My Education Philosophy for Diverse Students

Topics: Teaching

As a teacher, my goal and purpose will most likely be similar to every other teachers’ goal in the world; for our students to succeed. Going into the Education profession is not something you would take lightly, you are not the only one involve, now there are others; students, To my understanding, teachers are the backbone to education, without teachers‘ students are not able to attend school, students will not able to gain knowledge, and studenm will not be able to socialize, There cannot be any school if there are no teachers Teachers teach in order for students to gain knowledge, and prepare them for future endeavors.

Therefore, teachers have to prepare proper lessons or curriculum in order for them to teach, we cannotjust show up and decide to teach a certain subject based on a whim, there is proper preparation that needs to be done. Preparing a lesson plan can be either exciting or exhausting {or a teacher, but one thing remains the same; it is not easy.

Education is not just for students; teachers are also still being educated even though they hold such advanced position in education. We cannot teach a lesson unless we understand and familiarize ourselves with such lesson, as Barbara Licklider mentioned, “the good teacher must know her subjects, and how to help students learn those subjects”. There is so much data that we have to analyze and assess before we finalize our decision and think; this is it; this is worth knowing. While working on our lesson plans, we also have to put into consideration the diversity of our students and environment, whether they have disabilities or not, they all have to be considered in the lesson prepared.

As a teacher I don’t believe in isolation and neglecting students just because they are incapable to perform on the same level as others This is why we do inclusive lesson plans, not to neglect, but to include students with special needs so they are not left out. Not only is the lesson important to the students and a teacher, the environment is also one of the most important priorities for students to feel safe and welcome I believe in a welcoming environment for students, it gets their focus away from being nervous because of new surroundings, to being excited and motivated For my classroom, because I teach Pre- schoolers, my classroom is very vibrant and welcoming Because of their age, our classroom has their anwork on the works; colorful accents all around the classroom, learning centers and manipulatives are at their disposalt I have nursery rhyme music playing every morning as they arrive; they have morning routines and morning centers to keep them occupied before school starts.

Our daily lessons have music, crafts, and technology implemented just to keep it fun. At the end of the day, they also afternoon routine before getting ready to go home, and it is such a joy and an accomplishment to myself when they get so excited and call out “see you tomorrow Mst Tava!“ Teaching at Pacific Horizons School has given me the opportunity to expand my knowledge and understanding on diversity Our school is so diverse that it never gets boring. Over the years of being a teacher at Pacific Horizons School, I have taught Fijians, Togans, Samoans. Tokelauans. Canadians, Chinese, Taiwanese, Koreans, Filipinos, and Caucasians (Palagi). With the diverse ethnicities, my lesson had to be modified because of language barrier, but while I was trying to teach them, at the same time, they were trying to teach me. Getting them to the level of understanding wanted did not matter anymore, I found that to get them to my level, I had to understand their level too, so together, we both had to find a middle ground or familiar ground to where we both understand each other.

This reminds me of what Licklider mentioned: The good teacher knows and understands students, how they develop and learn. I know that students actively construct and transform their own knowledge based on past experiences and prior learning, lknow that students do not all learn in the same way or at the same rate I believe it is my responsibility as a teacher to be an effective diagnostician ofstudents’interests, abilities, and prior knowledge. I must then plan learning experiences that will both challenge and allow every student to think and grow. Because our student population is so diverse, our way of teaching has to maneuver to accompany and assist each student. Lecturing and pointing lingers is not enough, especially with the age group I teach, what really gets their attention and helps them is hands on learning. The language barrier will not be such a disadvantage anymore if they experience what they are learning.

Hearing English is already out of most of their comlort zone, but change will happen, they will hear and receive if they have the means, hands on materials to assist them in their learning. I guess this is why I favor and agree with Pragmatism philosophy “For Pragmatists, teaching methods focus on hands-on problem solving, experimenting, and projects, often having students work in groups”. Students can hear the truth, but they need to relate and put into action such thoughts, and be in control of their belief to prove if said truth is actually true. They will not only hear it; they will also be able to investigate and assess on their own. Education is not limited to what the teacher wants the students to learn, the teachers should also be open to correction and understanding to work together with students To be able to not only teach, but to assist as they put their gained knowledge into action.

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My Education Philosophy for Diverse Students. (2023, Mar 21). Retrieved from

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