Similar to the topic of abortion, gay marriage is one of the most controversial subjects present around the world. There are many valid arguments from both the “ban gay marriages” and the pro-gay marriage side, I, for one, think that gay marriages should be legalized because the couple has the right to choose, they may not have chosen to be gay, and it does not trouble others. I think that gay marriages should be legalized because the individuals have the right to choose who they marry.
Firstly, it a man can marry a woman, there is no reason why he cannot marry another man. There are no written rules as to whether an individual can be married to another of the same sex. Some may argue that marrying someone of the same sex is a sin, but those religious rules should only be applied to the people that believe in them, and not to everyone. The couple deserves the right to choose whether or not they gay married, which is why I believe that gay marriages should be legalized I think that gay marriages should be legalized because the individuals may not have chosen to become homosexual.
Some individuals may have been born homosexual genetically, which means that they generally find others of the same sex more attractive than the people of the opposite sex.
This is a factor that cannot be prevented, such as one’s skin colour. If gay marriage is illegal, the people that are genetically homosexual will not be able to get married in their lifetimes because they were born that way, and are unlikely to fall in love with people of the opposite sex. The fact that some individuals may not have chosen to become homosexual is one of the reasons I think that gay marriages should be legalized. I think that gay marriages should be legalized because it does not trouble the others in the society, The presence of a gay couple is not a potential threat towards anyone else in a society The complaints are either from people who dislike seeing gay couples around in the society, or from religious people who claim that gay marriage is a sin.
The people that cannot stand seeing gay couples around do not make a valid argument because it is just the same as one disliking another because he/she looks ugly, 0n the other hand, the religious people should keep their religious views to themselves or others of the same religion, because a random gay couple marrying has nothing to do with them Gay marriages should be legalized because they do not trouble others within the society I think that gay marriages should be legalized because the couple has the right to choose, they may not have chosen to be gay, and it does not trouble otherst Firstly, a homosexual man or woman should be able to choose who they want to marry, even if he/she is of the same sex because they have the right to do so Secondly, some individuals may have been born gay, meaning that they did not choose whether to be gay or not. Lastly, gay couples do not pose a threat to the society, and religious views should be kept amongst themselves. It will be long before the subject of gay marriage is solved because of the many different arguments presents.
Favor of Legalizing Gay Marriage in Society. (2022, Oct 22). Retrieved from