E-Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic:

The aim of this research paper is to find out students perceptions regarding E-learning during COVID-19 pandemic. The research helpful to know the student’s perceptions related to advance technology of E- leaning and various online platforms of learning. The research data was collected through structured questionnaire. Almost 50 respondents gave opinion about E- learning. The result of research indicates that majority of students prefer E- learning & zoom platform for online learning.


E-learning is use of various technologies for study through internet.

Online learning applications, software, Google platforms are used for e learning. E-learning minimizes the interaction gap between teachers & students during COVID-19. Students can study at their own place & free from paying travel cost. E-learning is new process of delivering education to students.


  • To study preferences of students for different modes of learning
  •  To analyze the best platform of E-learning among students.
  •  To evaluate features of E-learning for benefits of students.
  •  To study the comfortness of students of E-learning.


The research design used in this study was Exploratory. After selecting the research design, next important step is data collection. Following are the basic types of data. Primary Data: Primary data are collected by filling questioner to know about the E-Learning systems present in different institutions. Sample survey method was used for the collection of primary data. Secondary Data: Secondary data were collected from research journals and websites.

In sample design some sample from population had been selected. There are two types of sample design.

  1. Random sampling
  2. Non random sampling.

This sample is more representative than non random sampling. In this sampling, every member of population has probability more than zero of being selected for sample.

Data analysis has been done by tabulation, percentage method charts for getting full conclusion with the help of graphical method by using Microsoft excel and Google chart.


V.D.Soni (2020) from Campbellsville University presented a research paper on global impact of E learning during COVID-19. This paper concluded that during this pandemic situation there is a shift from regular class room learning methods to E learning methods. The paper provides perception into the process of E learning & its advantages. The global crises have indicated the importance of E learning during COVID-19 pandemic situation. In the absence of E learning platforms education would have come to sudden stop.


Data was interpreted based on responses given by different respondent from different institutions. The sample size of this study was 50. The analysis was done based on questionnaire filled by different respondent and accordingly findings were prepared.


From the study it was concluded that students from various institutes support E-learning activities rather than classroom learning during COVID-19 pandemic. They believe that online learning platform is helpful to increase knowledge of certain topics. Without any hesitation interaction between students & teachers is possible.Students perceived that they can learn from home without any pressure. New learning technology enhance students skills towards digitalization of learning methodology. During COVID-19 pandemic, E-learning is only way for students to real time interaction with teachers over the internet include live lectures.


  •  E-learning is important gateway for learning during COVID-19 pandemic. Various online platforms have to be developed for online learning.
  •  Institutes designed some of the online courses in such a way that students can learn at home.
  • E-learning tools should be designed such that it should be a bridge between teachers & students.


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  2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342318792_Global_Impact_of_E-learning_during_COVID_19
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E-Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic:. (2022, Apr 24). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/e-learning-during-covid-19-pandemic/

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