Conclusion Given the importance of learning foreign languages


Given the importance of learning foreign languages to adults and their need to develop their language skills in this study, we tried to analyze and understand more about this process, about education psychology and more specifically perceptions and attitudes of the two groups of actors for this ever-changing process. We have tried to provide our assistance in a field that requires further research, with regard to the approaches and strategies used in teaching.

According to sociology of education and according to Charlot, Bautier (Botie) and Rochex (Rosheks) (1992, 29), it is necessary to share the knowledge report with the school report.

They are a relation of feelings, values, between an individual (and a group) to processes and products of knowledge as well as situations and persons.

Improving teaching is a process that requires and goes through many stages, and is about awareness, planning, implementation, and reflection. Good ideas come from talented people working together. Clear requirements are set and then work is centralized.

Using active methods, placing an adult student at the center of learning, where he or she takes decisions, is very important. Most of the pedagogical literature deals with the teaching of foreign languages at younger and younger ages. It is thought that more scholars who teach foreign language, general or specific language, are required to have much to do with their practical experience and in-depth studies to further enrich the teaching methodology with the ages of increased.

In conclusion, the objectives set out in the planning of learning and activities are not mandatory to apply as it does to the subject objectives.

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This means that the teacher can plan those goals he feels most appropriate for students to manage the class, taking into account the diversity of students. He always takes care to set goals that facilitate and improve student learning in formal learning. Classroom management consists mainly of its physical and social aspect and it is the responsibility of the teacher and the student to provide and protect it so that it is more effective for successful learning development, including all the student’s social classes.

From the paper we came to a conclusion that interactive games are very necessary to help children learn English and to make the subject more beautiful and enjoyable for children.



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Conclusion Given the importance of learning foreign languages
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