their medications would be between 20% and 50%. They also hypothesized that medication adherence would increase over time as the…...
Bipolar Disorder
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