Essays on Bermuda Triangle

Free essays on Bermuda Triangle are informative articles that provide detailed information about the mysterious region known as the Bermuda Triangle, including its location, history, and legends associated with its disappearance of many ships and planes. These essays analyze various theories that attempt to solve the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, such as natural phenomena, human error, and supernatural or extraterrestrial activity. They also discuss the efforts made by researchers and organizations to investigate the region and uncover its secrets. Overall, these essays offer a fascinating exploration of one of the world's most enduring mysteries.
The Mystery Surrounding the Waters of the Bermuda Triangle
Words • 457
Pages • 2
For years, many planes and ships have disappeared in the area of the bermuda triangle. The bermuda triangle is an area of the world located to the Southeast of the United States and it is also referred to as the "Devil's Triangle." The triangle is formed by drawing imaginary lines from Melbourne, Florida, to Bermuda, to Puerto Rico, and back to Melbourne. One of the many tales about the Bermuda Triangle is that there has never been any wreckage or…...
Bermuda TriangleGeologyNature
The Legendary Bermuda Triangle
Words • 2065
Pages • 9
Bermuda A legendary triangle of Ocean lies between 3 countries upon the Atlantic Ocean. The Cities are Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Fort Lauderdale. Ships, people and airplanes have been reported mysteriously disappearing off the face of the earth whilst travelling inside this triangle. It soon acquired the name Devils Triangle owing to peoples superstitions that the devil was at play on this stretch of ocean and gobbling up weary and lost travelers with great delight, but what actually was at…...
AviationBermuda TriangleTransport
An Analysis of the Disappearances of the Bermuda Triangle
Words • 1328
Pages • 6
Is the really a place where strange powers are at work? The is a very complex and mystifying area that is noted for a high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small boats, and aircraft. From reading this paper one will learn geographic features of the famous disappearances, and possible explanations for them. There is a section of the western Atlantic, off the southeast coast of the United States, forming what has been termed a triangle. It extends from Bermuda…...
Bermuda TriangleDisastersWater Transport
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The Unsolved Mysterious Disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle
Words • 1320
Pages • 6
Have you ever heard of the mysterious disappearances in the Devil's triangle, the unsolved mystery that leaves many people oblivious as to how it has taken away the lives of countless amounts of humans? Is the legend true and is there something extraordinary truly going on, or is it just the imagination of tired, jet lagged people. Perhaps it could be the work of attention seekers? For all we know, any of these could be right! What is the Bermuda…...
Bermuda TriangleOceanWater Transport
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