Ansel Adams - The Art Story


Ansel Adams’ last legacy includes helping to raise photography to art like painting and music equally expressing emotion and beauty. Ansel Adams helped influenced California by making photography a better thing. Because of his pictures, photography became more interesting. Adams printed many negatives so he could satisfy the demand for his beloved works. This report will be discussed the theoretically excellent report that evidences a strong knowledge of the history of photography and it may have a positive argument in how his effort had contributed to today’s world.

He faced challenges, in his childhood, and more. Adams is a real hero. He is truly a photographer of beauty.


Ansel Adams was a landscape photographer and environmentalist. He knew with his black and white photography. His full name is Ansel Easton Adam and his name was taken from the name of his uncle. Adams was born in San Francisco, California. The Adams family came from New England, having migrated from Northern Ireland during the early 18th century.

He is the only son of Charles Hitchcock Adams and Olive Bray Adams. Adam grew up in a place called Golden Gate. His father was a businessman and he is also a grandchild of a timber baron. At the age of four, Adam was thrown to the ground and broke his nose and he was forced to undergo surgery due to the aftershock of the great earthquake and fire. There is also the distinct possibility that he may be suffering from dyslexia.

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In childhood, Adam was a person who loves to be alone. Ansel Adam always feels happy when he strolls at Golden Gate because he can enjoy nature. Adam also played music and when he was twelve he taught himself to play the piano and read music. Adam through various obstacles in his education. His father lost his business and caused his grandfather to die. Ansel was dismissed from several private schools for being restless and inattentive, so his father decided to remove him from school in 1915 at age 12 after that, his father and his aunt named Mary take a turn giving him a private tutor. After that, Adam eventually resumed and then completed his formal education by attending Mrs. Kate M. Wilkins Private School, graduating from his eighth grade on June 8, 1917. Adams was very close to his father, but he had a distant relationship with his mother, who did not approve of his interest in photography.

Ansel Adams made various important contributions to America. His main accomplishment was the development of The Zone System of developing which rationalized the relationship between exposure, development, and resulting densities in the photographic negative. In the system he created, it became possible to have different color shades of black, white, and grey. It is an approach to a standardized way of working that guarantees a correct exposure in every situation, even in the trickiest lighting conditions such as backlighting, the extreme difference between light and shadow areas of a scene, and many similar conditions that are most likely going to throw off your camera’s metering that giving you a completely incorrect exposure. But, perhaps most importantly, we believe that he made photography popular in America. Whenever we go through the mall and see the stands with calendars, we will almost always find an Ansel Adams calendar there. Adams taught these techniques to thousands of amateur photographers through his workshops and publications, such as the Morgan and Morgan Basic Photo Series. He produced several volumes of technical manuals on photography.

Another positive argument that Adams has contributed to today’s photography era was that Ansel Adams discusses his thoughts on the destruction of the environment and his work to protect it through photography. His belief in the possibility of humankind living in harmony with the environment was illuminated through his artwork and worked to strengthen other environmental efforts. Adams also worked hard at promoting the preservation of wilderness lands in America as an environmentalist. Ansel Adams’s unparalleled photographic skills coupled with a deep passion for defending the integrity of the natural world made Adams one of the greatest environmental artists in American history. Today, Mount Ansel Adams sits in Yosemite Valley, immortalizing the life of one of the world’s greats.

Ansel Adams contributed to today’s photography era was his strong interest in landscape photography. His photography artworks inspire an appreciation for natural beauty and conservation that has been communicated down the generations. Ansel Adams’s ambition was not simply to record the landscape, but to capture his emotional and spiritual response to the wild areas that he loved very deeply. He took pictures at various times throughout the day and this year, capturing the light and atmosphere of landscape change. The results are spectacular because there are an emotional charge and passion shine through the prints with an intensity that is as powerful today as it was more than 60 years ago. His grand, highly detailed images originated from his interest in the natural environment. His black-and-white photographs were not only pure documents but rather reflected his sublime experience of it as a spiritual place.

In conclusion, Ansel Adams is a great figure and needs to be emulated by other photographers in this modern era. Adams received several awards during his lifetime and there have been several awards named for him. Adams’s photography artwork called The Tetons and the Snake River was one of the 115 images recorded on the Voyager Golden Record aboard the Voyager spacecraft. These images were selected to convey information about humans, plants and animals, and the geological features of the Earth to a possible civilization. Ansel Adams also thought us to appreciate all kinds of nature around us.

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Ansel Adams - The Art Story. (2022, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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