Extraterrestrial Life

Blake Funkhouser Elizabeth Collins ENG-111-005 12 November 2018 Blake Funkhouser Elizabeth Collins ENG-111-005 12 November 2018 Extraterrestrial life on earth Have you ever looked in the sky at night and seen little-flashing lights and ever think to yourself, is that a UFO? Many scientists have tried to find an answer to whether aliens (tall creatures with green body’sbodies and big heads with big eyes) are real or just another myth. Area 51 is a place in the desert that is highly guarded by our US military and is said to be a testing site for aliens and extraterrestrial life.

“In 1996, the state of Nevada renamed Route 375 as the ‘Extraterrestrial Highway,’ and destinations such as the Alien Research Center and the Little A’Le’Inn’ (Blitz). There are said to have been many sightings and close encounters with aliens and other ghostly things. “Conspiracy theorists believe that the remains of crashed UFO spacecrafts are stored at Area 51, an Air Force base about 150 miles from Las Vegas, where government scientists reverse-engineer the aliens’ highly advanced technology” (Time).

This leaves us with one of the most asked questions, is extraterrestrial life even real and why are we so eager to believe in it? The answer is yes, extraterrestrial life also known as alien life is real and it could be a problem.

Our government has played a very big role in us questioning whether extraterrestrial life is real or just a conspiracy. On July 2, 1947, in Roswell, New Mexico there was said to have been a UFO crash landing in a small field.

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Before anyone could check it out it had been recovered and taken away by the government. “The next day those startling media pronouncements were suddenly transformed into puzzling accounts that the air force has been mistaken. The supposed UFO was merely the scattered debris from a fallen weather balloon” (B. Steiger and S. Steiger 459 ). To many people, this was very strange because how could you mistake a large UFO for a small balloon that has a couple of strings and floats in the air. After this many people started to question whether or not our government was telling the truth or lying straight to our faces. This is what started not one, but many of our government’s cover-ups. On July 26, 1952, another UFO sighting had made the news, and these strange UFOs were seen over the top of the white house in Washington D.C. “The mysterious objects were detected on civilian and military radar screens, and fighter planes were dispatched to investigate. Exactly fifty years later to the day, July 26, 2002, the North American Aerospace Defense Command scrathey mbled two Air National Guard F-16 jets out of an Air Force Base to investigate unknown aerial craft over the nation’s capital. On each occasion, the UFO raid was explained as a natural phenomenon” (B. Steiger and S. Steiger 460). A natural phenomenon is something that is not human-made and just happens. Some examples would be volcanos, sunrises, and ocean waves. There are many explanations for why our government is covering up these alien-like sightings. One reason for it is what will people do if they hear or see on the news that there have been sightings of alien invaders on our planet? will they panic, or will all be the same? Our government is afraid of people panicking and trying to avoid as much controversy as possible.

The government believes that people will panic because they haven’t ever seen something like this and they don’t want to interfere with the business aspect of the U.S. The government is smart enough to know that releasing information about aliens could cause lots of havoc and possibly ruin the world. Conspiracy theories have drawn many people in by stating that there is something else beyond our earth that we don’t know of, known as extraterrestrial life. SheffieldA conspiracy theory is a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event. Many people are interested in conspiracy because they seem somewhat real which they are. One conspiracy theory states that “millions of men and women are being abducted by extraterrestrials and forced to endure medical examinations aboard spaceships to determine their eligibility for alien-human crossbreeding experiments. Preparatory to a global invasion of Earth, aliens are creating hybrids to serve as a fifth column ( a group within a country at war who are sympathetic to work for another group or the enemies) within the human population” (B. Steiger and S. Steiger 9). People are so eager to believe in this because it is interesting, and it breaks all the laws of science which is what we rely on in this world. In 1995 an alien autopsy tape was released to the public by two men with the name of Ray Santilli and Gary Shoefield. This tape sparked a lot of controversy in the media. The day it was released, it was aired on the tv three times and attracted millions of viewers. The so-called alien autopsy tape showed three men in hazmat suits (a suit that covers the whole body to protect it) around an alien corpse that was recovered from a UFO crash. The three men used different tools to dissect the extraterrestrial creature in different places. This conspiracy was one of the most talked-about theories and still is. This shows how conspiracy theories can draw a person into believing that there are aliens out there.

The internet has sparked an interest in people today. Most people like to believe in weird things and be on the skeptical side. If you were scrolling online and you came across two articles one titled aliens and UFOs found in the US today, and the other titled a dog that was rescued, which one would you choose? Most people would choose the article about aliens and UFOs, not because they don’t like dogs, but because we like to read about things that are weird and fun. The internet is one of the causes of so many people believing in extraterrestrial life. Every day there is something new on the internet and whether or not it’s right or wrong people like to believe it. The reason for people believing in extraterrestrial life is because of what they read on the internet. Adam Dachis states that “when presented with the option of fact-checking every statement made by a politician or newscaster, our brains just make a snap decision because it is easier” (Dachis). As technology increases people start to believe more and more things. Technology has greatly increased over the past couple of years, it has allowed us to see what is in space and see if there is extraterrestrial life out there. With technology, we have figured out that there are more planets out there than just earth, but what is on them. Scientists have studied this for many years and still haven’t figured it out, which brings up the question of alien life on them. Many people believe that since we live on earth, then there is something else we don’t know about living on other planets. Alien life is very much real and has caused many problems in today’s world. Scientists have proved that alien life is real so why don’t people believe? There is a variety of reasons why people don’t believe.

They may say that there is no reason to believe in aliens because there is nothing to gain from it. Another reason could be fear, fear may contribute to a reason for people not believing that aliens are real because they are scared. The government has led people to believe in extraterrestrial life by covering up UFO sightings like the one in Roswell. Conspiracy theories have convinced people to believe that aliens are real by giving examples of extraterrestrial sittings that have happened all over the world. Not only do people like to learn about new things, but they also like to believe in everything weird and fun like aliens. People need to believe in aliens, so they know what to do when we do come into contact with them and prevent people from panicking on the earth and turning into something bigger than it is. Works cited Steiger, Brad, and Sherry Steiger. The Complete Dossier. Omnigraphics, 2012. Time Inc. Area 51 and the aliens. Time Inc, www.content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article. Accessed 31 Oct. 2018. Blitz, Matt. The real story behind the myth of Area 51. Popular Mechanics, 14 Sep. 2017, www.popularmechanics.com/military/research. Accessed 7 Nov. 2018. Dachis, Adam. Why do you believe almost everything you read or watch on TV. Lifehacker, 22 Oct. 2012, www.lifehacker.com. Accessed 9 Nov. 2018. Have you ever looked in the sky at night and seen little-flashing lights and ever think to yourself, is that a UFO? Many scientists have tried to find an answer to whether aliens (tall creatures with green bodies and big heads with big eyes) are real or just another myth. Area 51 is a place in the desert that is highly guarded by our US military and is said to be a testing site for aliens and extraterrestrial life.

“In 1996, the state of Nevada renamed Route 375 as the ‘Extraterrestrial Highway,’ and destinations such as the Alien Research Center and the Little A’Le’Inn’ (Blitz). There are said to have been many sightings and close encounters with aliens and other ghostly things. “Conspiracy theorists believe that the remains of crashed UFO spacecrafts are stored at Area 51, an Air Force base about 150 miles from Las Vegas, where government scientists reverse-engineer the aliens’ highly advanced technology” (Time). This leaves us with one of the most asked questions, is extraterrestrial life even real and why are we so eager to believe in it? The answer is yes, extraterrestrial life also known as alien life is real and it could be a problem. Our government has played a very big role in us questioning whether extraterrestrial life is real or just a conspiracy. On July 2, 1947, in Roswell, New Mexico there was said to have been a UFO crash landing in a small field. Before anyone could check it out it had been recovered and taken away by the government. “The next day those startling media pronouncements were suddenly transformed into puzzling accounts that the air force has been mistaken. The supposed UFO was merely the scattered debris from a fallen weather balloon” (B. Steiger and S. Steiger 459 ). To many people, this was very strange because how could you mistake a large UFO for a small balloon that has a couple of strings and floats in the air. After this many people started to question whether or not our government was telling the truth or lying straight to our faces. This is what started not one, but many of our government’s cover-ups. On July 26, 1952, another UFO sighting had made the news, and these strange UFOs were seen over the top of the white house in Washington D.C.

“The mysterious objects were detected on civilian and military radar screens, and fighter planes were dispatched to investigate. Exactly fifty years later to the day, July 26, 2002, the North American Aerospace Defense Command scrambled two Air National Guard F-16 jets out of an Air Force Base to investigate unknown aerial craft over the nation’s capital. On each occasion, the UFO raid was explained as a natural phenomenon” (B. Steiger and S. Steiger 460). A natural phenomenon is something that is not human-made and just happens. Some examples would be volcanos, sunrises, and ocean waves. There are many explanations for why our government is covering up these alien-like sightings. One reason for it is what will people do if they hear or see on the news that there have been sightings of alien invaders on our planet? will they panic, or will they all be the same? Our government is afraid of people panicking and trying to avoid as much controversy as possible. The government believes that people will panic because they haven’t ever seen something like this and they don’t want to interfere with the business aspect of the U.S. The government is smart enough to know that releasing information about aliens could cause lots of havoc and possibly ruin the world. Conspiracy theories have drawn many people in by stating that there is something else beyond our earth that we don’t know of, known as extraterrestrial life. A conspiracy theory is a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event. Many people are interested in conspiracy because they seem somewhat real which they are. One conspiracy theory states that “millions of men and women are being abducted by extraterrestrials and forced to endure medical examinations aboard spaceships to determine their eligibility for alien-human crossbreeding experiments. Preparatory to a global invasion of Earth, aliens are creating hybrids to serve as a fifth column ( a group within a country at war who are sympathetic to work for another group or the enemies) within the human population” (B. Steiger and S. Steiger 9).

People are so eager to believe in this because it is interesting, and it breaks all the laws of science which is what we rely on in this world. In 1995 an alien autopsy tape was released to the public by two men with the name of Ray Santilli and Gary Sheffield. This tape sparked a lot of controversy in the media. The day it was released, it was aired on the tv three times and attracted millions of viewers. The so-called alien autopsy tape showed three men in hazmat suits (a suit that covers the whole body to protect it) around an alien corpse that was recovered from a UFO crash. The three men used different tools to dissect the extraterrestrial creature in different places. This conspiracy was one of the most talked-abouabout theories and still is. This shows how conspiracy theories can really draw a person into believing that there are aliens out there. The internet has sparked an interest in people today. Most people like to believe in weird things and be on the skeptical side. If you were scrolling online and you came across two articles one titled aliens and UFOs found in the US today, and the other titled a dog that was rescued, which one would you choose? Most people would choose the article about aliens and UFOs, not because they don’t like dogs, but because we like to read about things that are weird and fun. The internet is one of the causes of so many people believing in extraterrestrial life. Every day there is something new on the internet and whether or not it’s right or wrong people like to believe it. The reason for people believing in extraterrestrial life is because of what they read on the internet. Adam Dachis states that “when presented with the option of fact-checking every statement made by a politician or newscaster, our brains just make a snap decision because it is easier” (Dachis). As technology increases people start to believe more and more things. Technology has greatly increased over the past couple of years, it has allowed us to see what is in space and t see if there is extraterrestrial life out there.

With technology, we have figured out that there are more planets out there thanhaven’t just earth, but what is on them. Scientists have studied this for many years and still hasn’t figured it out, which brings up the question of alien life on them. Many people believe that since we live on earth, then there is something else we don’t know about living on other planets. Alien life is very much real and has caused many problems in today’s world. Scientists have proved that alien life is real so why don’t people believe? There is a variety of reasons why people don’t believe. They may say that there is no reason to believe in aliens because there is nothing to gain from it. Another reason could be fear, fear may contribute to a reason for people not believing that aliens are real because they are scared. The government has led people to believe in extraterrestrial life by covering up UFO sightings like the one in Roswell. Conspiracy’sConspiracy theories have convinced people to believe that aliens are real by giving examples of extraterrestrial sittings that have happened all over the world. Not only do people like to learn about new things, but they also like to believe in everything weird and fun like aliens. People need to believe in aliens, so they know what to do when we do come into contact with them and prevent people from panicking from g on the earth and turning into something bigger than it is.

Works cited

  1. Steiger, Brad, and Sherry Steiger. The Complete Dossier. Omnigraphics, 2012.
  2. Time Inc. Area 51 and the aliens. Time Inc, www.content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article.
  3. Accessed 31 Oct. 2018. Blitz, Matt. The real story behind the myth of Area 51.
  4. Popular Mechanics, 14 Sep. 2017, www.popularmechanics.com/military/research. Accessed 7 Nov. 2018.
  5. Dachis, Adam. Why you do believe almost everything you read or watch on TV. Lifehacker, 22 Oct. 2012, www.lifehacker.com. Accessed 9 Nov. 2018.

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Extraterrestrial Life. (2022, May 11). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/extraterrestrial-life/

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